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"Yohohohoho, yohohohoho, I'll deliver Binks' wine to your side, like the sea breeze doing whatever it wants, riding the wind and breaking the waves..."

On the Black Crow, Rollin sang loudly, and a song of fine wine by Binks was melodious under Gan Wuzhuo's light and crisp sound.

Although the skills are not superb, but he sang his own heroism.

At this moment, he was alone on the Black Raven, heading towards Marin Vanduo.

As for the body of the golden lion Shiji, Luo Lin buried it on the remaining Luodong Island.

This can be regarded as one of the few acts of kindness by Luo Lin. Although Luo Lin looked down on his last act of taking drugs for the Golden Lion, in terms of his fighting style, it is enough to explain the legend of the Golden Lion.

"May you sleep peacefully, and don't meet me again in the next life, or I will send you to hell!"

Having said that, Luo Lin looked at Yingshi and Muku who were put aside.

"Although I didn't look at the head of the golden lion, but putting these two swords in front of Zhan Guo and Garp should still be able to achieve the same effect."

Well, Rowling admitted that he just didn't want to chop off the head of the golden lion.

Think about it, such long hair, how troublesome it is, it is not as easy as carrying two swords representing the golden lion.

Luo Lin yawned and walked towards his room, "I can finally sleep well."

Two weeks later, after the Black Crow avoided three extreme weathers on its own, Rollin finally arrived on top of Marin Fand.

Before coming to Marin Vanduo, Rowling informed Zhan Guo that there was an important discovery, and asked Zhan Guo to convene all high-level officials for a meeting in the conference room.

If it was someone else, Zhan Guo might just ignore him, but the person who said this was Luo Lin.

In the view of the Warring States Period, although Luo Lin has a weird personality, he is jealous of evil and should not talk nonsense about such a big matter, so he summoned all the high-level officials in Marin Fando.

In the conference room, Sengoku sat at the main seat, next to him were Karp, Lieutenant General Crane, Zefa, Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu...

"Ah, I don't know that the black crow gathered us together, what did they find? I'm really curious~"

Everyone ignored the talking yellow ape, but instead looked at the Warring States Period.

"The black crow has just arrived at the port, and I believe he should be able to arrive soon at his speed."

While Sengoku was speaking, Akakenu and Aokiji suddenly stood up from their seats. They felt an extremely powerful slash. When they were about to stop the slash, the slash suddenly turned into Luo Lin's. figure.

This is exactly the modified version of the Flying Thunder God Art that Luo Lin burst out of the system!

"Hey, what do you two want to do? Fight? Okay, we can compete when we have time. By the way, find a place with a lot of people."

As for why it is a crowded place, of course it is because I want to explode the equipment!

"Rowling, stop making trouble, what did you find out?"

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Luo Lin stopped teasing these two people. After finding a place to sit down, Luo Lin said to himself: "Master Marshal, do you still remember that when I was on vacation, you asked me to stop by?" Do you want to go to Luodong Island to have a look? I was very concerned about the words of the Marshal, so I gave up the temptation of vacation and went straight to Luodong Island..."

"Say the point!"

Sengoku didn't believe Luo Lin's words.

"Cough, cough, okay~" Luo Lin was not angry when Zhan Guo interrupted him to brag, after all, even he himself felt a little blushing.

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In the conference room, Zhan Guo patted the table and stood up from the chair, with a shocked expression: "What are you talking about! Golden Lion! Are you sure it's the Golden Lion Shiji?!"

Luo Lin nodded, and said to Warring States: "As for the legendary pirate, I can be sure, at least the fruit ability will not be mistaken, it is indeed the ability of Piao Piao fruit!"

"What is the golden lion doing on Luodong Island?" Zhan Guo's face was very serious, it was enough to see that he took this matter very seriously.

"According to my investigation, he should be dealing with some SIQ medicine."

"Is it still hovering over Luodong Island?"

Akainu was very concerned about the situation of Shiji the Golden Lion, and asked Luo Lin quickly.

Luo Lin shook his head and said, "The golden lion is gone now."

"Not here anymore?" Akaken's face changed, and he asked: "General Black Crow! As a general, you didn't search for the golden lion's trace and report with a phone bug, but came back to call a high-level meeting. Are you scared? "

"Afraid? In my dictionary, there has never been such a word."

Rollin shrugged, looking at Akainu's black face, Rollin didn't take it to heart at all.

"Hmph!" Akaken asked himself that he could not fight Luo Lin, "I thought you were like me, but now I feel ashamed to sit with you. Where did the golden lion leave?"

Everyone was listening attentively, listening to Luo Lin's reply.

Luo Lin looked around the crowd with a smile, then pointed to the ground, and said, "He's down there now!"

"Next! What! You mean that the Golden Lion is now in Marin Fando." Warring States, which was relatively peaceful at first, was almost shocked to the point of being speechless after hearing Luo Lin's words.

If this is the case, the Warring States felt that the only way left was to go to war.

Luo Lin looked at everyone with a smile, the banter in his eyes was deeply hidden.

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