The figures in the air intertwined, and every time they turned around, there was a flash of light from the sword. The collision of the sword and the sword sparked, the sword energy scattered, and the waves above the sea were beaten badly.

After another sword-to-sword collision, Luo Lin suddenly distanced himself, holding Gan Wuzhuo high, the sun's real fire sword intent condensed on the sword, the sky behind Luo Lin dissipated, and the sun was shining brightly, while the sky in front of him was still bright. The thunder is rolling, and the clouds are dense!

"Polaris Rhapsody!"

Mixed with the monstrous sword force, Luo Lin slashed down with a sword, and before the sword energy arrived, a gap had already opened above the sea.

All the fish dive into the deep sea, not daring to swim in such a rough sea.

The red-haired face became extremely solemn, and he could sense the strong sword intent wrapped in Luo Lin's slash.

This sword intent seemed to set everything on fire, and the alarm bells in Red Hair's heart rang loudly!

"As expected of General Black Crow, as expected of someone who can kill the Golden Lion! It was a pleasure to fight with you! I admit that you are the strongest general!"

This was the second time that the redhead had so much fun fighting with swordsmanship besides Hawkeye.

And from the current point of view, he is still at a disadvantage, it seems that he must be serious!

at the same time……

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the same time, the electronic sound of the system sounded in Luo Lin's mind, "Ding, the SSS task is completed, the host has been recognized by the red hair, reward: LV.4 domineering color!"

Although the level of Domineering Color has been raised, Luo Lin is still a little unhappy, he is just him, why should he be recognized by the red hair!

But now that the reward has been obtained, there is no reason to continue fighting. Luo Lin is a staunch egoist, since he has not received the reward, why continue to fight.

Putting Gan Wuzhuo back into the scabbard, Luo Lin stretched out his hand, and the sword intent of the real fire of the sun seemed to turn into a gentle breeze, blowing away the cloudy sky.

"Red hair, I'm hungry, let's talk about it after this battle." Luo Lin said something that even he didn't believe, turned around and left, leaving behind a confused red hair.

The red hair feels very uncomfortable all over his body now, and he obviously planned to take it seriously, but Luo Lin actually stopped fighting and ran away directly, which left him nowhere to reason.

But there is no way, Luo Lin has no fighting spirit at all, even if he is forced to fight, he should not have the blood just now.

The redhead, who was thinking so in his heart, said to Luo Lin: "Black Crow, find a time in the future, let's have a serious competition!"

"Okay, there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

Luo Lin nodded, turned his back to Hong casually and waved, and then turned into an afterimage and came to the banquet tavern.

It's just that as soon as Luo Lin opened the door, he saw everyone surrounding Luffy with a shocked expression.

"Did this happen?"

Luo Lin walked in from the door, one after another with the red hair.

The red hair also noticed Luffy's strange appearance. At the same time, he turned his eyes and looked at the empty wooden box on the table. The devil fruit inside disappeared!

Coupled with the reaction of this group of people, the red hair quickly reflected, "Could it be that Luffy ate the devil fruit in the box!"

Looking at the crowd surrounding Luffy in front of him, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth raised slightly, the wheel of history is moving forward slowly after all, now that Luffy has eaten the Devil Fruit, the time to go to sea should not be far away.

After all, his own existence delayed Luffy from eating the devil fruit for a long time, but the time to go to sea should not change much, I just hope he can adapt to the power of the devil fruit in a short time, otherwise , it will not be fun if it is too weak.

Luo Lin walked around them, came to Makino, and said to Makino, "Makino, I guess I will leave Windmill Village soon."

Originally, Makino was shocked that Luffy ate the Devil Fruit, but at this moment, after hearing Luo Lin's words, Makino's heart trembled suddenly.

"Let's go? Rollin, where are you going? Are you going back to Marlin Vandor?"

Luo Lin shook his head, "No, there is a very important thing that hasn't been finished yet, and I should return to Marin Vanduo after it's done."

"Then will you come back in the future?" This is what Makino is most worried about. As an "older leftover girl", she has finally met a wealthy son-in-law. She absolutely does not want to give up easily, but the status of the two The gap is really too big, this point, Makino himself is quite clear in his heart.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back to see you when I am free in the future."

Luo Lin's body turned slightly sideways, so that others could only see his back, and could not see that his hands had climbed onto Makino's catkin.

"How long will it take, will you forget me as soon as you get busy?"

Makino lowered her head, blushed, and whispered.

If it weren't for Luo Lin's good ears, he really couldn't hear clearly.

Luo Lin looked into Makino's eyes, held Makino's catkin tightly, and said, "If I really forget you, would you wait for me?"


Chapter two hundred and sixty-two leave

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Rowling observed Makino's expression, and after noticing that Makino's expression had changed slightly, he said, "Okay, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, give me another glass of spirits."

"En." Makino nodded, as if he was still immersed in what Rowling said just now.

After filling the glass in front of Luo Lin with spirits, Makino seemed to have made up his mind, and said to Luo Lin, "Rolin, if it were you, I would wait forever."

"Okay, Makino, didn't I just say it, I was just joking, I won't forget you, and I won't keep you waiting, as long as I have a chance, I will definitely come to you , when the time comes, I will taste the delicious wine you brewed with the ancient wine making method."

Makino wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said to Luo Lin: "Well, I see, I will wait for you to come back."

Saying that, Makino lightly stamped on Luo Lin's face, and then, like a shy flower, walked towards the back room, not daring to continue in front of Luo Lin.

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