"Master, where are we going now?"

"Go find a grave."

"Ah? Tomb?" Ain was startled. What are you doing looking for the tomb?

"Little Ain, don't be too surprised no matter what happens later, understand?" Luo Lin touched Ain's little head and said to her in a very gentle tone.

Although Ain didn't know why Luo Lin said that, she still nodded her head. In her opinion, all she had to do was listen to her master.

Luo Lin took Ain to walk on the small island. They didn't go to Koshiro's kendo gym first, but wandered around, looking for the cemetery.

Seymo Zhiji Village is not big. In a rural area in the west, there is a cemetery. In this cemetery, all the aborigines of Seymo Zhiji Village are buried.

"Now that the cemetery has been found, the next step is to find the tombstone, Ain, are you afraid?"

Ain shook his head, she had seen too many corpses, let alone this small cemetery.

"That's good, we are now divided into two groups, looking for the tombstone of a girl named Kuina in the cemetery."

Ain was keen to catch the words "girl" and "message", but thinking that it was just a tombstone, he didn't say much.

Now, Luo Lin's knowledge-colored arrogance has reached level four, but knowledge-colored arrogance is not used in this way at all, and the two of them can only slowly search in the cemetery.

Fortunately, the cemetery was not big, and no one came, so the two searched smoothly. In about half an hour, they found Kuina's grave at one edge of the cemetery.

Luo Lin looked at Kuina's grave, stroked Ain's blue hair, and said as if thinking of himself: "There was once a girl who dreamed of becoming the most powerful swordsman in the world. When she was about ten years old, she , can defeat adults, and has a deeper understanding of kendo than ordinary people, and can even be said to be talented!

But God gave her a good talent, but did not give her a good body.

Her father often said that "a female swordsman will never become the number one in the world due to physical limitations."

This sentence shocked her deeply, but with the encouragement of another person, she was full of confidence, and agreed that one day, the strongest swordsman in the world would definitely appear between the two of them!

But God is jealous of talents, this girl fell to her death from the stairs at home due to an accident, and she didn't get what she wanted, and it was even impossible to watch another person complete their dream. "

Luo Lin's voice was very deep, and Ain substituted himself into Kuina's perspective.

She could feel how confused and helpless Kuina was about herself at that time. She tried hard to pursue her dream, but the people closest to her always hindered her on the way forward. Mood, just thinking about it, Ain felt very sad.

"Master, her father is not a good father."

Ain's voice echoed in Luo Lin's ears, "Yes, he is a good teacher, but not a good father. He always thinks from the perspective of a teacher, and forgets that he is also a father."

and so!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

so!Koshiro doesn't cherish his daughter, so don't blame him for taking it away!

"System, get the resurrection potion!"

"Ding, the revival potion is being fetched."

Accompanied by the electronic sound of the system, a black disc appeared on Luo Lin's palm. This is the resurrection potion, although the shape looks rather weird.

But Luo Lin could feel the turbulent power of resurrection in it.

"Ding, the system prompts: People resurrected by using the resurrection potion will have side effects. The side effects can be big or small, good or bad, all depends on the will of the resurrected person."

"I trust Kuina!"

Luo Lin said to the system, and after getting Luo Lin's reply, the system's voice disappeared.

Ain watched Luo Lin's actions and had an idea in her heart, but she felt that this idea was absurd.

"Ain, starting from today, Kuina is your junior sister, and at the same time, my second apprentice!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Lin signaled Ain to step back. Even though Ain had a lot to say, he had no chance.

While shocked, Ain felt very wronged in his heart. He was the only apprentice before, but now he will have a second one. He is no longer unique. Most importantly, the master appreciates him very much. This person named Kuina made Ain very unbalanced.

As if he knew Ain's refusal to admit defeat, Luo Lin smiled and said: "Ain, don't be angry, I will give you a chance to declare your sovereignty, let the two of you compete, and let her know whether her senior sister has How strong! Do you have confidence?"

"Yes, I will definitely not let down Master's trust!"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Ain's eyes lit up, and he felt that Master treated him well.

After all, it was still a little girl with a heart shape, and Ain was so well protected by Luo Lin.

Holding a black disc in his hand, Luo Lin wasn't smiling playfully, on the contrary he was very serious.

"System, start using the resurrection disk!"

"Ding, the resurrection disc is in use..."

The black disk lying in Luo Lin's hand suddenly burst out with opposite white light, the light is very soft, but Luo Lin, holding the black disk in his hand, can see through this white light that he put his spirit on the Guina on the tombstone.

This is Kuina's last remnant, and it is also the basis for her resurrection.

"Guina, sleep here for a long time, wake up soon!"

At this time, only Kuina could hear what Rowling said.

On the tombstone, the illusory figure of Kuina slowly opened her eyes. She was only eleven years old, but her pupils were extremely sharp, not like a child at all.

"Who are you? Why can I hear what you say? Am I not dead? Why can you see me?"

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