After dawn, Rollin drove the Black Raven back to Marlin Vandor.

Garp returned to Marlin Vandor early, which meant that Rollin's own vacation was completely over.

Momotu stood on the port and greeted Luo Lin. She learned from Garp that Luo Lin and Redhead had a competition, but no one knew the result. As Luo Lin's girlfriend, although she was self-proclaimed, Tao Tu The rabbit still checked Luo Lin's body carefully and responsibly. After confirming that there was no wound, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Luo Lin, didn't you say that you would be careful yourself? Why do you still have to compete with the red hair? Fortunately, it is a competition, otherwise, with the fighting strength of the two of you, one of you will definitely be seriously injured."

"Do you think I was seriously injured?"

"Of course the redhead was seriously injured, but you will definitely be injured when the time comes."

Taotu's catkin was placed on Luo Lin's cheek, and she spoke affectionately to Luo Lin.

Ain and Kuina's action in front of Taotu was very delicious, and at the same time they were very resistant to Taotu. After all, they had never been in contact with Taotu before they became Luo Lin's disciples. Rowling has been rumored to be in Marlin Vandor.

"Who taught you this, Crane?"

Luo Lin pinched Taotu's catkin and said to Taotu.

When Taotu heard Luo Lin's words, she felt shy immediately, "What do you mean by who taught me? Couldn't it be that I felt it?"

Luo Lin curled his lips at Taotu, "Although the Taotu in my impression is sometimes shy, he is definitely not gentle."

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To Luo Lin's words, Taotu gave a blank look, and then stopped thinking about it.

She looked at the two beautiful apprentices behind Luo Lin, stretched out her hand and said, "You are Ain, you are indeed as Luo Lin said, very cute."

Ain glanced at Luo Lin, afraid of leaving a bad impression in his master's heart, so he stretched out his hand, and gently shook Momotu, but they separated immediately.

Although Kuina was better than Ain, it was not much better.

Because her bloodline is almost the same as that of Luo Lin, Guina is very close to Luo Lin. Now seeing Taotu appearing beside Luo Lin, there is always an indescribable feeling in her heart. taste.

Taotu looked at the two little apprentices of Luo Lin in front of him, and said, "If there is a chance in the future, we can compete, okay?"

The last sentence was addressed to Luo Lin.

Luo Lin nodded, "It's good for Dobby to give it a try, but you must not be careless, Taotu, and be careful of the disadvantages."

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention." Although Taotu said so, she didn't seem to care much, so Luo Lin didn't say anything more.

Luo Lin brought everyone to his villa. Everyone in the maid team was also very happy about Luo Lin's return. They all made the recipes they had studied for the past few days for Luo Lin to eat.

Meanwhile, Taotu tasted the delicacy of Luo Lin's place.

I don't know if I taste it, but I was shocked when I tasted it. It was the first time that Taotu knew that the food was so delicious. Thinking that Luo Lin could enjoy this kind of food every day, Taotu only felt envious.

"Luo Lin, can I move here to live with you? Your food is really delicious. It's okay if you haven't tasted it before, but now that I have tasted this taste, I will definitely never forget it. "

Hearing Momotu's words, whether it's Ain, Kuina, or the maids, they are slightly hostile to Momotu. After all, Momotu puts too much pressure on them. If she really moves to In the villa, if you want to do some things, you can't do them.

Luo Lin focused his attention on the food, and without even thinking about it, he said directly: "Taotu, if you think it's delicious, you can come here often in the future, but just move it here, it's too much trouble, at last The important thing is your reputation, if there are any scandals, it will definitely hinder your promotion in the future, they will think that I am supporting you, and thus resist you even more."

Luo Lin stood in Taotu's position and thought, and Taotu had no way to refute with just a few words.

Just like Luo Lin, he can only devote all his attention to the food.

When the dishes next to Taotu accumulated to around thirty plates, Taotu stretched out and said to Luo Lin: "I'm so full, I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. Be careful and eat too much."

As he said that, Taotu stuck out his sweet tongue, looking very playful.

Taotu looked at Luo Lin who was also eating, and blinked at him, the meaning was self-evident, this was a code word only known between Luo Lin and Taotu.

Luo Lin nodded unobtrusively, indicating that he knew, and then continued to immerse himself in the delicious food.

After receiving Luo Lin's reply, the smile on Taotu's face became even brighter. She stood up from her seat, greeted the girls, and left the villa.

Chapter two hundred and ninety five

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The moment Momotu left the villa, everyone in the maid team instantly became active.

"Master, are you satisfied with our newly developed delicacy?"

It was Astil who was talking, and since Luo Lin taught her fighting skills, she became closer to Luo Lin.

From being a little transparent at the beginning, to now she often walks around in front of Luo Lin.

"Satisfied, very delicious." Looking at Astil's expression of begging for praise, Luo Lin gave Astil a thumbs up, and then stroked Astil's hair , as an encouragement.

Astil was very satisfied with Luo Lin's encouragement method. In her opinion, being touched by the master was the highest compliment. She was a person who was easily satisfied.

Seeing the interaction between Luo Lin and Astier, Astia, the older sister, was very relieved, and she said to Kuina who was thinking about something beside her, "Master, is this our little master too? "

"What little master?"

Kuina was a little dazed, she was just thinking about the relationship between herself and Luo Lin, why did this big sister find her all of a sudden.

Luo Lin nodded and said, "Her name is Kuina, and she will live with us in the future. She is also my apprentice. You can get acquainted with her now."

"Little master, let me introduce myself. I am the head maid. You can call me Astia. If you need anything in the future, you can call me directly. I will come to help you."

"Huh? Huh~"

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