"Did he still leave after all? Luo Lin and He said the same, did he really regard me as a friend? Then why did he treat me like that at that time, and then leave directly in the end."

Taotu said in a daze, women are like this, once something like this happens, they will always think too much, suddenly, the tip of her nose moved, and she seemed to smell the aroma coming from the kitchen.

Taotu was very familiar with this aroma, she had only smelled it from Luo Lin.

Rollins in the kitchen?

A thought flashed in Taotu's mind, and at the same time, the depression just now disappeared completely, and he was very happy instead.

Luo Lin did not abandon himself, but cooked in the kitchen.

Thinking of this, Taotu felt that his mood was much better.

After getting off the bed, Taotu frowned slightly. After a night of rest, she still felt some discomfort, but there was nothing serious about it. It is estimated that she will fully recover in a few days.

You must know that Taotu's recovery ability is also very strong. After all, as the supreme swordsman, how could his physique be bad?

Putting on the slippers, Taotu came to the kitchen.

Noticing Taotu's arrival, Luo Lin said dotingly to Taotu: "Don't you want to sleep for a while? The meal is not ready yet."

Tao Tu only felt that she was very happy now, and the decision she made yesterday was extremely correct, otherwise she would not have enjoyed Luo Lin's treatment of her at all.

Taotu shook his head, and said to Luo Lin: "No need to rest, I just want to look at you like this, and you can just pretend that I don't exist."

Luo Lin lightly stamped Taotu's forehead, "Since that's the case, you should sit here and have a good rest. Breakfast will be ready soon."


Taotu nodded, and sat aside watching Luo Lin making breakfast for herself, feeling filled with happiness in her heart.

After a whole night of struggle last night, Luo Lin didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue. It can only be said that the increase brought by the blood of the Sword God is too great.

At dawn, Luo Lin came to the kitchen, planning to make brown sugar water and breakfast for Taotu.

The sweet and delicious brown sugar water mixed with the aroma of food made Taotu feel a little hungry.

She completely forgot how much she ate in Luo Lin's villa yesterday.

But this is normal. According to Luo Lin's understanding, in the world of pirates, a person's strength can be judged by his food intake, except for very few people or abilities, which can basically be judged to be similar.

Because only people with a strong physique can take in so much energy to maintain the body's consumption, which is why many people like to eat meat, but they can't gain weight, because even if they eat more people, The body can also completely decompose it and transport it to various parts of the body.

Luo Lin made breakfast according to the food intake of himself and Taotu. A big pot full of brown sugar water and special steamed buns would definitely allow Taotu to open the door to a new world again.

"Momotu, clear the table, the meal will be ready soon."

"OK, all right."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Luo Lin and Taotu were tired and crooked, they were far away on the other side of Marin Fando.

On a lesser-known island, naval conscription is in progress.

The recruitment time of each region of the navy is different. Only in this way can more naval soldiers be continuously imported to Marin Fando.

On the coast of the island, a man in the general's uniform held a watch in his hand and said loudly: "You are all excellent people. If you can not be eliminated at this time, it shows that your various abilities and skills The willpower has surpassed that of ordinary people, very good!

But don't think that you can enter the navy and become an excellent fighter. Whether you can fight is not up to you. Only when you get better results in the last level can you be listed as a navy Combatants among the soldiers go to Marin Vanduo for intensive training. If they fail to pass the assessment of combat power, they can only choose to withdraw from the conscription or enter the logistics. Do you understand? "

The chief's voice echoed in the ears of everyone present, and everyone replied loudly: "Understood!"

The figure of Herona is impressive in it. Ever since she left Luo Lin, she has regretted it very much. She turned her regret into motivation and fought bravely!

Seize all the time to train your physical fitness and ability. Finally, after a month of devil training, Herona has given herself a relatively satisfactory answer.

In addition, she just heard that the naval branch on this island is recruiting, so she came to sign up.

Herona passed all the tests, passed one test after another, and finally came to the last level, which is the evaluation of combat power!

Only when she gets a good result in the combat power assessment can she go to Marin Fandor to receive more rigorous training. Only when she reaches Marin Fandor can she be closer to her master. This is what Herona has been looking forward to matter.

"Now the battle strength evaluation test starts, the first ring guard is Herona, Herona, are you ready?"

"Ready at all the time!"

Herona nodded, and then jumped directly onto the ring, waiting for other challengers.

Seeing Herona's calm expression, the people in the audience said: "I didn't expect this woman to be so unlucky that she would be chosen as the ring guard. Sooner or later, the wheel battle will wear down her physical strength, and she will lose sooner or later. "

"Although it is not ugly to lose in the wheel battle, it will still affect the subjective judgment of the judges to some extent."

"Maybe the first game will be directly defeated!"


Herona naturally listened to the ridicule of these people, but with a sublimated heart, she didn't want to care about these minions at all.

Although Herona left Luo Lin's side for a short time, she must not give up what she learned from Luo Lin. That is her pride. No matter what time it is, Herona believes that she will be able to do it!

Seeing Herona's appearance, the Colonel nodded, and his confidence in Herona was slightly higher.

"The challenger is David Yanqi, the two of you pay attention to how you strike, do you understand?"

Herona nodded, and at the same time looked at David Tongqi standing in front of her, and made a gesture, and the momentum on her body burst out suddenly, making David Tongqi frowned.

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