This is Luo Lin's view on the Haize group that seized gold, but this view will not let Luo Lin let go of the pirate group. Wouldn't it be good to test their abilities?

The flames rose and moved around Gan Wuzhuo, and the soul resonated with the sword intent!

And thus the flame was born!

'Yan Yan. Yan Shang Yan! '

Accompanied by Luo Lin's murmur, a sky-high sword energy rushed towards the first ship on the right side of the main ship. The flames fell on the sea surface, and countless white air evaporated. When the white air dissipated, the ship The boat has disappeared.

But for some reason, Luo Lin always felt that things were a little weird.

Turning on "White Eyes" again, Luo Lin observed the surrounding environment, and saw black shadows constantly surging under the sea surface. Judging from the length of the shadows, each black shadow was about five kilometers away, and there were even a few more. The shadow of [-] meters less.

Seeing this weird scene, Luo Lin knew what the ability of the Gold Pirates to show off at sea.

Although I don't know how they made this group of sea kings appear here, but compared with the legendary sea kings, they are nothing compared to the big witches, not worth mentioning.

"It's better this way. It's far better to test the geometry of progress on you than to test it on this group of meat shields."

The turbulent sea surface became more and more manic. The waves could easily rise more than ten meters, and the surging waves seemed to cover the sky and block out the sun.

Luo Lin lightly touched the Black Crow with his fingers, and said to the ship spirit of the Black Crow: "In this case, I can only wrong you a little bit, after all, I don't want you to get hurt."

Injury to the hull is a very troublesome thing, and as his own car, Rowling doesn't want the Black Raven to suffer any damage.

So immediately received it in the storage space of the system.

With Yuebu cast, Luo Lin's figure appeared quite vivid in the air.

At this time, when Luo Lin looked intently, he found that the hull of the Gold Pirates had changed, and began to dive like a submarine.

"I didn't expect that besides Luo, there would be someone else making this kind of special boat. Wouldn't all the money go into it?"

Luo Lin laughed softly, but the movements in his hands were not at all full. The sword swung out looked very ordinary, and it was very simple to swing out, but it was this kind of sword that directly smashed the sword that was about to be in the distance. The boat that dived into the sea was cut in half.

"I won't let you die so easily, you just watch in the sea how I kill these sea kings! Whether you live or die, it all depends on your luck."

Just after Luo Lin finished speaking, things that looked like mushroom heads began to appear on the surface of the sea. When a large amount of sea water flowed down the heads of the Neptunes, their terrifying fang faces were revealed!

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A large number of sea kings came to the surface of the sea from the deep sea. Their bodies exude a frightening atmosphere, and their eyes are filled with violent red. They are now on the verge of losing their minds, and pairs of beast eyes are staring at the sea. Holding Luo Lin, as if wanting to swallow Luo Lin alive.

"That's the look, come on, hurry up, I can't wait to take care of you!" Luo Lin felt that his blood was boiling. Sea kings are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys. Feel the joy of being promoted to a legendary swordsman.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

When Rollin's Prometheus form went to Sky Island, he also encountered a ten-thousand-meter Neptune, and it was very troublesome to kill at that time.

Now in front of Luo Lin, there are several sea kings of this level and dozens of sea kings of about five kilometers. Luo Lin slowly raised Gan Wuzhuo: "This time is different from the past, so let your blood, Let the sea be stained with blood!"

After the words fell, Luo Lin's figure disappeared into the air. When he appeared again, he had already arrived on top of a five thousand meter sea king.

Standing on this snake-like sea king, Luo Lin turned Gan Wuzhuo upside down, and suddenly, the sharp blade pierced the hard head of the sea king, and the sword energy was directly in the snake-shaped sea king's head Agitation.

"Roar! "

The originally enraged snake-shaped sea king screamed in pain, and kept rolling over, trying to throw Luo Lin off his head, but how could Luo Lin make this sea king happy enough? It's just a beast!

As soon as the blade turned, another sword qi surged in the head of the snake-shaped sea king, and it turned the head of the snake-shaped sea king into a paste in an instant!

"Roar! "

After the snake-shaped Neptune uttered its last roar, its body slowly fell from the sea surface, causing nearly [-] meters of spray, and blood spurted from the wound, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea red in a short time.

"Get one."

Luo Lin smiled happily. This feeling of releasing his abilities at will is really amazing, making Luo Lin feel extremely comfortable all over his body.

The sword spirit in Gan Wuzhuo also floated out of the sword body, and floated to the side of Luo Lin, looking very happy to wither.

"Withering, come on, let us kill all these sea kings, and see where our limit is!"

Withered nodded and floated back to Gan Wuzhuo.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed past. It was the tail of a ten-thousand-meter sea king. The speed was so fast that it directly played a sonic boom!

The deafening voice echoed in Luo Lin's ears, Luo Lin frowned slightly, Gan Wuzhuo moved lightly, a sword qi flew across, and his tail was instantly cut into two sections.

"Weak! Too weak!"

The penetrating power of the sword energy is very strong, and it can easily cut the body of the Neptune. Unlike the state of Prometheus, it is basically a large-scale attack, and the penetrating power is not very strong, so when attacking In terms of strength, Rollin is more powerful than Prometheus!

A sword is smooth and silent, and a sword is as thin as rain.

A sword is powerful, and a sword is flaming.

The four swords are finally united, and there is nothing that cannot be cut!

The name of this sword is Yan Yan. Ultimate Slash!

Accompanied by Luo Lin's low murmur, an extremely condensed sword energy streaked across the air horizontally.

Ling Ran's sword energy slashed towards the sea kings!

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