"Understood the boss!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ding, the shock of the news tycoon Morgan was detected in the distance, evaluation: A, reward: an ultra-high-definition camera."

Luo Lin didn't pay attention to the system. After all, things like cameras are not something that can improve one's strength.

At this time, Rowling divided his mental power into two, controlling himself and the form of Prometheus.

The two people next to Prometheus, Perona and Reiju, looked at Luo Lin strangely. They didn't know why Luo Lin did this. Could it be that this is the legendary self beating himself?

Although they didn't know why Luo Lin did this, they knew that there must be Luo Lin's reason for it, and they just needed to cooperate well.

"Perona, Reiju, when the battle starts, you two just stay on the boat, understand?"


On the Black Crow, Luo Lin looked at the approaching ship with a "serious" expression, and put his hand on Gan Wuzhuo, his muscles tensed slightly.

"Master, is that ship in front of you Prometheus?"

Ain has been with Luo Lin for a long time, and she has a good understanding of some situations at sea. In addition, the deeds of the sun Prometheus are really amazing, so she can recognize who the ship is at a glance. of.

"Yes, Prometheus appeared here, presumably it was aimed at me."

"Master, we..."

"You stay on board, Black Raven, turn the bow and lead them out of this sea area."

"Master, what about you!"

Ain pulled the corner of Luo Lin's clothes, his water-shearing eyes were full of worry.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, besides who I am, I'm an admiral of the navy! It's my responsibility to punish evil and promote good books! Be good..."

Before Luo Lin finished speaking, he saw a huge fireball descending from the sky. Luo Lin frowned, and Gan Wuzhuo let out a soft moan, and the fireball was shattered.

"Hahahahaha, General Black Crow, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"I'm afraid you came after me."

Rollin and Prometheus sang together, the atmosphere between the two gradually became viscous, and the momentum kept colliding and touching!

The sky has changed color.

"Hahahahaha, General Black Crow, how can you say that, it's just a coincidence, it's really just a coincidence!"

When Prometheus said this, he glanced towards the distance, and found that Morgan was observing here with a telescope and a camera phone bug in the distance. rise.

Now, the exhibition match officially begins.

Luo Lin thought in his heart that the figures of the two people moved at the same time.

Facing the sun in the sky, Gan Wuzhuo's sword was covered with a golden-red sword intent, which was the sword intent of the real fire of the sun. When he cut it off with one sword, the sky was filled with red clouds, and even the sea was dyed in color.

Prometheus was not afraid at all, the flames on his body rose, turned into strands of sharp swords and flew away, detonating in the air.

A deafening sound reverberated in the space, the wind blew up, and the waves were rough. This sea area seemed to have turned into a battlefield between Rollin and Prometheus. It was quite terrifying!

In the distance, Morgan's eyes were wide open, fearing that he might miss a point, he watched the battle in the distance intently. Suddenly he came to his senses, and quickly said to the crew: "Go and find me a camera phone bug, and then send Connect, I want everyone on the sea to watch this visual feast together!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The most indispensable thing on Morgan's ship is cameras and all kinds of strange phone bugs. You must know that the news industry can't do anything else, but the facilities must be complete!

Another camera phone bug was opened by Morgan's crew, and it initiated a connection to all camera phone bugs in the world. This is the "network" that belongs to the phone bug exclusively. In addition to blocking phone bugs, it can connect all phones around the world. Worm, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an artifact that ignores distance!

The camera phone bug turned on, and it was linked to other camera phone bugs in a blink of an eye. Because Morgan had his own mark, they all agreed to broadcast live.

Yes, One Piece World has live broadcasts, and the most common one is the Navy. Whether it is implementing new rules or something, it will use the camera phone bug. The second most common use is Morgan.

"Hi everyone, I believe everyone is very surprised now, why did I suddenly connect with you, but it doesn't matter, I believe that after seeing what happened behind me, you will never leave."

"I'm in the waters near Galdodo Island. I originally wanted to attend a party, but I didn't expect to meet the general Black Crow here. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I also met Prome Hughes!"

"You heard me right. One is an admiral and the other is a powerful pirate. One can imagine the result of the encounter between the two of them. I am relatively timid and only dare to watch from a distance. After all, I have seen Prowler before. The battle of Mitheus is really terrifying, if you get a little closer, you don't know how you died."

Those who were a little confused after the connection, their eyes lit up immediately when they heard that there were Crow and Prometheus behind Morgan.

And the news quickly spread to Marin Fanduo's office in the Warring States Period.

At this time, the Warring States Period was still reviewing documents, and the desk was covered with thick documents, all of which were documents that the Warring States Period needed to process.

These documents are all about pirates. As Luo Lin's popularity continues to decline, pirates are becoming more and more active, and there are many new powerful pirates on the sea, which makes Warring States It was a headache.

Just as Warring States was thinking about how to solve this problem, there was a knock on the office door.

"Master Marshal, it's not good, it's not good!"

Sengoku, who was already a little irritable, immediately shouted angrily after hearing what the soldiers said: "This is Marin Vanduo, the headquarters of the Navy, what big things will make you so nervous, I really am Ashamed of you, tell me what happened."

The soldier nodded, promising that he would pay attention to it in the future. After making the promise, the soldier immediately took out a camera phone bug from his pocket, and said to Zhan Guo: "Master Marshal, look at this quickly."

After speaking, Morgan's figure appeared on the projection screen of the camera phone bug.

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