Flapping its wings, waves of hurricanes were set off, and the hurricanes swept the waves, making the sea, which was not considered calm, even more choppy.

"Very poisonous! Ghost beauty!"

The purple-black gas on Reiju's body was even stronger. Under her control, this huge purple-black butterfly slowly fell downward.

The navy soldiers were on top of their warships, seeing the warships getting closer and closer to them, they couldn't help panicking.

"Boss, Boss! What should we do?"

"That, that butterfly flew towards us!"

"The pattern on his body is really scary!"


The butterfly coming slowly from the sky, the left wing is a beauty, with a coquettish face that turns all living beings upside down; the right wing is a skeleton, with a terrifying posture, weird and bizarre.

Between the wings, beauty and fear reappeared alternately, as if in front of the soldiers, there was a lively scene.

In the eyes of outsiders, these soldiers have large black patches on their faces. In fact, as early as the birth of this ghostly beauty butterfly, its toxin lingered on the warship through a hurricane. Anyone who breathed the toxin would lose consciousness. Began to gradually become paralyzed, and the reaction speed slowed down considerably.

The moment when the ghost beauty butterfly landed on the sea.


The large amount of toxin contained in the ghost beauty butterfly completely exploded, and the purple-black gas adhered to the warship, "嗤嗤嗤~"

Toxins are eroding the warships. These warships built by the navy with a lot of money can't last long. The number of holes on the ship keeps increasing, and sea water pours in.

"Ahhh~" The miserable cries of the soldiers echoed in the air, they clutched their throats tightly, their eyes were already white, and they stretched out their hands towards the sky in pain, vaguely able to I heard that person saying: "Big, Big Commander, come and save me!"

Unfortunately, the toxin soon spread throughout the body, and there was no way to say a word anymore.

The toxin condensed towards the soldiers' chests, and streaks of red appeared on the purple-black butterflies, which looked even weirder. These butterflies were born from the soldiers' chests and danced in the air, as if they were looking for the next step. same goal.

Reiju clapped her hands lightly, and saw those butterflies that were born again turned into powder in the air and drifted away with the wind.

At this moment, Colonel was stunned. This time they came to the battlefield as the first marchers. They thought that the two women on board were just vases, but they never expected that each of these women was more vicious than the other.

This also made him feel the slow malice of the world. Watching Perona leap lightly from the deck, her body flew into the air as if she had no weight.

But seeing Perona getting closer and closer to him, Colonel only felt that his two legs were trembling uncontrollably.

Just now he saw his companions turned into mummified corpses with his own eyes. It was extremely terrifying. If it was normal, he would already have nausea.

But now, the strong fear made Da Zuo just want to survive: "Forgive, spare my life, please, please spare me!"

Three hundred and sixty four chapters spare my life

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Forgive, spare my life, please, please spare me!"

With a thump, the captain knelt down on the deck, begging Perona for mercy, and the surrounding naval soldiers were stunned when they saw this scene, but they quickly realized that there were thuds one after another, and the remaining The soldiers on the three ships all knelt down without the slightest backbone!

These new recruits, or the pioneers, completely forgot their identities at this moment. They only hated themselves for being too naive. They didn't see through the jungle of the jungle. Instead, they were self-righteous and arrogant, and fell to this step.

If God is willing to give them a chance to rush forward, they are willing to stay in the branch for the rest of their lives and never come out again. They would rather be trainees for a lifetime with a meager income than be the current pioneers.

At this moment, in the eyes of this group of soldiers, this is no different from sending them to death!

Perona has also stayed by Luo Lin's side for a long time, and she is more or less tainted with Luo Lin's character. Perona doesn't take these soldiers' begging for mercy at all.

Spreading out the white palm, I saw a ghost condensed in the palm. The gray ghost has a sausage mouth, which looks very gratifying, but the soldiers can no longer laugh, because they can see from the ghost. , feel the powerful power.

It's a power that they can't stop!

"Since that's the case, it's better to take a fight here and wait for death here! Before you die, you have to pull the next one." The commander quickly fought from the ground, and took his weapon from his back. A long gun!

"With the determination to die, go look for that ray of life, soldiers!"

The captain shouted loudly, instantly infecting the remaining soldiers on the ship. They all took out their guns and shot at Perona in the sky!

Seeing this scene, Da Zuo thought to himself: A bunch of idiots, who wants to accompany you to die here.

Thinking of this, the Colonel took advantage of the fact that the soldiers were not paying attention, and ran towards the tail of the warship. He didn't have a fruit ability. As long as he was in the sea, his chances of surviving were definitely much higher than now.

And there are additional members of the navy behind him, so he can definitely survive.

The soldiers didn't notice the movement of the Colonel, but Perona, who was floating in the sky, had a panoramic view of the scene.

"Really disgusting behavior."

Perona murmured, and then lightly dropped the ghost bomb.

Under the control of Perona, the ghost bomb landed on the sky above the three warships, laughing and making weird noises.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise that was deafening!

The moment the oversized ghost bomb exploded, countless small ghosts were born, and these ghosts twirled their bodies and exploded one after another.

It's like a chain reaction, every explosion will give birth to a ghost who laughs more than before, it looks quite weird, but if it is powerful!

But in an instant, the three ships were blown into ashes~

However, just as Perona and Reiju were about to return to the ship, a lieutenant-level warship sailed on the distant sea, and this warship was exactly Momotu's car!

"All soldiers obey orders! Go forward at full speed!"

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