Recently, Orochimaru has made a great breakthrough in the blood factor. It can be said that it will not be long before he can use this method to mass-produce fearless soldiers belonging to Prometheus. At that time, he will equip them with top-notch armor. , I believe that by then, their combat effectiveness will definitely surpass the armies of many kingdoms.

As Orochimaru becomes more and more proficient in controlling the bloodline factors, I believe that it will not be long before he can start preparing for the research of devil fruits. At that time, mass production of devil fruits is also one of Luo Lin's dreams.

Thinking about the fact that everyone in my army is a person with abilities, this kind of feeling is simply not too pleasant.

The most important thing is that Prometheus is not Germa 66. Although he likes to make money from wars, his income is really too unstable. Unlike himself, there are ships paying tribute to Gaya Island almost every month. , it can be said that no one can match him in terms of resources.

The only comparable one is estimated to be one of the important figures in the navy, Vegapunk, who can have more resources than Orochimaru.

——On the other side, following Prometheus's aggressive expansion on the sea, Rowling withdrew his mental power, and a strong sense of dizziness hit his head.

"Astia, I need your help."

Luo Lin covered his head and said with an abnormal headache.

Luo Lin was resting on Astia's lap with his eyes closed. Astia stretched out his holy halo fingers and pressed gently on Luo Lin's temple.

With Astia gently kneading, Luo Lin felt that his mental strength began to recover quickly, and the pain and fatigue began to gradually subside.

Qingming returned to Luo Lin's mind again, and this feeling made Luo Lin feel very comfortable.

"Astia, your ability has been trained better recently." Getting up from Astia's knee pillow, Rowling said to Astia, at this time Astia really looked like a Like a holy angel, it has a pair of pure white wings behind it, which looks very beautiful and holy.

"It's because the master cultivated it well. Without the master, I wouldn't be where I am now."

At this time, Astil, who was standing aside, also said to Luo Lin: "Master, master, I also want to be praised by the master."

Three hundred and seventy six chapters want to be praised

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing what Astil said, Luo Lin bent down and held Astil in his arms, pinched Astil's cheek, and said to Astil: "Astil is also very powerful, During this period of special training, I really worked very hard, and I have seen all your efforts."

"Hee hee." Astil showed a very cute smile in Luo Lin's arms.

Holding Astil in his arms, Luo Lin said to the maids and the two lovely apprentices: "Everyone has almost finished training during this period, and is about to leave for Marin Vanduo. If we don't go back, maybe the Warring States period will be his mentality." It exploded, hahahaha!"

The next day, Rowling's car, the Black Raven, appeared in the port of Marin Fando. Ain, Guina, and members of the maid team returned to the villa, and Rowling came to the Sengoku office.

When the Black Raven came to Marlin Vandor, the Warring States had already received the news, so he was not at all surprised that Luo Lin appeared here.

"Luo Lin, do you still know to come back?" Zhan Guo was lying on the desk, waving the pen in his hand non-stop, he was processing some documents, he looked very busy, and had no time to look at Luo Lin.

Luo Lin didn't care either. He sat on the sofa casually, crossed Erlang's legs, and said to Zhan Guo: "What? Could something have happened recently?"

Although Luo Lin said so, in fact, he knew better than anyone else what happened in the sea recently.

A Prometheus known as the fifth emperor was raging in the sea, setting off a wave of pirates, and the activity of the pirates once again made history. Now, the sea is extremely chaotic!

The words of the Warring States Period were similar to what Luo Lin imagined, but what surprised Luo Lin was that Zefa actually went out at this time.

Luo Lin lowered his eyes, and tapped Gan Wuzhuo's sword handle lightly with his fingers, and a crisp sound rang out in the office.

If Luo Lin remembers correctly, it should be this time that Zefa took his students out to sea, met Weibull, and then died, with one arm cut off, and took the few remaining students with him, in a state of embarrassment. fled back to Marlin Vandor.

However, Luo Lin didn't want to remind him, after all, the matter had nothing to do with him, and the more chaotic the sea, the more powerful it would be for Luo Lin.

"Well, since Zefa has gone to sea, there must be no problem. You must know that Zefa was a former general, and those black wrists are invincible!"

The Warring States period didn't pay attention to Luo Lin, and Luo Lin naturally wouldn't make fun of himself. He had already understood "everything", but he was like an outsider.

Luo Lin stood up from the sofa, stood in front of the office window of the Warring States Period, looked at the naval soldiers who were training not far away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and thought in his heart: Can this sea really calm down?Impossible, even the most chaotic era has not yet come.

Gol D Roger opened the age of great voyages, and Luffy and others are destined to start the era of extreme evil!

And myself...

Thinking of this, Luo Lin asked Zhan Guo: "Marshal, why didn't Garp steal your senbei in your office today?"

Zhan Guo curled his lips, first reminding him of Garp's smirk when he took his own senbei and ate it secretly, and said, "He said, now that he's back in the East China Sea, he doesn't know what to do."

"Oh~ yeah~"

It seems that it is time for me to go to the East China Sea once again!

Chapter three hundred and seventy seven

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the East China Sea, Garp's dog-headed warship slowly docked beside the windmill village.

Garp's figure jumped directly from the boat and appeared on the island.

Not long after walking, Garp saw Makino sorting out something outside the banquet bar.

The air was even more mellow, and the strong aroma of wine made Garp's throat twitch.

"Makino, this is not going to be a bar just for me."

Karp stood beside Makino cheekily and said.

Makino looked at Garp, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he leaned forward faintly, protecting the wine barrel behind him.

"Lieutenant General Garp, this is not for sale. I brewed it specially for Rollin."

The smile on Karp's face remained undiminished, and he said, "I really envy Luo Lin's beauty."

Just when Garp wanted to go to Dadan's family, Makino said again: "Lieutenant General Garp, if you are looking for Luffy, he has already gone to sea."

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