This time, Luo Lin asked the beautiful apprentices at home and all the maids to come to Nine Snake Island to train the use of domineering.

After they are all proficient in domineering, Luo Lin is picking them up, thinking that when they come, they will definitely give themselves a big surprise.

At this moment, a newspaper delivery bird flew over Luo Lin.

Luo Lin beckoned, and the newspaper delivery bird flew down from the sky. After receiving the hundred Baileys from Luo Lin, the newspaper delivery bird handed a newspaper to Luo Lin.

Opening the newspaper, Luo Lin saw the news on the first page.

"Zefa's loneliness! The sorrow of the former admiral!"

When Luo Lin saw this title, Luo Lin already had a little premonition in his heart.

"Has Zefa met Weibull now? Wait a minute, Herona is here too?"

Luo Lin frowned, looking at the photo on the front page headline, the anger in his heart was raging wantonly!

In the photo, Zefa's arm was chopped off, blood gushing wildly, and behind him were a few students, including Herona.

Rowling never expected that Herona would come to Marlin Vandor and become a student of Zefa. Rowling admitted that Zefa is a good teacher.

But this does not mean that he can protect his students.

Looking at the picture of Herona covered in blood in the photo, Luo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and the aura of his body kept hitting the sky.

The originally cloudless sky became cloudy in a blink of an eye, with strong winds and huge waves.

This is like Luo Lin's mood, very gloomy.

"Weibull! I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

Luo Lin's protection is well known throughout the world. Although Herona was one of his maids before, although he has left now, only he has the right to strip Herona's life!

"Ready for my wrath! Weibull!"

Thinking of this, Luo Lin took out his phone bug and called Zhan Guo.

As one of the largest forces in the world, Warring States naturally knew the news earlier, and it was because of this that he was even more troubled.

First of all, Zefa is his comrade-in-arms for many years. When a comrade-in-arms encounters this kind of thing, it is absolutely false for Zhan Guo to say that he is not sad or nervous, but now, the "storm" at sea makes Zhan Guo even more headache.

On the sea, because of the rise of Prometheus, the fifth emperor, the wind and waves on the sea have reached a certain limit. Countless people have gone to sea to become pirates, making pirates more active than ever before. This is what the Warring States period did not want to see.

Maintaining the balance of the world is what Warring States wants to do most now.

But Zefa's failure made the pirates on the sea even more rampant. After Zefa's defeat, the Warring States has received news that the naval branches of various places have been attacked. Those pirates have long wanted to do this. Bar!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when Zhan Wen felt a headache, the phone bug rang, showing the characteristics of Luo Lin, which made Zhan Guo, who didn't want to deal with the phone bug, pick up the phone bug.

"Rowling, what's the matter now?" Long story short!"

Luo Lin didn't want to waste time, he didn't even address him as 'Marshal', and said directly, "Warring States, is Zefa back yet?"

"I just received Zefa, and now I am seriously injured and in a coma."

What about Herona?It was the woman in black.

Zhan Guo thought for a while, and said, "That woman should be fine, she just suffered some minor injuries, but this time Zefa can come back, I heard that it is her credit!"

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile returned to the corner of Luo Lin's mouth.

"That's right! Because she belongs to me!" Luo Lin said again: "Warring States, you haven't grasped Weibull's trace."

"what do you mean"

"Yeah, just what you think."

"Rowling, it's not that I don't believe in your strength. Weibull has the strength of a young beard. Can you do it alone? The Navy can't bear this level of blow!"

"Hehe, Warring States, you are overthinking! And anyone who dares to bully me, no matter who it is! Even if it is a beard, I will take off his head."

Zhan Guo pondered for a while, then said to Luo Lin, "I know, I'll let someone tell you,"

After receiving the report from the navy soldiers, Rowling immediately turned the bow of the ship, and the Black Crow moved forward at full speed, aiming at Weibull! "

On an island, Weibull's body like a hill is nestled in a tavern, and beside him is an old woman with a wrinkled face full of anger, constantly eating the food in front of her.

Weible looked at the woman next to him, poked her, and said, "Mom, I'm hungry and I want to eat."

A bitter voice sounded in the tavern: "Weibull, are you going to kill me? Don't you know how powerful you are?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Mama, I didn't mean to." Weibull had tears in his eyes, and his face was full of grievances like a child.

Ba Jin looked at Weibull and said viciously: "You will starve me today, understand?"


Weibull nodded and continued to curl up, looking pitiful.

Scholar Bajin looked at Weibull, his eyes were full of pride, this man who defeated Zefa was so obedient to himself, this feeling is really great!

After a while, after Ba Jin finished his meal, she wiped her mouth gracefully.

"Okay, Weibull, I'm done eating, you can destroy this tavern and want to take my money, it's really wishful thinking!"

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