With such doubts in mind, Luo Lin walked towards the depths of the island alone.

After a while, I came to the center of the town, and I saw a woman with blue hair and tattoos on the ground, splashing blood, which dyed the ground red, looking quite pitiful.

And standing in front of her was a dragon with a sharp, jagged nose.

Luo Lin's appearance naturally attracted the attention of the evil dragon.

The evil dragon stared at Luo Lin with his eyes, looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "Is it an outsider? Do you know that anyone who lands on this island must hand in Bailey to me? "

"Turn in Bailey?"

Luo Lin also showed a smile, but when those eyes looked at the dragon, they seemed to be full of jokes no matter what.

"Why don't you want to? Or is there no Bailey?"

The evil dragon ignored the injured Nuo Qigao for the time being, and walked slowly towards Luo Lin. Every step he took, the muscles on the evil dragon's body would bulge a little. When the evil dragon came to Luo Lin, his muscles had already swelled to To a certain extent, it looks very scary.

"Run away! Don't stop there and run away!"

Nuoqi Gaoqiang supported her body and said to Luo Lin that she didn't want the incidents in her village to affect other people who came here, they were also innocent.

Hearing Nuoqigao's words, the evil dragon frowned, looked at Nuoqigao who was not far away, and said viciously: "One more thing, believe it or not, I will kill you so that you will never see your sister again." !"

Luo Lin's eyes sank, listening to the evil dragon, Nami should not be in the village now, but it doesn't matter, Luo Lin's target this time is not only Nami, but also Nuo Qigao.

Glancing at Nuo Qigao lying on the ground, Luo Lin showed a seemingly "innocent" smile, "In such a situation, shouldn't you go to the navy?"

"Navy? Scary hahahaha! You tell me the navy?"

The azure blue face of the evil dragon approached suddenly, which disgusted Luo Lin very much. With a slight push with his palm, the evil dragon was directly pushed away by Luo Lin.

It turned into a blue meteor, smashed through several houses one after another, and then hit the ground heavily, gliding on the ground for a long distance, until it finally hit a tree, before barely stopping.

Nuo Qigao stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of her, her cherry lips parted slightly, as if she saw something unimaginable.

"Push it casually, and the dragon just flew out like that?"

"Ding, because of the powerful strength of the host, Nuo Qigao was shocked. Evaluation: SSS, Reward: Universal Fusion Card. This card can fuse two anything, creatures, etc. After fusion, you can have the fusion of the two. All the abilities of things, and can transform back and forth between these two forms."

Hearing the system's words, Luo Lin was stunned for a moment. Isn't this universal fusion card just for his own use?

Thinking of his identity as Rowling and Prometheus, it is impossible for him to maintain two clones in the future. Although it seems to be very useful, as he develops in the future, the two identities will definitely be useless. When the time comes to integrate it with itself, there should be no problem at all.

After all, I used the universal puppet to separate Prometheus from myself and turn it into an avatar.

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Luo Lin patted his hands lightly, as if he wanted to pat off the dust that didn't exist on his hands.

Walking slowly, Luo Lin came to Nuo Qigao, and said with a smile: "Do you need help?"

Although he said so, Luo Lin still stretched out his hand and pulled Nuo Qigao up from the ground.

Nuo Qigao seemed to have not recovered from the shock just now, and after staring blankly at Luo Lin for a long time, he said, "Thank you."

"It's ok."

With that familiar smile on the corner of Luo Lin's mouth, he looked at the dragon through the hole in the middle of the building.

"Is it really so weak? It's really hard to deal with~" Luo Lin seemed to be muttering to himself, but Nuo Qigao's face turned pale when he heard Luo Lin's words. Change.

"Please be sure to defeat the evil dragon. The evil dragon has been doing evil on this island for many years. Only by defeating the evil dragon can the people on the island be saved and my sister..."

Speaking of this, Nuo Qigao's eyes were filled with tears. Obviously, she thought of her sister, who is still working hard outside for the ransom of [-] million Berries. As a human being, she struggles, even joins the Dragon Pirates, and asks the Dragon to give her this chance, etc. Nuo Qigao only feels that she owes Nami too much.

"Oh~ but what good does this do for me?" Luo Lin looked at Nuo Qigao pointingly, and said: "If you really want to clean up this trash, you can definitely let the navy come over, otherwise, What is the significance of the existence of the navy?"

Luo Lin said so, took out the phone bug, and dialed the phone bug number of the Navy branch, "If you don't know the number, let me call it for you."

"Don't! The navy has already joined forces with the evil dragon. It is absolutely impossible to come and defeat the evil dragon. They can only come to help the evil dragon!"

Nuo Qigao wanted to stop Luo Lin, but was stopped by Luo Lin's eyes.

That look seemed to be filled with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Nuo Qigao had never seen this kind of terrifying look in his life. For a moment, Nuo Qigao's body instantly went limp. Holding her in her arms, Nuo Qigao didn't fall to the ground again.

Soon, the call ended, and Luo Lin had an evil smile on his face, and his temperament changed very quickly, completely different from the previous lazy one.

In the distance, the body of the evil dragon moved and opened its bloodshot eyes, which looked quite terrifying.

But Rollin didn't pay attention at all.

"Damn guy, dare to sneak attack a high-level murloc, is it worthy of being called an inferior race!"

The evil dragon said viciously, and got up from the ground at the same time.

Seeing the evil dragon get up from the ground again, Nuo Qigao's body trembling more and more in Luo Lin's arms, it can be seen how terrifying the evil dragon is in the hearts of Nuo Qigao and others.

Although the evil dragon is very arrogant and an absolute racist, this does not mean that he is a fool. On the contrary, as a murloc, he is very clear about the gap between himself and Luo Lin.

But even so so what!

He has a banned drug that he stole from the Murloc Kingdom. This banned drug is the only banned drug that he took out after a lot of effort!It's his trump card!

Three hundred and ninety-two chapters of the dragon's killer

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