-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Center of the venue.

The moment Wan Yan Fen Tian and Da Luo Lei collided, the ground beneath the venue shook from side to side like a violent earthquake, with the splitting sound of "Kacha Kacha", one after another bottomless canyon cracks burst open on the surface , Like the bloody mouth of countless monsters splitting from the ground, the whole land fell apart and collapsed everywhere.

Aunt obviously didn't expect the collision of this blow to be so terrifying, and immediately used the armed color to attach herself to the whole body to prevent additional damage.

But Luo Lin's attack was obviously not over yet, and the ray of light gathered by Wan Yan and Burning Heaven rushed straight towards the sky after breaking through the Thunder Cloud Zeus' thunderstorm.

Everyone saw a ray of light that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods, and saw that the ray hit the sky directly.

Another voice sounded, this voice resounded like thunder, resounding in all directions.

As soon as the sound fell, the sky was filled with flames, and a large area of ​​the sky was directly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Thundercloud Zeus was instantly annihilated under Luo Lin's attack, and turned into flying ash without a trace.

The aunt only felt that her spirit was a little sluggish, but Leiyun Zeus was made by the aunt directly by separating her own soul, and it was related to the soul of the aunt herself.

Now that Thundercloud Zeus has been wiped out by Prometheus, Auntie just feels like she has a splitting headache.

This feeling made aunt a little bit worse than death.

Who can bear the soul being torn apart?

"Prometheus! Don't think that killing Thundercloud Zeus can cause any harm to me, that is absolutely impossible!"

After the voice fell, the aunt stretched out her hand towards the stands, and grabbed it in the void.

Seeing this action, except for a very few people with high status, everyone's expressions changed.

"Do you know why anyone can come in my tea party this time? It's because of this moment!"

Any pirates or bounty hunters who do not have enough status to join in the fun, at this moment, their souls are directly drawn by the aunt, and the soul is condensed in the hands of the aunt.

Their bodies became shriveled instantly and lost their original spirit.

The soul condensed in the hands of the aunt and turned into a dessert, which was swallowed by the aunt directly.

The powerful and pure soul ability directly replenished the soul in the hand of the aunt, so that the aura of the aunt did not decrease but increased.

This ability can be called a BUG, ​​but can it compare to Rollin in BUG?

Luo Lin looked at the sky that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, his body suddenly doubled, "Enormous!"

At the same time, Luo Lin controlled the flames in the sky, and the clouds of fire gathered in the sky, turning into huge fire dragons with a thickness of hundreds of feet. These fire dragons had seven claws and six corners, which were terrifying.

"Dance of fire dragons!"

With Luo Lin's sinister laugh, Luo Lin controlled the fire dragons and rushed towards Big Mom.

The fire dragon fell and turned into shocking waves of flames!

The aunt who devoured the soul snack was not afraid at all. She saw that she took Napoleon off her head, but she didn't wait for the aunt to react.

There was a loud noise throughout the earth, and thousands of huge flames burst out from the depths of the earth!

Directly cover up the figure of aunt.

All of this happened in an instant, so that the aunt couldn't react at all, and she didn't even notice her domineering and knowledgeable!

Chapter Four Hundred and Ten

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


When the aunt's children saw this scene, their whole hearts were agitated. This does not mean that they had a deep affection for the aunt, but that they were labeled as the aunt at the moment they were born. If the aunt this time Once the battle fails, the fate that awaits them is absolutely unparalleled darkness!

Not only the aunt's children were dumbfounded, but even the other bosses sitting here were also dumbfounded!

Most of them thought that in this battle, Big Mom was pressing down on Luo Lin, or it was evenly matched, but what they never expected was that Luo Lin beat Big Mom so hard that he couldn't fight back, and it looked very with ease.

Although Big Mom may not have used all her strength, at least for now, when Luo Lin was fighting against Big Mom, she definitely crushed the game!

The ground in the high wall has long been broken, and even because of the flames, it has become extremely fragile, even if an ordinary person pinches it lightly, it may be crushed.

Not to mention that Da Ma is so heavy, the moment the flames rose, Da Ma fell into the powder and was scorched by the flames.

At this moment, the mentality of the audience has changed.

Especially Stussy, her beautiful eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and the strength and state that Rowling has shown at this moment have far exceeded her expectations.

"Morgan, what do you think will happen to the battle situation when Kaido comes?"

"It is estimated that Prometheus will be suppressed and beaten by them. After all, 1+1 of the Emperor of the Sea is not simply equal to two."

For the thoughts in their hearts, Luo Lin didn't have time to care about them at all. At this moment, he aimed all his knowledge and knowledge at Big Mom, wanting to notice Big Mom's movements.

Sure enough, Luo Lin's feeling was correct, there was no way Big Mom could be defeated so easily, if it was really so easy to defeat, Luo Lin would be even more panicked.

"Elbaf's gun, the mighty country!"

The sharp voice echoed in the air, and a huge sword energy was seen condensing in the air. It was the slash that Big Mom used Napoleon to slash.

This slash is a move of the giants. It opens and closes, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Luo Lin could even feel the strong domineering aura from this sword aura, and his expression became more serious immediately.

In the world of pirates, there are not many who can harm the form of Prometheus, among which the high-quality overlord color domineering is one of them!

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