Kaido laughed wildly and looked at Big Mom who was in the flames next to him. Armored colors covered the thick arms. He punched out, and the wind of the fist exploded in the air, turning Prometheus into a skull made of karmic fire. Scattering, the wind of his fist completely blew the burning flames of karma into the sky and the earth.

Prometheus' eyes darkened slightly, and all his knowledge and arrogance were used on Big Mom just now, so Kaido's sudden appearance just now really shocked Prometheus.

Seeing Big Mom jumping out of the pit, fighting side by side with Kaido, Prometheus felt dizzy for a while.

If we only talk about an aunt, Luo Lin is confident that he can defeat or even kill her!

But now there is an extra Kaido, which makes Prometheus have to think carefully about whether this battle should continue.

You must know that Kaido is the man who has been called the strongest creature, and there is a saying in the sea that if it is one-on-one, basically no one can beat Kaido.

Note that it is basically!

But now there is not only Kaido, but also Big Mom!

It is conceivable that the pressure brought about by the two sea emperors' targets is conceivable.

"I didn't expect my aunt to prepare so well this time."

"Yeah, Kaido actually came to help out."

"Could it be that aunt already knew that she couldn't beat Prometheus?"

"No, it should be that Big Mom is sure to defeat Prometheus, but she is not sure that Prometheus will be left here to kill, so Kaido will come to help."

"But aunt probably didn't expect that she would be blasted by Prometheus."


In the auditorium, what those people said was naturally heard by the aunt's children, but now those who can stay are some big bosses, who are powerful people in the new world, and it is absolutely impossible to treat them If not, Big Mom will become the target of public criticism again, just like the engagement event with the giants that happened not long ago!

"Kaido, don't stay in your territory well, what are you doing here, is it possible that the two of you have some ulterior secrets?"

Luo Lin naturally knows the relationship between Big Mom and Kaido. They were both crew members on the Rocks pirate ship before, and Big Mom has kindness to Kaido, so Kaido will appear here this time.

"Prometheus, the fifth emperor of the sea! Hahahahaha! Hearing a thousand words is worth seeing once, don't you plan to run away?"

Kaido stepped out, the clothes on his body were windless and automatic, and with his terrifying figure, he looked quite scary.

"Escape? Want to escape? What are you dreaming of! Kaido!"

Facing the two emperors of the sea, Luo Lin did not hesitate at all, and the already gigantic flame body almost doubled in size, burning in the air like a devil's flame.

"Kaido, if you want to hit Prometheus' body, you must have a very strong armed arrogance and overlord-like arrogance. Special attack methods are also available, because Prometheus is not like a natural ability user. Generally, it can be easily caught with armed domineering."

The aunt stood aside and reminded.

Although her majesty and face are probably lost this time, as long as she and Kaido join forces to completely kill Prometheus, then above the sea, she will still be one of the Four Emperors!

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirteen What Spring and Autumn Dream Are You Doing!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Stucey was on top of the stands, watching the battle scene in the distance.

That space seemed to be divided into two by Prometheus and Kaido-mama.

Behind Prometheus is the infinite crimson glow, which is unbearably hot, while behind Kaido and Big Mom are dark clouds and thunder dragons, and the wind is endless.

The sense of tearing in the space made Stussy faintly startled.

"Morgan, maybe it's time for us to leave."

Feeling the throbbing in his heart, Stussy said to Morgan beside him.

Morgan glanced at Stucey and said, "It's a woman's intuition again?"

"What do you think?"

Without directly answering Morgan's question, Stussy stood up from his seat and walked away from the battlefield.

Looking at the back of Stucey leaving, and the Prometheus and others who seemed to be about to start driving, Morgan felt a little tangled in his heart. At the end of his thinking, Morgan sighed, "Forget it, let those people record it first." Now, at worst, go back and watch the camera phone bug by yourself."

Thinking of this, Morgan also left his position, but when he wanted to look for Stussy, he found that Stussy's figure had disappeared for a long time!

On the battlefield, the momentum of the three people intertwined and rubbed against each other, and the air seemed to be unable to bear the momentum of the three people.

It can be seen that the space is a little fuzzy, like a burning high temperature.

"Prometheus, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Just based on your words just now, I can kill you here!"

"Are you with aunt? Could it be that you are the legendary relying party?"

Prometheus' poisonous tongue attribute can be said to have been fully ordered, and Kaido's anger was instantly provoked in a short sentence.

I saw Kaido's eyebrows hanging upside down, and the veins on his arms and body were even more violent, which was enough to see the anger in Kaido's heart!

"Prometheus, you managed to piss me off."

Taking advantage of the sound, Kaido stared closely at Prometheus' wild flaming body with his wild beast-like eyes.

Armed-color domineering is covered on both hands, and at the same time, domineering-color domineering is also wrapped around the hands.

Two kinds of domineering are intertwined, this technique of using domineering is Liuying!

"go to hell!"

Kaido's voice was like thunder, resounding in all directions, roaring, and then the whole person rushed out like a shell.

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