Coupled with the bonus of being haunted by evil spirits, the murderous aura like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood soared into the sky, directly waking Caesar from a coma.

"I see."

After a casual reply, Luo Lin hung up the phone.

The moment he hung up the phone, Luo Lin cursed directly: "Zhan Guo, you forced me to do this!"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Lin's speed suddenly increased ten times. This was the effect of Luo Lin's use of the eight-door armor to rush on the road.

Now, Luo Lin has already disregarded the consumption of his own mental and physical strength. Anyway, everything has the blood of the Sword God, and the worst thing is to rest for a few days!

Carrying Caesar who just woke up from a coma, Luo Lin quickly flew towards Snake Island!

The speed was so fast that only an afterimage was left on the sea.

After half a day, Rowling finally brought Caesar to Snake Island.

The moment he arrived at Snake Island, Luo Lin's voice spread throughout the entire island: "Oshemaru, come pick me up, this is your assistant!"

After saying this, Luo Lin stepped forward with both legs. The super fast speed can generate a strong reaction force even in the air. There was a loud explosion, and Luo Lin's figure rushed up again. sky.

"Aokiji, let me see how strong you are!"

At this moment, Rollin divided his mental power into two, one half controlled Rollin, and the other half controlled Prometheus.

During these three days, Prometheus and Estes didn't find any chance to beat Big Mom and Kaido to the ground, but it was obvious that the physical strength of the two of them was decreasing at a rapid rate. , although it also has recovery, but it is still not as good as Prometheus and Estes.

Prometheus was able to eat a few pieces of remnant clouds when Kaido was panting. Although the taste was not so good, it was more or less able to restore a lot of physical strength.

Estes is even more ruthless. She who controls Teigu can even fight for [-] days without rest, all because of the energy stored in Teigu.

So far, the abilities that Estes has exposed are only swordsmanship and freezing, and none of the other abilities have been released.

Compared with them, the aunt's condition declined faster, her eyes were red, and she might go berserk due to the onset of eating disorder at any time!

If nothing else, the breakthrough of Prometheus and Estes appeared on Big Mom.

Chapter four hundred and twenty-two breakthrough

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Luo Lin hurried towards Gaya Island, Caesar in Snake Island was stunned.

He only remembered that there was an explosion, and when he woke up, he found that he had been kidnapped, with Hailoushi handcuffs on his hands.

Caesar observed the surrounding environment, only to see countless snakes staring at him, and the vertical pupils looked quite terrifying!

What kind of place did I come to!

Caesar now only feels that he is not answering every day, that the land is not working, that he is the only one on a deserted island.

Just as Caesar was thinking about how to escape from Hailoushi's handcuffs, countless snakes began to gather, and a man with a pale face and a gloomy aura came out of them.

The man was wearing a white coat similar to that of Caesar, walking towards Caesar with a calm expression.

When Caesar saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately ran towards the distance.

No matter who this person is, it is impossible for him to beat him. You must know that Hailoushi is like poison to him.

Once you touch this thing, even if you want to use your strength, it will take a lot of effort.

And this time, it can be regarded as a small burst of strength, which can make Caesar "run" a little faster.

It's just that this speed is probably about the same as that of ordinary people.

Orochimaru's dark face looked at Caesar who was gradually going away, and his figure disappeared instantly. When he appeared in front of Caesar again, he punched Caesar, and the armed domineering wrapped in the fist, directly hitting Caesar You can see stars in your eyes.

During this period of time, Orochimaru was not only studying the blood factor here, but also studying the cultivation system of this world, which was given to him by Luo Lin.

Originally, he didn't understand why Luo Lin was so wary of him, but he gave him the cultivation method of domineering.

It wasn't until Orochimaru got started that he realized how powerful Luo Lin was. It wasn't until this time that Orochimaru gave up his ambition.

In fact, it's good to be a scientific researcher safely, isn't it?

Orochimaru also prefers to do this kind of thing.

The arrival of Caesar made Orochimaru feel even more delighted. After all, in this world, he still needs the help of an indigenous researcher so that he can better grasp this knowledge.

Seeing Caesar fainted on the ground again, Orochimaru sneered, bent down and grabbed Caesar's clothes, and dragged Caesar towards his research room.

A conspicuous trace was drawn on the sea, but it was quickly smoothed out by the snakes.

Because this is the world of pirates, no one knows who will come to this small island suddenly, so Orochimaru directly uses these snakes as monitors, which can be regarded as making the best use of them.

At this time, a golden-red figure flashed across the sky, and the golden-red sword energy quickly circled Luo Lin's body.

He exerted the power of Bamen Dunjia to the extreme, and his speed was so fast that he could almost leave the sonic boom far behind him.

At any rate, Luo Lin also lived in the Pirate World for a year, and he can still distinguish the east, west, and north. If Luo Lin didn't make a mistake in the direction, then he is only half a day away from Gaya Island at this time. We have reached our destination.

Chapter four hundred and twenty-three Orochimaru's armed domineering color

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On Gaya Island, Reiju and Perona received news from Luo Lin early and waited for Aokiji's arrival here.

In order to prevent the loss of things on Gaya Island from being too serious, Perona directly asked them to take the Ark Proverb and go to Sky Island.

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