I saw those cherry blossom petals printed directly on the wall like iron sheets.

It even penetrated directly.

Luo Lin nodded, and said: "The ability training is not bad. It seems that I didn't stop training because of work."

Robin stood up from his seat, and said to Luo Lin: "Isn't that because you said that in this sea, only strength is king?"

Robin came to the tea table and made a cup of sakura tea for Luo Lin. Luo Lin shook his head. He didn't like scented tea. Compared to scented tea, Luo Lin preferred green tea, but it seems that not many islands produce this kind of thing. So the price is very expensive.

"I'm here this time to ask if the sand crocodile has made any outrageous moves recently."

Robin is a pair of eyes that Rolin placed here to observe Cobra and the sand crocodile, as well as all the troubles.

The reason why Luo Lin entrusted this task to Robin is mainly because Robin's business ability is particularly strong, and it will definitely not be a problem to be competent for these tasks.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Robin took advantage of his eyes, thought for a while, and said to Luo Lin: "According to my observation and penetration, the sand crocodile doesn't seem to have done anything out of line, at least there is absolutely no sign of harming Weiwei and Cobra. .”

"No signs of harming Cobra and Vivi?"

Rollins frowned slightly.

At this time, Robin said again: "But he seems to be in contact with some people of unknown influence recently. From those people, he seems to have gained some dancing fans."

Robin came to the wall next to it at this time, and pressed it lightly, leaving a blank space.

With a click, a hidden safe was revealed.

After entering the password, Robin took out a blueprint and handed it to Luo Lin.

Said: "Originally, I planned to collect this person's information, and then sort it out and send it to you."

After receiving the information from Robin, Luo Lin looked at the paper, and his brows frowned even deeper.

The person drawn on this piece of paper is wearing a green robe, and his face seems to have been severely beaten by a slipper, leaving marks. This person is the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon!

When seeing this portrait, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth turned up slightly, and he praised Robin: "Your painting ability is very good."

After hearing Luo Lin's words, Robin showed a smile on his pretty face, and chuckled softly: "Thank you for the compliment."

At this time, Luo Lin shredded the paper with sword energy, looked at the blue sky outside the window, and Luo Lin was thinking about the connection between this matter and the Revolutionary Army.

But the obvious thing is that the revolutionary army has already set its sights on Alabasta, and no accident, the poison this time should be the revolutionary army.

In addition, Crocodile has an ulterior connection with the Revolutionary Army. Presumably he wants to win Alabasta with the help of the Revolutionary Army.

After all, his ambition is not small.

"Looks like it's time to close the net." Luo Lin murmured, then turned to Robin and said, "Robin, give me the evidence you collected on Crocodile during this period, and it's time for this country to take care of itself." Clean it up, and when the time comes, when I am in control, it will be a little easier."

When Robin heard this sentence, his eyes shrank suddenly. It was not until this time that Robin finally knew why Luo Lin cared so much about this country. He was planning to!

"Ding, Robin was shocked by the host's words, evaluation: SSS, obtained: Knowledge-colored arrogance raised to LV.5."

"Ding, character crit, rating: Z, obtained: knowledge-colored domineering LV.6!"

The electronic sound of the system sounded in Luo Lin's mind, and Luo Lin stepped forward, and his figure appeared beside Robin in an instant. , but don’t let me down, remember to accept Crocodile’s subordinates in a few days, understand?”


Robin nodded, and the next second, Luo Lin's figure disappeared into the room.

The figure flickered quickly in the capital of Alabasta, and Rowling was summarizing his abilities.

"System, call out all my abilities."

"Ding, the following are the abilities possessed by the host, please check the host."

As the system's voice fell, Luo Lin only felt that there were dense words in front of him that only he could see.

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine The Traces of the Revolutionary Army

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Name: Rollin

Abilities: Intermediate Legendary Swordsman, LV.6 Armed-color Domineering, LV.6 Knowledge-color Domineering, LV.4 Overlord-color Domineering, Flying Sword Style, Eight-door Dunjia, White Eyes, Reincarnation of Dirty Earth, Affinity MAX, Soul Fruit ability……

Bloodline: Sword God Bloodline

Looking at his ability table, Luo Lin noticed that his current relatively weak ability is domineering and domineering.

But thinking of the difficulty of raising the domineering aura, Luo Lin only felt a headache.

This overlord-colored domineering looks useless, but in high-level battles, it is really very deadly.

High-level armed arrogance has a strong suppressive effect on people, even if it is stronger than him, but your domineering aura is not as good as his, you will be forced to be under this aura, and your blood will not flow smoothly, resulting in a decrease in strength very fast.

It seems that this period of time is the time to compete with the red hair, maybe I can make a breakthrough under his suppression and domineering look.

Afterwards, Luo Lin turned his attention to the Reincarnation of Dirty Earth in the ability table, and after a while after Big Mom's body was sent to Snake Island, he planned to use Dirty Reincarnation to revive Big Mom.

Maybe, after resurrecting with Big Mom's original body, she can still have the previous ability!

Thinking that in a short time, there would be another former Sea Emperor under his command, Luo Lin felt an indescribable sense of excitement in his heart.

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