As a result, Luo Lin's reputation once again increased.

Faced with the enthusiasm of the crowd, even Luo Lin himself was a little overwhelmed, and his steps were much faster, and he came to the palace in a short while.

The moment Luo Lin entered the palace, Weiwei threw herself directly into Luo Lin's arms, squeezed her pretty face fiercely into Luo Lin's arms, Qiongbi sniffed the smell of Luo Lin's body.

This made her feel more worried than ever.

At this time, Bell came to the side and explained to Luo Lin: "General Black Crow, ever since Princess Weiwei saw the desert giant just now, she has been very worried about your safety, now she sees that you are fine, Thinking about it, it’s a relief.”

Hearing Bell's explanation, Luo Lin stroked Weiwei's beautiful hair and said, "Don't worry, Weiwei, don't you know my strength?"

"You must know that I am the most powerful admiral."

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Enthusiastic People

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin's gentle voice rang in Weiwei's ear.

Weiwei nodded, looked at Luo Lin with her somewhat ruddy eyes, nodded vigorously, and said, "Well, Luo Lin is the strongest."

Looking at Wei Wei's serious expression, Luo Lin smiled happily.

At the same time, in the Baroque Chinese Society, Robin used his own means to directly integrate the Baroque Chinese Society into one, replacing Crocodile's position.

All her previous work was for this purpose now.

This can also be regarded as the task that Luo Lin entrusted to her, because Luo Lin intends to develop the Baroque Chinese Society into a secret intelligence department in Alabasta, and the result did not disappoint Luo Lin.

But some people surrendered, and naturally some people opposed it.

Robin, who was processing a pile of documents in the office, raised his head and looked towards the door as if he had sensed something.

Daz Bowness pushed the door open and entered, exuding a burst of hostility. He looked at Robin and asked sharply, "What do you mean?"

Robin didn't hesitate at this time, stood up from his seat, looked at Daz Bonis with calm eyes, and said, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you doing this? What good does it do you to surrender to the crow?"

"At least it will allow me to live a relatively stable life. I am tired of betrayal, and why do you think Crocodile values ​​me? He is just using me. For such a life, I am really I'm tired of it." Robin's face turned frosty, and he said, "Compared to Crocodile, Rowling can give me a sense of security."

"Sense of security? It's really a ridiculous statement." Daz Bonis's face was full of anger, and the hostility in his body was faintly rising.

"If Daz Bowness has finished speaking, I will ask you to go out. Even if you want to leave, no one will stop you."

Robin's cold voice echoed in the office, but these words obviously angered Dazzy Bonnies!

"It's not so easy for me to leave, unless you die! Mie Lie Zhan!"

As Daz Bowness's voice fell, he waved his arms to make them cross in front of his chest, and the slash appeared in front of Robin in an instant.

Robin just glanced at the slash, his expression didn't change much, just quietly watching the slash coming towards him.

In an instant, countless flower petals appeared in the office, and Robin's voice sounded in the office at this time: "You don't even have the domineering armor, and you want to defeat me? It's really wishful thinking!"

The petals condense again, and with the help of Rowling, Robin, who has the ability to double fruit, is completely unafraid of the unarmed and domineering Daz Bonis.

It is really a disadvantage to know that you will not use armed domineering in the great channel.

"Daz Bowness, you've let me down so much."

As Robin finished speaking, countless arms grew out of the office. This is the ability of the superhuman flower fruit. At the same time, these arms began to rotate. With the rotation of these arms, countless petals flew in the office.

"Flower Sea Hell!"

Every petal of the flower in the office hides murderous intentions, and Daz Bowness only feels that he is hidden in the endless sea of ​​flowers, but every petal here has the ability to kill!

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty One

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Daz Bowness felt the freeze in the air like a tide, and only felt it was terrifying.

"Could it be that this is Robin's true strength? It's really terrifying, is it possible that Robin's strength is stronger than Crocodile?"

I don't know why Daz Bowness burst out this idea in his heart, but it was this kind of thought that was instantly ingrained in Daz Bowness's mind.

Even so, so what!

Thinking of this, Daz Bowness turned his heart away, directly used the ability of the devil fruit, turned the palm and the back of his hand into blades, placed his hand between the wrist and the wrist, and then slammed at Robin.

Behind him is the Flower Sea Hell, and his only chance is to kill Robin in one go!

As for armed domineering, who said he can't?

I saw black light flashing past, but compared to other people, this black light was really a little dim, like a newly cultivated ability, and it was very reluctant to use it.

Looking at Dazzy Bowness's incomparably armed and domineering look, Robin's cold expression did not change, only listening to her whispering softly: "Dancing in the sea of ​​flowers!"

As Robin's voice fell, Robin's figure disappeared in front of Daz Bowness, countless petals scattered, and Daz Bowness's target disappeared from his vision in an instant.

It's just that the radiating sword energy emanated from Daz Bonis's hand, chopping the wall into pieces.

The wall turned into countless fragments and collapsed to the side, while Robin's figure appeared in the flower sea hell, and countless flowers condensed into Robin's figure.

I saw Robin raising his hand, the sea of ​​flowers gathered in the sky, and a sharp blade made of petals appeared in Robin's hand.

Armed-colored domineering covered it, white hands grasped the sharp blade, and stabbed down from behind Daz Bonis, and the piercing sound of piercing the air came from behind Daz Bonis' neck.

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