The answer is of course no!

Now he is rushing towards the Windmill Island in the East China Sea.

Ever since Rowling learned from Garp that Nuoqigao had brewed fine wine, Rowling has been thinking about it.

So if you just don't participate in this battle, as long as you don't participate in this battle, then the navy will definitely not make up your mind. As long as the loss in the battle is a little bit, the Warring States, as the marshal, will definitely order a retreat.

Under the command of various kingdoms and navies, countless soldiers began to mobilize and gather, and sailed towards Prometheus' Gaya Island in large troop transport ships.

Nearly a thousand naval soldiers are divided into different groups and intend to surround Gaya Island, but judging from the number of soldiers, it will definitely exceed the top war that will happen in the future.

Although there are not many high-end combat forces dispatched, the number has reached a very terrifying level.

Presumably this alone will be recorded in the history books.

Chapter four hundred and eighty one countermeasures

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Prometheus carried Estes and rushed towards Gaya Island crazily. At the same time, there were also a lot of people gathered on Gaya Island at the moment. They were the pirates who joined Prometheus during this period. group.

Among them are some great pirates, and even Prometheus saw the Queen of Happy Street, Stucey's letter paper, which showed his determination to join Prometheus, but for Stucey, Prometheus In the final analysis, she is still very vigilant. You must know that she is CP0. This is the identity that Luo Lin knew before crossing.

So in Prometheus's view, there is definitely a huge problem with Stussy's statement, and he can feel that Stussy is definitely hiding some other things from it.

Reiju and Perona looked at the pirate leaders in different shapes in front of them, and said to them with the expanded phone bug: "Soon, the navy and the royal army of other kingdoms will come to Gaya Island by boat, and they want to surround us. Stop it, take advantage of the time difference when Lord Prometheus is away, and give us a hard blow, do you think they can do it?"

A man with tattoos all over his face leaned against a big tree, gnawed his paws, and said to Perona: "Master Perona, those people are nothing more than mere soldiers in the final analysis, and we elites In comparison, they are completely mobs!"

The person who speaks is called Giant Claw, and his ability is the fruit of the Superman Claw. The bounty on the sea is [-] billion Baileys, and he can be regarded as a relatively famous pirate.

"Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa~ I'm really laughing to death. There are [-] pirates in my hand, and each of them is a murderous weirdo. With those garbage soldiers, it is absolutely impossible to give We're causing too much trouble."

The person who spoke was the captain of the Weird Pirates, named Weird Wang Guala, with a bounty of [-] billion Baileys. Among the pirate captains, he was extremely powerful.

But the main headache for the captains of the pirates is that among the personnel excluded by the navy this time, there are three generals!

Among them is the black crow known as the most powerful admiral in the navy!

And the irascible old brother Chigou, the salted fish muddy water king Huangyuan.

Just the pressure brought by these three people is very great.

They are really not afraid of those small soldiers. What they are really afraid of are these high-end combat forces, especially the generals. They may be able to clean up many of their pirates with a random move.

Then relying on the number of people, they can be piled up to death.

So Perona and Reiju know, don't look at what they say is so easy, in fact, they are just emboldening themselves. If the battle situation is really unfavorable, I believe they will escape faster than anyone else.

Maybe he will draw out his sword and slash at his colleagues.

"I naturally know what you are worried about. Lord Prometheus is rushing back, and he is also bringing Esdeth, who is comparable to the Four Emperors among the camera phone bugs!"

"At that time, the two of them will give the navy a very big surprise. All we have to do is to make them think that Prometheus will have a long time to come back, attract them to gradually approach the island, and let them enter our In the hinterland, only in this way can we surround and kill them!"

"When this incident is over, there will be no force in this sea that can hold us down! Not even Whitebeard!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Perona's voice spread on Gaya Island through the loudspeaker phone bug. The pirates on the island felt a burst of heat when they heard Perona's words.

White Beard is known as the most powerful man in the sea!

It can be said that the large fleet under its banner is the most powerful among all the pirates, but now, from the perspective of Prometheus, the two have a faint tendency to contend!

This was something they couldn't imagine before. In their thinking, it would be easier for them to join the team of the newly promoted Four Emperors than to be among the other Four Emperors.

It is obvious that this is the case.

Not to mention that Esdes and Prometheus are both in the position of the four emperors, and the two four emperors are in the same power. It is no wonder that the navy wants to suppress the arrogance of Prometheus .

After all, if Prometheus is allowed to develop like this, its power will definitely grow stronger and stronger, and it may even threaten the interests of many people, which they cannot allow.

As Perona uttered a sentence, the fiery atmosphere gradually rose around the pirates. They only felt that their blood was boiling. Except for the time when they first went to sea, they hadn't felt this feeling for a long time. I have experienced it.

For a moment, their breathing couldn't help being a little short, and their atmosphere and hearts were slowly twisted into a rope under Perona's words, and this rope was full of toughness.

"Glory and glory! Everything is in my hands! Bright future! Everything is under my control!"

I don't know who in the crowd said such a sentence, and it immediately infected countless pirates, one spread three, three spread ten, ten spread a hundred, within a short period of time, the voices of all the pirates gathered together, echoed in the sky.

On the empty island, the Sandia nation is also having a meeting in the palace at this moment. Conis sat in her seat and began to talk about the arrangement that Prometheus had just given. Conis's current position is an angel, and her job is to convey Prometheus Mitheus' order, this extremely simple job, was easily performed by Conis.

"Master God has orders, prepare a large number of dilapidated ships, or huge stones, and wait for Lord Perona's orders."

Conis's words were very simple, but they made everyone's eyes twitch.

"Master Angel, may I ask what happened? Could it be Gaya Island..."

Conis said to the Sandia in front of her with a straight face, "There are some things you should say, and some things you shouldn't say. If you want to make God unhappy, I..."

"I see, let's leave now and go to prepare materials."

Seeing the crowd of Sandiyas leaving in front of her, Conis breathed a sigh of relief. She put her hands on her chest, felt her breathing, and sighed: "Sure enough, no matter how many times, When facing those Sandiyas, they are always so terrifying!"

But then I just need to wait for Perona's call.

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