On the deck, Rollin gave a reminder.

Ain looked at the hailstone vigilantly, and slowly closed his eyes when he heard Luo Lin's words...

Chapter 123 Super!overtake!giant hail

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Ain closed his eyes, feeling the changes in his body, recalling the sword energy he swung just now.

Luo Lin wasn't in a hurry, anyway, the huge hailstone wouldn't be able to fall for a while.

Suddenly, Ain opened his eyes, and the holy sky sword in his hand danced a saber, and every time he danced, the momentum of the sword on Ain's body increased by one point.

The huge hailstones that fell from the sky did not leave a way for other hailstones to survive.

Mixed with the bitter cold wind, it was like the roar of an ancient beast, which made the naval soldiers on the warship panic, and all of them turned pale with fright.

"Oh General~ Why hasn't he appeared yet?"

"He doesn't really intend to let this little girl resist such a big hailstone?"

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for that little girl to stop it."

"Quickly use the phone bug! Tell the general to smash it quickly."

"Otherwise, we will all be buried in the sea."


Fear always drives people crazy, and over time, the demon named Fear begins to consume their hearts.

Standing on the deck, Rowling could naturally sense the chaos on the other warship.

Back then, based on the principle that no one under his command could use it, Luo Lin specially ordered a warship and kept it out, but what he didn't expect was that their prototype would be revealed not long after.

That being the case, after returning this time, send them away.

In the sky, Ain's sword power has accumulated to the level of a great swordsman, and it is not known whether it is due to the overdraft of physical strength, Ain's pretty face is getting paler and paler.

The hailstorm was close at hand, and there was no room for Ain to relax.

Ain's eyes were firm, she calmly watched the hailstone falling mercilessly towards her, and held up the Holy Heaven Sword.

I saw a white light suddenly appeared on the Holy Heaven Sword, the white light broke the dawn, and it was like a guiding light in the dark and bad weather.

"Wind Painting Whale Swallow!"

Ain shouted loudly in the air, and the Holy Heaven Sword in his hand also chopped down at this moment.

The sword energy is like a whirlwind, wrapped in a hurricane, turning into countless blades, faintly looking like a giant whale from a distance.

I saw this whale-shaped sword energy, as if it opened its shocking mouth, and bit down the giant hailstone in one bite.

Seeing this scene, Luo Lin smiled with satisfaction.

In the sky, Ain saw the hailstone the size of a house disintegrating in an instant, and the tight string in his heart was instantly loosened.

A sense of powerlessness flooded into his brain, and Ain's small body finally couldn't bear it, and he fell straight from the sky.

The hailstone was crushed into powder by the sword energy, turned into fine crystal powder, and fell from the air together with Ain's petite figure.

Yingyingjian is like an angel falling into the mortal world.

The hair was flying, and the blue hair echoed with the crystal, and a hole was exposed in the sky because of Ain's slash "Kazee Whale".

The sunlight directly sprinkled on Ain's body through this hole, which was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

"No Knife Flow - Updraft!"

Luo Lin clenched his fist, and then let it out suddenly. The small amount of pure sword energy that drowned directly formed a relatively strong updraft in the air, slowing down Ain's landing speed.

Slowly, Ain's petite body floated into Luo Lin's arms like a feather.

"Thank you, Ain~"

Luo Lin gently kissed Ain's forehead. At this moment, Ain's eyes were tightly closed, and she had fallen into a deep sleep with her body overdrawn.

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"What, that little girl actually shattered that level of hailstone!"

"This is too scary. Although it is a hailstorm, it does not have any bonuses, but even so, it is not something that a mere swordsman can do."

"Is it possible that the apprentice of the general has already been promoted to the great swordsman?"

"How is it possible, she is just a little girl."

"But the person guiding that little girl is a general!"


Suddenly, no one was talking.

Yes, the person who taught this little girl is a general, it should be very easy for her to be promoted to the realm of a great swordsman in a short period of time.

"Ding, the task card task is completed. Participant: Ain, rating: S, gained: Great Swordsman experience."

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