"Aren't we going to the place where Manami works, but to France?" Because Kiyoura Mai reserved a French school for Kiyoura Setsuna.

"Of course, we don't go to work, but to enjoy, so isn't France our first choice?"

"It's not about enjoying, but about escaping." Katsura Manami corrected Xiyuanji's pupa.

"Manami, you still have such a serious personality, but your performance last night was not like this, that's..."

Before Xiyuan Temple Pupa finished speaking, Katsura Manami interrupted: "Pupa, I want to break up with you!"

Author's message:

Thank you for Lingyue Feiwu's support of 1500 happy coins and a chapter of monthly tickets, and the support of 500 happy coins for the girls going to the wilderness, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Manami, I have heard many times that you want to break up with Pupa, but every time you come back, you go home first, and the second stop is the Radish bar. Doesn't this explain everything?"

"what is the problem?"

"Of course it's Manami, you love me so deeply." Xiyuanji Jizi took over the conversation and said.

Katsura Manamiki immediately responded to Saizonoji Pupa's words, because in another way of understanding, what Saiyuanji Pupa and Kiyoura Setsuna said is correct.

However, even if it is a good friend, Katsura Manami is still a little angry when she is given such a "gift".

"Pupa, although I really want to say that I was hurt, I don't think you and Wu will believe it. But don't forget, Pupa, you drugged someone this time, which is already considered a compulsive behavior Don’t you worry about him? Also, isn’t it a bit inappropriate for you to leave a message and leave, after all, the world is still a child.”

"Since you don't worry about yourself now, there is no need to worry about that little guy. He is a very caring little guy. I ran away from home without thinking about it. Although I let the world take care of Radish, I In the message, I let that little guy help the world."

"You're really scheming everywhere." Kiyoura Wu said after hearing Xiyuanji Pupa's words.

She and Katsura Manami knew about Xiyuan Temple Pupa's message, but they didn't know the specific content in it. Now that they know it, of course they have to express their opinions.

However, this kind of scheme was calculated against others last night, and only Xiyuanji pupa can do it if I leave a message today hoping to help.

Xiyuanji pupa didn't care about Qingpu Wu's opinion, but asked Katsura Manami, saying: "You should have seen your two daughters when you came back this time, right? Could it be that you want to treat both children like Wu? Are you going abroad?"

"No, I just met Yan Ye. If I was careful, I was afraid that she would pester me and not let me go, so I just watched it from a distance." Gui Manami began to recall the meeting with Gui Yan Ye, and said after a while : "I don't know why, but Yan Ye's change is too great, and neither she nor Xiaoxin have the idea of ​​leaving here to go abroad, so at this time I can only follow their wishes, after all, I owe their sisters It's just too much."

After hearing what Katsura Manami said, Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Kiyoura Mai glanced at each other, and they tacitly did not mention the relationship between Yagyu Xia Ye and Sister Gui Yanye.

"Yan Ye must understand you if he can think this way, so you don't have to blame yourself too much, let's relax and enjoy the holiday." Kiyoura Mai said to Katsura Manami.

"Will we be back?"

"Well, if we miss our daughter, or him, we can come back." Said Xiyuan Temple Pupa.


This time Kiyoura Mai also very much agrees with Katsura Manami's evaluation of Xiyuan Temple Pupa.

The broadcast prompting registration sounded, and the three of Xiyuanji Pupa walked towards the boarding gate.


Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Xiyuan Temple World went to the school together, but because of the different directions, they didn't meet Gui Yanye on the way.

After arriving in the classroom, Gui Yanye was already sitting in his seat. Seeing Liu Shengxia Ye appearing, Gui Yanye was overjoyed at first, but he didn't show it, and sat there quietly.

"Sorry for worrying you." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to Gui Yanye.

Although I'm not sure, but Liu Shengxiaye looked at Gui Yanye's expression today, it seemed that something was wrong, it didn't look like he was sick, but because he didn't have enough sleep.That means that Gui Yanye must have waited for Liu Shengxia Ye for a long time last night, and he actually got tricked again, so he felt guilty.

After waiting for a long time last night, I found that Yagyu Xiaye didn't come back, and the phone was turned off. If it wasn't for Xinxin and Ito Yuki to look after at home, Gui Yanye might have gone to Radish to look for Yagyu Xiaye.

Seeing that Liu Shengxia Ye didn't look like anything happened, Gui Yanye let go of his worries.

"The store manager went on a trip, so I explained some things. I'm afraid I will go to Radish to help during the period when the store manager doesn't come back." Liu Shengxia still felt that he had already told Gui Yanye some of the things.

"Aunt Pupa went on a trip? Then who will Radish be handed over to?"

"Xiyuanji World classmate in the next class, she is the store manager's daughter."

"The world classmate of Xiyuan Temple is actually Aunt Pupa's daughter?" Gui Yanye's mother and Xiyuan Temple Pupa are good friends, so Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple Pupa often meet each other, but in Radish, Gui Yanye I have never seen the daughter of Xiyuan Temple's pupa, and I didn't expect it to be the world of Xiyuan Temple.

"Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi should know this, and I never thought that you would not know."

According to the familiar relationship between Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple pupa, Liu Sheng Xia Ye thought that the world of Xiyuan Temple knew each other.

"But aren't Xiyuanji World Classmates students like us? What does Aunt Pupa think?"

"Of course not all of them will be handed over to Xiyuan's world classmate. There must be other arrangements. I was already arranged by the store manager's message."

"If Xia Ye is going to help, I will go too." Gui Yanye said suddenly.

I don't know what's going on, but when I found out that Xiyuanji World is the daughter of Xiyuanji Puzi, and Xiyuanji Puzi wants Yagyu Xiaye to go to Radish to help, Gui Yanye feels very nervous, as if It's as if something precious from the members has been snatched away.

Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little surprised by Gui Yanye's choice, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not agree, because the conditions did not allow Gui Yanye to make such a choice.

"Yan Ye, I don't think you should go to Radish with me to help, because there are two girls at home, Xin Xin and Xiao Zhi, who need you to watch over, and you can't take both Xiao Xin and Xiao Zhi to Radish, that would not be helping , but to add to the confusion, after all, it needs to be taken care of by one person. But I can assure you that things like yesterday’s not going home will not happen.”

When he first heard Liu Shengxia Ye's refusal, Gui Yanye was not happy, thinking that Liu Sheng Xia Ye cared about the time he spent alone with Xiyuan Temple World.But after listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's explanation, I realized that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was worried about being careful and Xiao Zhi.

Indeed, because I was too nervous, I simply forgot that being careful and Xiaozhi needed someone to take care of them.

Moreover, Liu Shengxia Ye's assurance also reassured Gui Yanye a lot.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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