
To Liusheng Xiaye's surprise, Kato Otome's voice hadn't returned to Class [-] until lunch.

Arriving directly in front of Nanami's seat in Ganluji Temple, before Yagyu Xiaye could speak, Qihai of Ganluji Temple said first, "Student Liusheng, I called Otome but no one answered, and Otome's younger sister also didn't answer the phone."

"When did you start playing?"

"I've been beating all the time, because I'm worried that something happened to Otome."

Kanroji Nanami didn't lie, because this was the first time since high school that Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome had been separated for so long, and they still couldn't get in touch until now.

"Do you know the address of Poor Kato's school? I'll go and have a look now." The campus life in Sakakino Academy is a bit boring now, so it's great to have a chance to go out, and there is still a story about Poor Kato's younger sister. matter.

"Are you going to go now?" Yagyu Xia Ye's attitude still surprised Nanami of Ganlu Temple a bit. Going to Kato Poor School now means leaving early.

At the time of graduation, this kind of thing that is usually not paid attention to is likely to cause some big problems.

"There's nothing important anyway, aren't you worried about Kato-san?" Yagyu Xia Ye asked back.

Ganlu Temple Qihai had no words to refute.

Although he teased Gui Yanye with some girls in the class who didn't like Gui Yanye, but those were all within the controllable range.

Now Kanroji Nanami has begun to work hard for the women's basketball team of Sakakino Academy wholeheartedly, so now she will not do things like leaving early that will affect the evaluation.

"Thank you, I will give you the address of the Poor School right now." After finishing speaking, Nanami Kato wrote the address of Kato Poor School on the paper.


After taking the address written by Nanami from Kanroji Temple and looking at it, I found that Kato's poor school is relatively close to Sakakino Academy.

"Otome said that it was to take good care of Poor, that's why Poor went to school not far from Sakakino Academy." Kanroji Nanami explained why Kato Otome had time to solve Kato Poor's affairs.

"I know, let's go now."

After Liu Shengxia finished talking to Qihai of Ganlu Temple, he returned to his seat, and told Gui Yanye that he would not have lunch together, and he had something to deal with.

Gui Yanye didn't ask anything, but just reminded Liu Sheng that he must go home at night, otherwise Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, would be thinking about it again.

Liu Shengxia Ye nodded solemnly, because the two little girls also said that if Liu Sheng Xia Ye lied to them in the future, he would tell the story of the past.

Although I know that the two little lolitas won't say anything, I still have to control my behavior, and I can't let the two little lolitas always be disappointed at home.

After coming out, Yagyu Xia Ye met Xiyuan Temple World at the gate of the third class of the first year.

"Are you going to have lunch?" Xiyuan Temple World asked.

"Sorry, I have some business to go out today, so I don't have time to have lunch." Liu Sheng Xia Ye also saw the two bento boxes in the hands of Xiyuan Temple World.

"Is that so? I'm really bothering you." Hearing that Yagyu Xiaye didn't have time to go to lunch together, Xiyuan Temple World was a little disappointed. When she turned around and wanted to leave, she felt that she was carrying the lunch box. Hands were pulled.

"Although I can't eat with you, it can't be wasted, right? I can also choose to eat on the road, can I?"

This request from Yagyu Xiaye made the world of Xiyuan Temple laugh, "Of course." Then he handed one of the lunch boxes to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Thank you!" After receiving the lunch, Yagyu Xiaye left Sakakino Academy.


Sakakino Gakuen is a high school only school, so there must be other schools to share the affairs of elementary school and junior high school.

Caiyun Academy is one of these schools, and this school is a primary school, junior high school and high school together, but there are not many students who stay in this school to study high school, on the contrary, there are more elementary school and junior high school students.

Kato Otome's younger sister is a second-year junior high school student at Caiyun Academy.

There is not much distance between Caiyun Academy and Sakakino Academy, so when Yagyu Xiaye arrived at Caiyun Academy, there was no time for lunch break.

Since the school's discipline is not very strict, Yagyu Xiaye, who was obviously wearing a school uniform from another school, entered Caiyun Academy easily.

It is not difficult to find Caiyun Academy, but it is a bit difficult to find someone who does not know Caiyun Academy, because Liu Shengxiaye is not familiar with Caiyun Academy at all.

After asking several students in a row, no one knew where the girl Kato Poor was, so they immediately turned around and asked about Kato Poor's class.

This time, Liu Shengxia Ye knew the destination very quickly.

Arriving at Poor Kato's class, as soon as he walked in, Yagyu Xiaye shouted, "Poor Kato?"

Although it is still lunch time, there are still many students in the classroom, including two groups.

Most of them were girls, and Liu Shengxia Ye looked at it and found that there were four people he knew.

The first is Kato Otome who can't be contacted by Nanami of Ganlu Temple, and the second is Kato Poor who is suspected of encountering a problem.At this time, Kato Otome sat beside Kato's pitiful side, as if she was guarding against something.When Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, the two twins whom I met yesterday afternoon, Nijo Ichiyo and Nijo Erye were guarding Kato's poor side.

Author's message:

The new chapter is released, try to keep double updates, please bookmark, ask for comments, and ask for everything.

Thanks to Shuke 923390019 and Yeyouyueying for their monthly ticket support, and thanks to Wang Wangjiang and those who found a good book for their reward of 100 happy coins.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In addition to this group, there is another one that is more composed of boys, and there are three places across Kato, one of whom Yagyu Xiaye also knows.

That is Kyouichi Hanayamain who wanted to date Ganluji Qihai at first, but after being rejected by Ganluji Nanami, he went to trick Gui Xin's friend Ii Uzuki.

I haven't met Guixin's good friend Jing Yi Uzuki recently, so I don't know if this guy will continue to pester Jing Yi Uzuki, but since he appeared in Caiyun Academy, he should have a certain purpose.

And Kato Otome appeared here, so this time Kyouichi Hanayamain's target may be Kato Otome's younger sister Kato, poor.


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