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Of course, Xiyuanji World doesn't hide what it hates, so it just made that disgusting move in front of Ito Makoto.

"Xia Ye, do you know why they became like this?" Suddenly, Xiyuan Temple World stopped and turned around to ask Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

For Xiyuan Temple World's inquiry, Liu Sheng Xia Ye was a little surprised, but this did not make Liu Sheng Xia Ye flustered, but asked naturally: "The most I can do is to teach them a lesson, as for wanting to change their sexual orientation , I don’t have the ability to do it, unless I am God and the old man is possessed.”

This may be the hidden attribute of Taisuke Sawayuki and Makoto Ito buried in their bodies, but it was activated by an event specially arranged by Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yagyu Natsuya's explanation Xiyuanji World also agrees, after all, she doesn't believe that Yagyu Natsuya has such ability, so the main reason for asking this is because Yagyu Natsuya, Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke almost have personal enmity , Maybe you will know some special circumstances.

Now that everything was explained clearly, Xiyuan Temple World didn't intend to hold on to it, but handed over the bento bag she was carrying.

"World, what do you mean, now is not the time to eat lunch."

Moreover, Yagyu Xiaye did not see a second bento on Xiyuanji World today.

You know, in the past, Xiyuanji World would prepare two lunch boxes, one for yourself and one for Ito Makoto.But after being disappointed with Ito Makoto, another bento became Yagyu Xiaye's.

There was no second bento today, but Xiyuanji World still handed over this bento.

"You prepared a bento today, right? It's exactly the same as Gui Yanye's." Xiyuan Temple World asked.

"Well, because I made the bento, so they are all similar." Here, his and Gui Yanye's bento are almost the same. As for Ito Zhi and Gui Xin's bento side dishes, they must be different from them. of.

"So, I want to eat your bento today and see your craftsmanship. In exchange, I will give you my bento." Xiyuanji World explained the reason for handing over the bento.

Yagyu Xiaye has no objections to exchanging bento, anyway, as long as it can be eaten, there is no problem.

He took out his bento and handed it to Xiyuan Temple World, and by the way, took the bento handed over by Xiyuan Temple World, and said, "If you want to eat the bento I made, you can tell me, in the morning I’ll just make an extra copy and bring it to you at school.”

"Is it specific?"

"That's not it, it must be about the same as our bento."

"Then there's no need, let's exchange my bento with your bento. That's it, I'll go back to the classroom first." Xiyuanji World took Yagyu Xia Ye's bento and left.


Yagyu Xia Ye took the bento from Xiyuan Temple World into the classroom of Class [-] of the first year, and found that the classroom was a bit noisy. After identifying it, it was because the sports meeting was coming, and everyone was thinking about the sports they were good at. , Fortunately, the class will be honored during the sports meeting.

"Good morning, Liuyu."

"Liuyu, thank you for what you did at Caiyun Academy yesterday."

Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami greeted Yagyu Xiaye, and Ganluji Nanami also expressed his gratitude to Yagyu Xiaye.

"No, because they are all classmates in the same class, so it is appropriate to help."

"It's not about Otome."

Ganluji Qihai's words stunned Liu Sheng Xia Ye. He thought that the reason why Ganluji Qihai would thank him was because he went to Caiyun College yesterday to bring Kato Otome back.It doesn't look like it now, but after he came to Caiyun Academy, he did this thing related to Qihai of Ganlu Temple.

"It's about that senior senior. On the way home yesterday, Otome told me that he was the one who went to Caiyun Academy to make trouble for him. If I hadn't rejected him at the beginning, I wouldn't have suffered ..."

"This has nothing to do with you, it's just that that person is too scumbag, so you don't have to take it to heart." Yagyu Xiaye interrupted Ganlusi Qihai's words.

It turned out that Kanroji Nanami attributed the reason why Kyoichi Hanayamain went to Caiyun Academy to embarrass Kato Otome's younger sister Kato to the fact that she rejected Kyouichi Hanayamain's request for a relationship on the rooftop.

That's why Kanroji Nanami expressed his gratitude to Yagyu Natsuya when he learned that Yagyu Natsuya had taught Hanayamain Kyouichi a lesson.

"Even if you agreed at the time, maybe what happened yesterday will still happen, because that guy is a scumbag, and you can't control and influence him. So you don't need to thank him, but you can be with Kato-san in the sports meeting If you fight for honor for the class, then my task will be easier." Yagyu Xiaye said to Qihai of Ganlu Temple.

"Yagyu-san, did you also participate in the competition?" Kanroji Nanami asked with interest.

It's a pity that Yagyu Xiaye didn't get an answer because the bell for class rang.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye went back to his place, and Gui Yanye also saw that the bag of Liu Sheng Xia Ye's bento was changed, but he didn't ask.


The morning class was spent in boredom. During the lunch break, Gui Yanye originally wanted to invite Liu Sheng Xia Ye to eat together, but was pulled away by the girls who had sent friendly messages before.

Therefore, Yagyu Xia Ye could only choose to eat alone.

The place to eat is of course the school’s rooftop. I haven’t been there for a long time. I don’t know if the school is locked or not.

Moreover, a club should be established, and the school's rooftop should be used as the club's activity room, so that there is no need to worry about the rooftop being taken over by someone who hasn't been to school for a long time.

When I arrived, I found that the roof was not locked. Could it be that the world of Xiyuan Temple couldn't do it.

Other than Yagyu Natsuya and Saiyuanji World, the only ones who like to come to the rooftop are Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome.But Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami have already gone to the cafeteria to eat together, so the only guess is the world of Saiyuanji.

Without making too much noise, Yagyu Xiaye entered the rooftop, and when he wanted to ask if it was the Xiyuan Temple World, Yagyu Xiaye abruptly stopped in his tracks.

Because it was not Saiyuanji World that appeared on the rooftop, but Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto from the fourth class of the year.

While the two were eating, they didn't notice the sudden intruder, Liu Shengxia Ye.

It's just that the behavior of the two of them eating almost made Yagyu Xiaye feel sick, because Sawayong Taisuke actually fed Makoto Ito with vegetables.

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If what was in his hand was not food, but the lunch cooked by Xiyuan Temple World himself, Liu Shengxiaye might have smashed it on the two people who were loving each other.

"Unlucky." In the end, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't intend to remind the two of them, turned around and left the rooftop, intending to find another place for lunch.

When I was going downstairs, I actually ran into a physical education teacher, Miki Sawanaga.

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