If it weren't for the need for a club to apply for an activity room, Yagyu Xiaye would not even have the idea of ​​​​establishing a club.The reason why I want the school's rooftop is just to have a fixed place to eat.

"I want the roof of the school, and I promise that after I get the roof, I will take good care of the key to the roof, and I won't do anything to destroy the door lock again."

"So, now you are the first to break the door lock to enter the rooftop."

I was a little impatient and exposed this information, but Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't care, it's not a big deal.

"Forget it, since Mr. Zeyong can make my activity room for the classroom I don't use, then there must be a way to turn the rooftop into an activity room for my club. I just want to know your conditions."

This time, Zeyong Miki refused directly, but was considering what Yagyu Xia Ye said.

"First, I'm not allowed to take the initiative to attack my younger brother and Makoto Ito. They have gone to this extreme now. If you attack them again, I'm afraid they will be destroyed." Fortunately, Miki Zeyong also knows Proper, it means that Yagyu Xiaye is not allowed to take the initiative, but if Sawayong Taisuke or Ito Makoto take the initiative to provoke, then Yagyu Xiaye doesn't have to worry about it.

"Of course, the first point is from my personal point of view. This is my privilege as a teacher, right? What's your opinion?"

Yagyu Xia Ye did not have any difficulties with Miki Zeyong's first condition.As long as Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto don't come to actively provoke him, it's fine. As for Yagyu Xiaye going to take the initiative to trouble them, that's no need to think about it. Yagyu Xiaye will not get close to the two gay guys, because Fear of getting infected.

"I have no objection, Mr. Zeyong, what about your remaining conditions?" Liu Shengxia Ye directly asked the rest.

"Of course, you have achieved impressive results in the sports meeting that will be held soon, so that the school will recognize your ability. In this way, I will be more convincing when I apply for you." This condition is Ze Yongmei Ji aimed at Yagyu Xia Ye.

You must know that even if a person has extraordinary abilities, he cannot be omnipotent. In terms of sports, there may be someone in the entire academy who can suppress Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Personal award?"

"Yes, it's not the collective honor of the class, but the individual awards. I know that you have signed up for three competitions, but even if you win the three competitions you participated in, the matter of applying for the rooftop as an activity room It's not very convincing." As the school's physical education teacher, Miki Sawanaga must be most concerned about the sports meeting.

Among the four classes a year, most of the students probably don't know that Liu Sheng Xiaye has signed up for the three sports events.

However, these three items were all carried by Gui Yanye with Liusheng Xiaye on his back, in order for Liusheng Xiaye to win honors for Class [-] of the first year, so that he can get impression points in front of the school, which can relieve the pressure of the school. The previous punishment of Yagyu Xiaye.

"Then what kind of grades are needed to be convincing enough?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked directly, without considering what he could or couldn't do.

"Ten champions, and one must break the school record."

Sakakino Academy, no matter how you say it, is a school with a history, and there must be some inhuman achievements in sports.

In the past, some statistical tools must have been imperfect, so it was uncertain whether those records were true or not.But anyway, those records have been passed down, and over the years, no one has broken any records.

"Okay, I'll add another seven events when I go back. Of course, I won't participate in team sports. I'm afraid you won't count." Liu Sheng Xia Ye heard that it was an invitation from a champion, but he didn't think it was a big deal.

Isn't he the Ten Crown King? Liu Shengxia Ye still has confidence in himself in this life.

Miki Zeyong didn't know about Yagyu Xiaye, so of course he thought that Yagyu Xiaye was just talking, maybe Yagyu Xiaye would use the relationship behind him to complete his application for the rooftop as an activity room, Zeyong Miki was thinking about that time What kind of excuse was used to stop it.

"I look forward to your ten crowns and hope you can complete it."

"In this case, I'll go back first. Anyway, I will know the answer after the sports meeting."


On the way back to the classroom, they were mostly promoting the sports meeting, and the first class was over as soon as they arrived at the door of the classroom.

He greeted the teacher after class, and walked directly to the pitiful position of Nanami and Kato in Ganluji after entering the class.

"Kato-san, do I need to register with you to register for the sports meeting?"

"Yes, but Yagyu-san, aren't you..."

"Of course that counts. I just want to add some items temporarily. Do you still have the registration form?"

"Yes, just wait a moment."

Kato pitifully took out the registration form from his seat and gave it to Yagyu Xiaye, and then Yagyu Xiaye asked about the record of the school's sports meeting, but Ganluji Nanami next to him gave Yagyu Xiaye another form, which read is the record of each project.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After expressing his gratitude to Nanami of Ganluji, Yagyu Xiaye returned to his seat with the registration form and the school history record sheet.

"Xia Ye, Teacher Zeyong didn't make things difficult for you by telling you to go, right?" Gui Yanye asked first.

Yagyu Taisuke and Ito Makoto came back to school yesterday, and today Yagyu Miki was called to the office by Zeyong Miki, which made Gui Yanye worry that Zeyong Miki would embarrass Yagyu Xiaye again.

"It's just something about the sports meeting. Yan Ye, what events did you sign up for me?" After filling in the class and name, Liu Sheng Xiaye looked at the full items, and then asked Gui Yanye.

"Xia Ye, didn't you know what project I signed up for you before?"

"It's just that I'm too lazy to remember. Anyway, Yan Ye, you didn't sign up for any projects. It's fine to remind me by my side when the time comes, but can you tell me now."

"The two events of the [-]-meter sprint and the [-]-meter sprint, I didn't sign up for the me not long ago. Now I plan to apply for some events." , Gui Yanye knew that she could not continue the way she used to, so she had to make changes, and the sports meeting was a good start.

"The [-]-meter and [-]-meter sprints, right? I'll check them first." Liu Shengxiaye first found the [-]-meter and [-]-meter events, and then ticked the boxes in front of them.

Instead of continuing to tick other items, Yagyu Xiaye opened the historical record sheet he got from Qihai of Ganlu Temple, began to find out the results of these items, and then listed them on the side of the paper.

After doing all this, Liu Shengxia Ye set his sights on the registration form again.

The registration form is quite well done. The front side is for individual projects, while the reverse side is for group projects.

The negative group project Liu Sheng Xiaye was not considered, and began to look for projects that could be signed up.

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