Yuki Ito mentioned it to Natsuya Yagyu yesterday, if she received another envelope at school today, she would sleep with Natsuya Yagyu tonight because she would feel scared, only when she slept with Natsuya Yagyu to feel safe.

However, Dongjou has prevented the school teacher from continuing to put envelopes in Yuki Ito's backpack, and Yuki Sawago was also subdued and imprisoned, so there will be no unsafe things about Yuki Ito in the future.

Unexpectedly, Yuki Ito suddenly said that he would sleep together tonight.

Moreover, Ito Zhi's voice did not decrease this time, so Gui Xin on the side also heard it.

Gui Xin stopped doing her homework, looked at Ito Yuki and said, "I thought Xiaozhi was going to say something to Big Brother, but he cunningly proposed to sleep with Big Brother first."

Gui Xin came to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's side, took Liu Sheng Xia Ye's hand and said, "Big brother, I want to sleep with you too, I won't let Xiao Zhi sleep with you alone."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye has a big headache, he hasn't figured out how to reject Ito Zhi, and now Gui Xin is entangled again.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhi, have you finished your homework?" Fortunately, at this time, Gui Yanye came out of the kitchen and saw that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were beside Liu Shengxia Ye, so he asked.

"I've already done a lot, but Xiao Zhi only wants to sleep with big brother after doing a little bit, of course I don't want to." With Liu Sheng Xia Ye by her side, Gui Xin is not very afraid of her sister.

"So you didn't do your homework and came here?"

"Yes, you can't let Xiaozhi sleep with big brother."

After hearing Gui Xin's words, Gui Yanye pulled Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little girls away from Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and said: "Today neither of you can be with Xia Ye. Go to sleep, do your homework now, I have already put the bath water for you."

"Is Sister Yan Ye still sleeping with Big Brother? Tonight." Pulled by Gui Yanye, Ito Zhizhi suddenly said such a sentence.

"Sister, is this your purpose?" Gui Xin also chose to believe Ito Zhi's words, thinking that this was the reason why Gui Yanye refused her and Ito Zhi's request.

The sudden words made her face blush, but she immediately explained: "Tomorrow will be our school's sports meeting for three consecutive days, so summer nights should rest well."

In order to increase his persuasiveness, Gui Yanye immediately said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Xia Ye, they may still have a while to finish their homework, you go take a bath first, I have prepared a change of clothes for you."

"Thank you, Yan Ye." Liu Sheng Xia Ye also walked to the bathroom cooperatively, leaving Gui Yan Ye to deal with Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's two little girls.


Sure enough, Liu Sheng Xia Ye was not disappointed, Gui Yanye finally persuaded Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, but the two little girls also said that after the sports meeting, they must definitely be allowed to sleep with Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Xia Ye, have you met my mother?" Gui Yanye asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye after arranging Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to take a bath.

Because just now, Gui Yanye received a message from Gui Manami.

No, it was strange that in the text message, it seemed that Mama Katsura Manami was a little familiar with Yagyu Xiaye.

However, in Gui Yanye's impression, Liu Shengxia Ye had never had any contact with Gui Manami.

The only time I almost got in touch again was last week when Manami Katsura suddenly appeared near the bakery, but at that time Yagyu Xiaye and Manami Katsura hadn't met each other.

Facing Gui Yanye's question, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't know how to answer.

It doesn't seem right to see it or not.

"Your mother's friend should have told her that I'm here." Yagyu Xiaye didn't directly answer whether she had met Katsura Manami.

When Gui Yanye heard it, he felt that this was also right.

The information that Yanagi Natsuya lived at home should be known to Xiyuanji Yuko and Kiyoura Mai, so they might tell Katsura Manami.

"Mom said that if there is nothing to do recently, Xinxin and I should not go out, and it's better to be by your side, Xia Ye, do you know why?" Gui Yanye thought of the news from Gui Zhenami before, It's a bit baffling.

You know, Gui Yanye was still a little worried before.

I was worried that when Katsura Manami knew that Yagyu Natsuya was staying at home, she would no longer agree to Yagyu Natsuya's stay. Now it seems that there is no such worry.

"It should be that I know my reliability from the store manager of Xiyuan Temple, but there is no need to do this. If you and Xiaoxin want to go out, it is okay, don't worry about anything."

Yagyu Xiaye understood what Katsura Manami was worried about, it was nothing more than fear that Yagyu Xiaye would attack Ze Yuezhi, anger Ze Yuezhi, and then transfer this anger to other people.It's just that Ze Yuezhi has been controlled by Yagyu Xiaye now, and we'll see how to deal with the aftermath next week, so Katsura Manami's worries can be put down.

However, now that Ze Yuezhi has been controlled, Yagyu Xia Ye does not intend to let Katsura Manami and others know.Because they were afraid that after they knew the news, they would rush back from abroad suddenly, which might complicate things.

Although he wanted to follow Gui Manami's message, Gui Yanye still chose to believe in Yagyu Xiaye.

"I'll reply to the message to my mother. Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi have gone to take a shower. Xia Ye, you should go back to your room first, otherwise they may still make trouble."

"Well, cheers for the sports meeting, good night."

"Good night, I'll go cheer you on." Gui Yanye said to Liu Shengxia Ye.


In the morning, Gui Xin and Ito Yuki, who were not able to sleep with Yagyu Xiaye, were a little emotional. Fortunately, Yagyu Xiaye promised alone that he would personally cheer for them when their school had a sports meeting.

The sports meeting is not a fixed time. Although it is almost fixed at a certain stage, different schools have different sports meetings.

The schools of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi will also have a sports meeting, but it will only be held next week.

After sending the two little girls to school, Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye got on the tram back to Sakakino Academy.

On the tram today, Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke were found in the next compartment.

It's just that the behavior of the two of them was not as excessive as before. Although they sat in two positions close to each other, they didn't have much physical contact.

"It took more than a day to control it? Teacher Zeyong also has some ideas."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The reason why Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto did not come to school the afternoon before yesterday and yesterday was to prevent their ugliness from being discovered and spread by the students in the school.

Moreover, faced with this situation, Miki Zeyong must have found someone to show them to them.

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