With the referee's reminder, this time the five people's positions were all in line with the distance, and there was no scene of being disturbed by two students of the same level during the summer night of Yagyu's preliminary competition.

Author's message:

Thanks to Yae Sakura Blowing Snow, Ye Youyueying, and Silly Kou for the reward of 100 happy coins each, thanks to Di Ye and Bendan for their support of 1 monthly ticket each, and thanks to the little boy who doesn't practice the piano and Shinzo Abe for their support of 2 monthly tickets each .

Thank you Shinzo Abe for the id pill.

Finally, ask for a reward, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for everything.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the referee whistled, the five finalists all started to move.

Without the interference from the outside world, Liu Shengxia Ye seemed to be performing very normally this time, as if it was not as good as the time when he was interfered in the last match.

However, they did not interrupt the game during the game, but expressed their opinions. The last minute passed, and the referee teacher began to count everyone's results.

Sure enough, those who can enter the finals are not weak, and they all played super long in this round.

Four of the five people scored more than [-] times, and the remaining one scored [-] times, which was the same as Liu Shengxia Ye's performance in the competition.

Among the four people who exceeded [-], two were lower than the school's historical record, while two exceeded the school's historical record.

It was Yagyu Xia Ye and a senior student.

However, it was Yagyu Xia Ye who won the first place in the end.

The one-minute rope skipping score of the boys at Sakakino Academy was [-] before this, and Yagyu Xiaye and the senior both exceeded this number.

The number of seniors was [-], four more than the school's historical record, and Yagyu Xiaye's was [-], ten more than the school's historical record.

"The champion of the men's team in the one-minute rope skipping competition is Liu Sheng Xia Ye from Class [-] of the first year." The referee teacher also announced the result of the competition very unexpectedly at the end.

Of course, the school is happy that this year's sports meeting can break the school's historical record, but the image of Yagyu Xiaye is a bit irrelevant to those who are really engaged in sports, because Yagyu Xiaye always wears school uniforms in competitions. This made it difficult for Sakakino Academy to use this record for publicity.

This time, no one questioned Liu Shengxia's grades anymore. Instead, they were amazed at Liu Shengxia's ability to break the school's historical record in wearing school uniforms.

There is no on-site distribution of medals. After the sports meeting, they will be specially distributed in the gymnasium.

After winning the first of the ten crowns, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't feel much difficulty.

The following is the girls' rope skipping competition. Because they share the same venue, there is not much preparation, but there are more boys watching.


Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't go to Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye, because they had to compete next time, but went to the position of the three of Qihai in Ganlu Temple.

Before talking and laughing with Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple World, Liu Shengxia Ye has become a thorn in the eyes of these students watching the battle, but now seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye walking towards the position of the three beautiful girls, everyone is praying It would be better for Yagyu Xia Ye to be deflated in front of the beautiful girl.

It's just that the final result will disappoint them.

Except for the unfriendly attitude of the girl in the tracksuit towards Yagyu Xiaye, the attitude of the two girls wearing the same school uniform as Yagyu Xiaye towards Liuyu Xiaye is the same as that of the Xiyuanji world two people to Yagyu Xiaye before. The attitude is pretty much the same.

What a winner in life.

"Aren't you going to participate in the competition?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked a little strangely.

Because Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome are still wearing school uniforms like Yagyu Natsuya, and Kuroda Hikaru, who does not participate in the competition, puts on sportswear to cheer for others.

You know, Nanami and Otome Kato in the fourth class of the first year are the athletes in the class. Many girls in this sports meeting put the honor competition on the two, but now it seems that the two don't want to The meaning of competition.

"Compared with the sports meeting, Nanami and I are more concerned about the basketball game next week. That is the game that determines how far our basketball team can go this year." Kato Otome explained to Yagyu Natsuya the reason why they did not participate , while Ganluji Qihai did not refute it, which means that she also thinks that next week's expedition to the Affiliated High School of Lingyang University is much more important than this year's sports meeting.

"Didn't you win by a big margin last time?"

The last time they went to the women's basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, the final result was that Ganlu Temple Qihai and the others won, although it almost turned into a fight in the end.

Moreover, Liu Shengxia Ye, a layman, can see that the members of the women's basketball club of the high school affiliated to Lingyang University are basically ladies, and they don't know much about basketball basics and basketball rules.Logically speaking, it has only been a short time, and facing Qihai and the others from Ganlu Temple to go out again, they must not have much resistance.

"Intuition tells us that this competition is not easy, so we have to be fully prepared." Ganluji Nanami said.

Yagyu Xiaye was at a loss as to what to say, because this was purely the intuition of Nanami and Otome Kato of Ganluji. Could it be that they were thinking too much at this time.

However, it seems that my elder sister Yagyu Kubei mentioned about the women's basketball club of the high school affiliated to Lingyang University, but Yagyu Xia Ye didn't care about it at that time. Could it be related to Nanami's intuition of Ganluji?

"Have you ever gone out together?" Kuroda Hikaru seemed to understand something after listening to Yagyu Xia Ye's conversation with Ganluji Nanami.

"It just happened to be there together." Yagyu Xia Ye didn't explain anything to Kuroda Hikaru, because if there were too many explanations, there would definitely be more flaws.

"Your tablemate is going to compete." Kato Otome said to Yagyu Xiaye, pointing to the venue of the boys' rope skipping competition just now.

Even if because of Yagyu Xia Ye, the Kato Otome team is no longer targeting Gui Yanye, but they have not really reached the point of getting along with Gui Yanye in peace, now even if they want to say it is Gui Yanye, they can say it as just now Yagyu Xia Ye's deskmate.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked over and found that the girl group was just like the boy group, they were all in groups of five, and Gui Yanye happened to be in this group.

However, Xiyuan Temple World is not in this group, and Ganlu Temple Qihai and others have not responded before, indicating that Xiyuan Temple World is in the latter group.

It seems that the match between Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple World will not be seen in the preliminary round.

"Yan Ye, come on!" Liu Shengxia Ye cheered for Gui Yanye without much scruples.

Originally, this kind of interference behavior would be warned by the referee teacher, but when he saw that it was Yagyu Xiaye, the freshman record-breaker, the referee teacher just reminded Liusheng Xiaye not to interfere with the players' games, and then began to let the players in this group The players are getting ready.

In front of so many people, with the encouragement of Liu Shengxia Ye, although Gui Yanye blushed at the beginning, she became more confident.

Because Yagyu Xiaye was the first to cheer for her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the referee teacher blew the whistle for the game, everyone focused on the game.

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