"I have no problem, and Xia Ye, I have to prepare the clothes for you." Gui Yanye refused the request to take a bath first, and after answering Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Gui Yanye asked immediately : "Xia Ye, is what you said in Radish today true?"

After Gui Yanye finished asking, he didn't dare to look directly at Liu Shengxia Ye, and lowered his head.

Seeing Gui Yanye in this state, besides feeling a little funny, Liu Shengxia Ye also felt a little guilty.

"Although what I said was to make the Ertiao sisters give up their hearts, what I said was not a lie." Liu Shengxia Ye also admitted this point.

Since Gui Yanye started yesterday, his behavior has been a bit strange. Liu Shengxia Ye may not have noticed it at the beginning, but now Gui Yanye has asked this question for the second time. Liu Sheng Xia Ye is more or less only I understand something.

However, just because he understood, Liu Shengxia Ye couldn't make any promises to Gui Yanye.

If Yagyu Natsuya was just a simple Yagyu Natsuya, he would definitely act according to his own personality, but after being warned by Yagyu Kubei last night, Yagyu Natsuya realized that his time to be free was running out.

During this period of time, Liu Shengxia Ye can only maintain the relationship with these people around him like this, it is best not to make promises and promises casually.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye also controlled this scale, it wasn't too obvious, just like before.

After getting the question and answer from Liu Shengxia Ye again, Gui Yanye also breathed a sigh of relief.So now, her opponent should only be Xiyuan Temple World, who is also a high school student.

When Ertiao Erye was talking about wanting the two sisters to fall in love with Xia Ye together, Gui Yanye was very nervous, afraid that Xia Ye would have some special twin hobbies, and if she really agreed to the pursuit of the Ertiao sisters, then she and The world of Xiyuan Temple will be finished.

"I'll tidy up the room first." Gui Yanye got up and left the living room.

Looking at the sound of Gui Yanye leaving, Liu Shengxia also thought that next week would come soon, because after meeting Liu Sheng Jiubei, there were many things that he needed to talk to his sister.


After the two little lolis came out of the shower, they didn't see Gui Yanye in the living room. When they learned from Liu Shengxiaye that Gui Yanye was in her own room, the two little lolis laughed slyly.

"Big brother, we will wait for you in your room."

"The door will be closed first, big brother, you first knock on the order of one, two, three and we will open the door."

Before Liusheng Xiaye could reply, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, went straight to Liusheng Xiaye's room.

Liu Shengxia Ye first looked at the direction of Gui Yanye's room, but didn't see Gui Yanye's intention to come out, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, what the two little loli said was too confusing.

Forget it, let's find a way to get the two little lolitas to go back to their room when the time comes, thinking like this, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also walked into the bathroom.


When Liu Sheng Xia Ye came out, he happened to meet Gui Yanye in the living room.

"Xia Ye, Xinxin and Xiaozhi are not in the room..."

"When I was going to take a shower, they said they would wait in the room for me to come back and tell them the story that happened in school today. I don't know if they would fall asleep." Liu Sheng Xiaye said to the two little lolis in his The fact of the room was not concealed, and now Gui Yanye only found the room of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to meet him here.If he didn't come out, then Gui Yanye would definitely find Ito Zhi and Gui Xin in Liusheng Xiaye's room.

"Well, if you fall asleep, take them back first." Gui Yanye followed Liu Sheng Xia Ye to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room.

Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye came to the door of his room together, and when he wanted to call someone, Liu Sheng Xia Ye remembered Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's explanation before.

Knock on the door one, two, three, but this rhythm was not noticed by Gui Yanye.

It was Guixin and Ito Zhi who came to open the door for Liusheng Xiaye. When Liusheng Xiaye was relieved, the two little lolis were still dressed appropriately at this time.The two little girls were going to welcome Liu Shengxia Ye, but when she saw Gui Yanye behind Liu Shengxia Ye, Gui Xin couldn't help asking: "Sister, are you also here to listen to the big brother's storytelling?" ? But you should be with big brother today, don’t you know?”

Author's message:

Thanks to the rookies of the Zhai family, there are no more songs worth singing, Ye Youyueying, Wuhe Shizhi, and those who jumped on the night train for a reward of 100 happy coins, and thank Wensheng Fantasia for a monthly ticket support.thanks.

Common practice Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, Gui Yanye would not admit that she came to listen to Liu Shengxia Ye's story, seeing that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were both in Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room, he said: "I'm just in your room I didn't see you, and I just happened to come here with Xia Ye. And you'd better go back to your room when the time comes, because Xia Ye has a match tomorrow."

"We know, sister, you're a bit nagging." Gui Xin heard that Gui Yanye would not come in, so she and Ito Zhi pulled Liu Shengxia Ye into the room, and then closed the door of the room.

It was the first time for Gui Yanye to experience being shut out by his sister in his own home.

It's just that Gui Yanye wasn't angry, and turned and walked to the bathroom.


"Big brother, are you so good at bringing your sister here?" Before Gui Yanye knocked on the door again, Gui Xin began to ask.

"It's the same as what Yan Ye said just now. I didn't find you in the room. I came out when I met me, so I came here like this. I thought you two little guys were already asleep, and I was thinking of coming in to bring you go back."

"We won't fall asleep, big brother, you haven't told us a story yet." After Yuki Ito finished speaking, he and Gui Xin crawled on the bed first, and said to Yagyu Xia Ye Zhao: "Big brother Hurry up, too, we want to hear the stories you gave us in school today, big brother, did you win all the competitions you participated in today?"

It's just that if you tell a story, it shouldn't be a big deal, and Yagyu Xia Ye didn't refuse either. After taking off his shoes, he lay down on the bed.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little lolitas, also lay down on each side of Liuyu Xiaye twice after Yagyu Xiaye lay down, and the two little lolitas pulled up the quilt to cover their bodies.

"Well, it's not only winning the championship, but also breaking records. The school's records can't stop me at all." Facing Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also had a smug tone, but what Liu Sheng Xia Ye said was Really, today he also broke the school's historical record and won the championship.

After knowing this answer, both Gui Xin and Ito Yuki were very excited, as if they broke the record and won the championship.

However, when Liu Shengxia Ye was about to continue talking, he found that the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, had a tendency to shrink into the quilt, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye also felt the hands of the two little lolis. Stirring in the quilt.

Yagyu Xia Ye was aroused, and immediately stopped Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's actions, and pulled the two little girls up with a little force with both hands.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhi, we only tell stories tonight." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to the two little girls.

After the two little girls were pulled up, their faces were very disappointed, and Gui Xin immediately said: "We are worried that you will not want us, big brother, and will keep us in Radish." After Gui Xin finished speaking, Yuki Ito also nodded, expressing that he also had such worries.

"It's just a coincidence. As long as I have time in the future, I will definitely be by your side." Gently exerting force, he brought the two little loli closer to his arms, and said: "In the future, don't bother with me anymore." If you do this kind of thing, I won't be unhappy. If you don't correct this habit, I think I will be unhappy."

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't want to get too involved in the relationship with the two little lolitas.

"Then can we be your big brother's girlfriend? It wasn't the girl who told you in Aunt Pupa's shop today that you only fall in love with older sisters who are also high school students." Yuki Ito felt Yagyu Xiaye He cared about her and Gui Xin, but the precocious she also asked this question.

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