Regarding this, Liu Shengxia Ye had to explain again.

"Although there is nothing wrong with that, I just chose those candidates as examples. I am not dating any of them now." After explaining, Liu Shengxia Ye looked at the two of them and asked, "Aren't you going to Are you competing again? Come to school so early."

"There is no competition, because I didn't come to training yesterday, today Otome and I came to practice extra." Ganluji Qihai said.

"At the same time, I'm also here to cheer for the world. I hope she can beat your tablemate." Kato Otome said directly in front of Yagyu Xiaye, hoping that Xiyuan Temple World would defeat Gui Yanye, and did not mention Gui Yanye's name , Let’s talk about Yagyu Xia Ye’s deskmate.

The day before yesterday, Gui Yanye led the fourth class of the first year to cheer for Yagyu Xia Ye. Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami only heard a little bit in the class when they left school.

Moreover, when Gui Yanye's influence exploded yesterday, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami followed Saiyuanji World to visit Kuroda Hikaru at the bakery.

So, when I first arrived in class today, when most people were talking about Gui Yanye and Yagyu Xiaye champions, only Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai knew that it was no longer enough for them to suppress Gui Yanye possible things.

So, now Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami put their expectations on Xiyuanji World, hoping to defeat Gui Yanye in the table tennis game.In this case, it still has a depressing effect on Gui Yanye's current popularity.

"You have a lot of confidence in the world." Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami are full of confidence in the world of Saiyuanji, which also surprised Yagyu Xiaye.

"Of course, your tablemate won the rope skipping championship last time when the world did not participate. As long as the world participates, it is absolutely impossible for her to win the championship."

"I just look forward to a wonderful game. As for the final result, there is no need to argue who wins or loses, as long as you do your best and don't leave any regrets." Yagyu Xiaye did not have the same experience as Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami. In front of him, he clearly stated which one of Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye he would support, and then reminded: "It seems that the competition is about to start, let's go now."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After being reminded by Yagyu Xia Ye, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami looked at their mobile phones and found that it was really almost time for the table tennis match.Although Xiyuan Temple World will not appear in the first round, these two friends of Xiyuan Temple still have to go ahead of time to cheer for Xiyuan Temple World.

When Yagyu Natsuya, Kato Otome, and Kanroji Nanami arrived at the table tennis competition venue, although the competition was not yet imminent, the first round players were already preparing for it.

What attracted the attention was not the players who were about to start playing, but the two more conspicuous groups around the field.

These two groups are relatively familiar with Liusheng Xiaye, because one is a team that cheers for him or Class [-] of the year, and the other is not only cheering for the team of Class [-] of the year, but also in Liusheng. Booing the contestants of the fourth class of the summer night or during the competition.

On the first day of the sports meeting and yesterday, Yagyu Xia Ye experienced a lot, and now they came here, in addition to cheering for Xiyuan Temple World, they also added pressure to Gui Yanye.

Fortunately, in the absence of both Gui Yanye and Xiyuansi World, the two cheering teams were relatively restrained and did not interfere with the performance of other contestants.

In the third round, Xiyuan Temple World, who had already changed into sportswear, came out, and the cheering team of three shifts a year began to cheer for Xiyuan Temple World directly.The world of Xiyuan Temple, who has not experienced what happened yesterday, is a little confused. Although Xiyuan Temple World thinks that she still has some contacts in the third class of the year, it is not so big that there are so many people cheering for her in a competition. the point.

"World, come on."

"World, you will live to the final victory." Kato Otome, who was beside Yagyu Xiaye, might also have been influenced by the cheering team of the third class of the year, and they also opened their mouths to cheer for Xiyuanji World.

It may be because he is too familiar with Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami, so Xiyuanji World can distinguish the location of Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami amidst so many cheers.

When Xiyuanji World looked at their position, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami waved at Saiyuanji World, wanting to tell Xiyuanji World that they were here.

Liu Sheng Xiaye also saw the eyes of Xiyuan Temple World, and stretched out his right hand to give Xiyuan Temple World a thumbs up as a sign of encouragement.

Xiyuan Temple World also saw Yagyu Xiaye's gesture, nodded to Liusheng Xiaye with satisfaction, and then went on stage.

This round of Xiyuan Temple World's opponent was a senior girl, or was affected by the surrounding cheers for Xiyuan Temple World. up.

When Xiyuanji World announced the promotion, the cheering group of the fourth class of the year also gave out the cry of victory, and Ganluji Nanami and Kato Otome who were beside Yagyu Xiaye were also very excited.

And behind Xiyuan Temple World is Gui Yanye from Class [-] of the year. This popularity suddenly exploded in the second half of the sports meeting on the first day.

Before entering the arena, the cheering team from the fourth class of the year began to call Gui Yanye the champion, while the cheering team from the third class of the year quit, and began to boo Gui Yanye one after another, because their first cheer , which was defeated by Gui Yanye's initial organizational response.

Therefore, no matter whether Gui Yanye is a colleague or an opponent of the third class of the year, it is worth them booing Gui Yanye.

Faced with the sudden booing from class three, Gui Yanye was still a little at a loss, but the cheering sound from class four cheered Gui Yanye up a lot.

Although Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai didn't want to support Gui Yanye, they didn't want to attack Gui Yanye on this occasion, so when they saw Gui Yanye booed by the cheering team of the third class of the year, the two were still a little bit Unexpected.

Because when Xiyuan Temple World played just now, I got cheering from the three-year cheering team, but I didn't get boos from the fourth-year cheering team.

Moreover, although I felt that Gui Yanye's popularity has soared when I was in the class, now Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami can intuitively feel the current Gui Yanye's popularity through the cheering of the fourth class of the year. Popular.

"It's kind of unkind to have three classes a year." Qihai of Ganlu Temple was still a little uncomfortable with the behavior of three classes a year.

"But it cannot be denied that this is also a part of the game that must be experienced." Kato Otome gave such an explanation.

"In yesterday's game, they wanted to tear me apart, so they are relatively restrained now." Liu Shengxiaye experienced the booing of the third class of the year yesterday, so it has nothing to do with the practice of the third class of the year cheering for the team today. dissatisfied.Moreover, Liu Sheng Xiaye believes that even if the third class of the year booes Gui Yanye, there are still people who cheer for Gui Yanye in the fourth class of the year, so the final result can only be seen by Gui Yanye.

The process of the game was similar to what Liu Shengxia Ye thought, with the interference of the third class of the year, Gui Yanye was indeed a little bit entangled by the opponent at the beginning.

However, after getting used to the competition slowly, Gui Yanye didn't care much about the booing from class three, and started to take the competition seriously.

Gui Yanye, who got serious, was able to display his normal strength, so the final result was that Gui Yanye successfully reversed and advanced to the next round.

The fourth class of the first year let out deafening cheers, and the cheering team of the third class of the first year once again gave Gui Yanye a huge boo, but Gui Yanye, who won the game, can basically face these boos calmly now Yes, because it didn't have much effect on her.

"Unexpected promotion." Kato Otome did not admit that it was Gui Yanye's strength, but wanted to give the reason back to the cheering team of Class Three and Class Four a year.

Because whether it was the booing of Class Three or the cheering of Class Four, although Gui Yanye was directly affected, as Gui Yanye's opponent, it was still possible to be affected.

However, this time, Kanroji Nanami did not express the same opinion as Kato Otome again. The rope skipping final on the first day was due to the withdrawal of Saiyuanji World, so neither Kanroji Nanami nor Kato Otome saw the process, so in Guizhou Only after Yan Ye accidentally won the championship did he think that Gui Yanye's championship was picked.

However, in this game, Gui Yanye's strength and psychological quality have been able to make Ganlu Temple Qihai agree.

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 100 happy coins for Wuxian, the extremely black sage Kato Megumi, Mingzhu, and Yae Sakura Fubuki, and thank you for the reward of 1500 happy coins for only living and not regretting controlling Lolita, and thank you for the two generals Lu Jing and Huo Ha General Hum and Tianchao No. 1 Juicing Girl each received 1500 monthly ticket for support, thanks to ReQuiem for the reward of 1 Happy Coins and [-] monthly ticket for support, thank you!

Tomorrow is another new hit on the street, so I am here to ask for a subscription, a monthly pass, and a reward.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is a person who can compete with the world for the championship." Ganlu Temple Qihai said such a sentence.

And these words surprised both Yagyu Xiaye and Kato Otome, and Kato Otome immediately asked: "Qihai, didn't you and I come here to cheer for the world? Why do you agree with the strength of Xia Ye at the same table."

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