After listening to Liu Shengxiaye, he also felt that Gui Yanye's life in school would not be a problem at all. Even if he left in the future, it would be difficult for Gui Yanye to return to his original life.


After Gui Xin and Ito Zhi came out, Gui Yanye went to blow their hair, while Liu Sheng Xia Ye went to take a bath.

Except that after the first day of competition, Gui Yanye disrupted the order of bathing privately, but now their bathing order is still the same as before.

The change of clothes was also placed outside as usual, Liu Shengxia Ye was a little dazed, wondering if he would be treated like this after leaving here.

There was no interference from anyone in the middle. After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished washing, he found that the homework in the living room had disappeared like the two little lolitas. Only Gui Yanye was watching TV in the living room.

"Xia Ye, Xiaoxin and Xiao Zhi said they were going to your room to do homework. If it doesn't work, I'll call them out now." Gui Yanye saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye coming out, and immediately explained the relationship between Gui Xin and Ito Zhi. The whereabouts of the little loli, they went to Liu Shengxia Ye's room, which was similar to the request mentioned before.

Liu Shengxia Ye would not let Gui Yanye bring these two little girls out, and said: "It's okay, the homework should be finished soon, we can talk about it later."

"Then I'll take a shower first." Because finally it was Gui Yanye's turn.


After Liusheng Xiaye entered her room, she found that the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, were not doing their homework, but rolling on Liusheng Xiaye's bed.

After seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye coming in, the two little lolis stopped rolling, but they didn't intend to get off the bed to do homework.

"Big brother, we're going to sleep here tonight."

"We want big brother to tell a story, and you haven't told us a story for a long time."

What the two little lolis said was right, because of the accident last time, Liu Sheng Xiaye rarely let the two little lolis come to his room together, let alone let them stay here overnight.The purpose is to prevent the last accident from happening again. Obviously, the two little lolis have had enough of this kind of neglect, so they plan to play tricks at this time.

"Okay, I'll tell you a story after you finish your homework, but you must go back to your room when you go to sleep." Yagyu Xiaye said to the two little girls.

"No!" Without even thinking about it, the two little lolis rejected Liu Shengxia Ye's proposal.

"Big brother obviously said it last week, but let us sleep here again this week, why do you say nothing." Gui Xin reminded dissatisfied.

Only then did Liu Sheng Xia Ye remember that she seemed to have said such a sentence last week.But last week, this sentence was obviously intended to perfunctory the two little lolis, but unexpectedly, it was remembered by the two little lolis, and they still used it to refute him at this time.

If the request of the two little lolitas is rejected at this time, then Yagyu Xiaye will become a dishonest person, and the influence on the two little lolitas, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, will be bad.

"Okay, I promise you first, but come down and do homework first." At worst, after telling the story and making them fall asleep, I will move the two little lolis to their room with Gui Yanye. It's not like it hasn't been done.

With Liusheng Xiaye's promise, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, stopped cheating on the bed, because they were still very convinced of Liusheng Xiaye's promise.

After Gui Xin and Ito Zhi got out of bed, they began to write their remaining homework for the day, while Liu Shengxia Ye wrote and drew on the side, and then gave pointers to the two little girls when they encountered problems.

Soon, the homework of the two little girls was finished, and Gui Yanye hadn't come to pick them up yet.

"Big Brother, we want to listen to stories." After tidying up the textbooks, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi began to ask Liu Sheng to tell stories in Xia Ye.And when the two little lolis were talking, they had already climbed onto Liu Shengxia Ye's bed, and then motioned Liu Sheng Xia Ye to go up together, so that they could tell stories to them on the bed.

It seems that before Gui Yanye comes to pick them up, they can only start telling stories.

He put the things in his hands aside, but Liu Sheng Xiaye did not go to bed to tell stories as requested by the two little lolitas, but sat by the bed.

"Big brother, we want to hug you." The two little lolis were not very satisfied.Although they were on Liusheng Xiaye's bed, they were very disappointed that they couldn't be with Liusheng Xiaye.

"No, I can only tell today's story while sitting down. If I lie down, I won't be inspired." Of course, Liu Shengxia Ye is lying. People like to listen to stories, but now it is best to keep a certain distance from Ito Yuki and Guixin.

After hearing what Liu Shengxia said, the two little girls chose to believe it. When they planned to get up and sit in Liusheng Xiaye and listen to Liusheng Xiaye's storytelling, Liusheng Xiaye stopped them and said, "Don't get up, be careful of catching a cold. Let me tell you a story about the guy I met today."

"Is that the one with the glasses?" Gui Xin and Ito Yuki still had a little impression of the boy who was full of nerds who took away the time of Yanagi Xiaye and prevented Liuyu Xiaye from going home with them. .

"Yes, first of all, let's start with the idea of ​​a boy meeting a girl, and then wanting to make a game..." Yagyu Xiaye began to tell the story of An Yilunya.

Yanagi Xiaye listened to An Yilun's story very carefully, otherwise he would not have known that An Yilun also wanted to choose Qiu Shiyu, his senior sister.


"Big brother, is that Kato Hui his girlfriend?" Gui Xin asked.


"Then why do they seem to be doing everything around her?"

"Because she is the heroine of the game." It was the same answer as An Yilun also gave.


"What about Eriri, I feel like she is the Qingming bamboo horse." As expected of Ito Yuki, even his childhood sweetheart knew what it meant.

"It's just a childhood sweetheart."

Neither of the two little lolitas guessed who An Yilun really cared about.

Author's message:

Family gathering, drinking some red wine, the stamina has picked up, this chapter is like this, if there are typos, I will check it tomorrow.

The author of the Dragon Boat Festival has not eaten a zongzi yet, please give me a subscription.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

But even so, it doesn't stop the two little lolitas from continuing to listen to this story, because compared with those stories that have no chance to prove it, the story Liu Shengxia told tonight has more traces to follow.

Of course, Liu Shengxia Ye would not only talk about the part that An Yilun also told him, and even An Yilun also concealed some, Liu Shengxia Ye could also tell it based on his own speculation.

When he was almost finished speaking, Liu Sheng Xia Ye found that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, had fallen asleep on the bed.

After completing the task, Liu Shengxia Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, and put the closed book into the drawer, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked out of the room gently.

As soon as he opened the door, he found Gui Yanye standing at the door, and it looked like he had been standing there for a long time.

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