"Delicious!" Although it was not very polite, Jingi Uzuki still couldn't help but praised Gui Yanye's cooking skills.

Earlier, Jing Yi Uzuki thought that Gui Yanye was someone who relied on Yanagi Xia Ye, because after returning home, he didn't mean to give Gui Xin and Ito Zhi a little bit of advice, but Yagyu Xia Ye was arranging It's about Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.But now, Jing Yi Uzuki is convinced by Gui Yanye only from the point of view of cooking skills.

It may be because she is used to her mother's food, Gui Yanye's cooking skills make Jing Yi Uzuki feel better than her mother's.

"Of course, Sister Yanye's food is very good." Ito Yuki also echoed.

Gui Xin was a little excited to hear her friend praise her sister.

"With the help of big brother, my sister's cooking skills are indeed much better than before, but in my opinion, big brother Xia Ye has the best cooking skills at home, but big brother Xia Ye hasn't cooked dinner with us for a long time. Eat." Although Gui Xin admits that Gui Yanye's cooking skills have improved at this time, she still thinks that she is not as good as Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Didn't Xia Ye make the breakfast and bento for you every day? Tomorrow Xia Ye has something to do, so I will make the bento for tonight." Gui Yanye now has a certain understanding of Gui Xin's poisonous tongue Unlike the beginning, Gui Yanye must have been depressed for a long time after hearing this.

"What, big brother is leaving tomorrow?" Both Gui Xin and Ito Zhi stopped eating and looked at Yagyu Xia Ye.

"It's not the kind of departure you guys think, it's just that there are some things that I need to deal with." Although I told the two little lolis before that he would go out this weekend, it is obvious that because there is still time Because of this, neither Guixin nor Ito Zhizhi paid any attention to it.It's Friday now, when Gui Yanye mentioned it again, that's why I panicked a little.

"Brother Xia Ye is really amazing!" Jing Yi Uzuki said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

With Yagyu Xiaye's guarantee, and Jing Yi Uzuki's praise of Yagyu Xia Ye, Guixin and Ito Zhi immediately began to ask Jing Yi Uzuki how good Yagyu Xia Ye's cooking skills are.

Seeing that he was about to blow himself up to the sky, Liu Sheng Xiaye hurriedly stopped and said, "Okay, I'm not as exaggerated as you say, I will make breakfast for you tomorrow morning, just make western cakes."

"Long live!"

"Big brother is the best!"

"I'm looking forward to it." This is what Uzuki Jingi said.

Gui Xin and Ito Yuki had also told Jing Yi Uzuki about the craftsmanship of Yagyu Xia Ye's cakes.Now that Yagyu Xiaye said that he was going to make western cakes, he must have heard that Guixin and Ito Yuki just said that it has been a long time since they were late for Yagyu Xiaye's western cakes, and that Yagyu Xiaye's promise has been made, so Jingi Uzuki will have Good luck.


"Maybe it's not a bad thing, is it?" After eating, the three little girls went to the room to take out their homework, while Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye cleaned up the mess together.

The atmosphere at the dinner table just now was something Gui Yanye had never experienced before. Although there was only one more Jing Yi Uzuki, Gui Xin's two little girls had a lot more chances and time to talk to Gui Xin tonight. It was like that before.That's why Gui Yanye, who was somewhat contented, told Liu Shengxia Ye that it might be a good thing that Jing Yi Maoyue came here.

Of course, Yagyu Xiaye cannot deny Jing Yi Uzuki's performance now, but he still reminded Gui Yanye: "There may be nothing wrong, but it is necessary to be cautious."

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 1500 happy coins for controlling Lolita.This is an old reader from Qidian, who has been giving the author a lot of support since the beginning of Qidian, and also helped build Qidian's book friend group.After hearing that the author Jun came to Shuke, he came to Shuke to support the author Jun. Here, I sincerely say thank you, thank you, student Lolicon.Thank you Ganmu in Fudong for the 1 monthly ticket.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I remembered it." Gui Yanye couldn't forget what Liu Sheng Xia Ye reminded him, and then asked, "Xia Ye, when will you come back?"

"If there is no accident, I will come back on Sunday. If there is any problem, I will notify you first." Yagyu Xiaye will not only accompany Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai to Lingyang University tomorrow The affiliated middle school will play basketball games.

The main thing is to see his sister Yagyu Kubei, and then he may go back to Yagyu's house with Yagyu Kubei, because Ze Yuezhi is now being held in the prison of Yagyu's house.

Although he thought that Liu Shengxia Ye had better not leave, but Gui Yanye also understood that there were some things that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had to solve.

"Don't worry, be careful and I will take care of them."

"I believe you."


It wasn't time for the girls to take a bath yet, so Yagyu Xiaye was in the living room with the three little girls doing their homework.

As expected of a precocious little lolita, Ii Uzuki has already completed today's amount of homework like Gui Xin and Ito Yuki.Gui Xin and Ito Yuki were very envious, and wanted to refer to Jingi Uzuki's homework, but when they met Yagyu Xia Ye's eyes, the two little lolis immediately went to do their own homework honestly.

"Brother Xia Ye, can you check my homework for me?" Jing Yi Uzuki still can't call Liu Sheng Xia Ye the big brother like Gui Xin's two little girls, so he still adds Liu Sheng Xia Ye in front of the big brother. name.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't care about these things, as long as it wasn't malicious, it would be fine even if Uzuki Uzuki called him by his name directly.

"Let me take a look." Yagyu Xiaye took Jingi Uzuki's workbook and started to read it.

However, the more I read, Yagyu Xiaye's brows frowned badly, and seeing the expression of Yagyu Xiaye, Jing Yi Uzuki asked a little worriedly: "Is it possible that I have made too many mistakes?"

The two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, also looked at Yanagi Xia Ye. You know, when I was in school, Uzuki Uzuki's grades were among the best in the class, and she was often praised by the teacher by name.

"No, most of them are right, it's just..."

"Just what?" Jingi Uzuki was surprised, why her answer was correct, but Yagyu Xiaye's expression was not very good.

But this time, Yagyu Xiaye did not answer Jingi Uzuki's question, but handed Jingi Uzuki's homework to Guixin and Ito Zhi, and said to them, "Besides the answer, how much can you understand?"

Jing Yi Uzuki is even more strange, you must know that just now, Yagyu Xia Ye prevented Gui Xin and Ito Zhi from borrowing her homework for reference, and now she handed it to them on her own initiative.

However, to Jing Yi Uzuki's surprise, after reading her homework, Guixin and Ito Zhi shook their heads and said: "The answer is the same as ours, but we didn't read the steps and ideas for solving the problem." I understand, just like a teacher's technique."

"Well, it's completely different from us."

Gui Xin and Ito Yuki's answers made Jing Yi Uzuki completely puzzled. Why the answer was the same, but they couldn't understand the process. Isn't this the same as what the teacher said?Just when Jing Yi Uzuki wanted to ask Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Gui Yanye came out and shouted to Gui Xin: "Be careful, Xiao Zhi, let your friends take a bath."

"Sister, we want three of us to wash together today." Gui Xin said to Gui Yanye.

"But Uzuki is a guest." Gui Yanye was a little embarrassed, after all, guests have the right to take a bath first.

Although Gui Yanye was a bit embarrassed, Gui Xin and Ito Yuki led Jing Yi Uzuki to the bathroom, and Jing Yi Uzuki did not object.


"Is this a breach of etiquette?"

"No, but it proves that their friendship is better than we imagined, and it would be great if they can be maintained like this." Liu Shengxia Ye said to Gui Yanye.

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