-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Sheng Xia Ye's question was a bit unexpected to Dongcheng. Could it be that he was dissatisfied with Liu Sheng's family in this rural place?

Unlike some families, the Yagyu family has never fully entered the city. The old house of the Yagyu family is still in the countryside, not far from the detention house.

"Yes, but young master, although this is the countryside, everything you need is still available, so you don't have to worry about life." Dong Cheng explained to Liu Shengxia Ye, and he didn't want Liu Sheng Xia Ye to be affected by his answer. Dissatisfied with the Yagyu family.

"Then help me find two things. It shouldn't be difficult in the countryside."

"My lord, what do you need?"

"A sow weighing more than 300 catties, and a male dog weighing more than 100 catties." Yagyu Xiaye explained to Dongcheng and Beize.

Yagyu Xiaye's order made Dongcheng and Kitazawa a little confused. The problem of male dogs is easy to say, a hundred catties can be a full meal, but if you want to eat pork, why is it a sow, and it is still 300 catties above the sow.

"What, is there a question?" Yagyu Xiaye asked when he saw that Dong Cheng and Bei Ze didn't answer him.

"No, we will order it right away, young master, when will you need it?"

"The sooner the better, it's best to find it before tonight." Liu Sheng Xiaye also stated his time limit.

"Then Kitazawa and I will go out in person, the young master should not go to other rooms to rest first." Dong Cheng said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"No, I'll have a few more words with this guy here."

Since Yagyu Xiaye insisted, Dongcheng and Kitazawa stopped talking, because this was Yagyu Xiaye's right.


"I think, what you're thinking about right now is to let me spare you with the help of connections." Liu Shengxia Ye looked at Ze Yuezhi who was still kneeling on the ground, and said in a somewhat cold voice.

After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, Ze Yuezhi raised his head, and looked at Liu Sheng Xia Ye with a little pleading, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye could see the resentment towards him from the depths of his eyes, but it was hidden at this time up.

"If you let me out, I will never bother Gui Yanye's mother and daughter and Xiyuan Temple are mother and daughter again. They will only belong to you in the future." Ze Yuezhi said that he could promise Liu Shengxiaye's conditions, but after Liusheng Xiaye heard Ze Yuezhi's words, he was not moved at all, but the disgust in his eyes grew a little bit more.

Without Liusheng Xiaye's response, Ze Yuezhi also became flustered. Could it be that the boy in front of him is not satisfied with getting two pairs of mother and daughter?

"Actually, I've been looking for one of my little daughters recently. If I find it, I can give it to you. I guarantee that she is still in the same place until now and has not been touched by anyone. You should..."

"If you're talking about Ito Makoto's younger sister, I can tell you that you don't need to look for it, because she lives in Yan Ye's house now."

"What?" Ze Yuezhi was very surprised, he really didn't expect Ito Yuki to appear at Gui Yanye's house.If he had known earlier, maybe he could have brought Ito Yuki home, but when he thought of the boy in front of him living in Gui Yanye's house, Ze Yuezhi's face suddenly turned pale.

"Sure enough, you are a scum. I have to tell you that I can give my daughter so calmly. What is my punishment for you? Do you want to know?"

Although he refused in his heart, he couldn't control his mouth and asked involuntarily, "What exactly do you want?"

"I didn't let my sister kill you with a sword, which is already a great favor to you, but my subsequent punishment can also be regarded as a favor to you, because you will get enjoyment across races." Yagyu Xiaye When he said this, his expression was slightly happy.

Interracial?Ze Yuezhi seemed to understand something, and immediately opened his eyes wide, grabbed the railing of the cell with both hands and shouted: "You devil, you can't treat me like this, you will go to hell like this."

After hearing Ze Yuezhi's curse words, Yagyu Xia Ye pointed at Ze Yuezhi with the sword beside him, and made Ze Yuezhi let go of the railing with both hands.

"Devil, compared to you, I should be a good person from heaven. As for hell, you can only see it after you die, but I will not let you die easily, maybe you can live Maybe you will see hell when you are here." For Ze Yuezhi, Liu Shengxiaye didn't have any pity at all, because this person is really a scumbag.

Whether it's for the generation of Gui Yanye and Xiyuanji World, or for the generation of Katsura Manami or Xiyuanji's pupa, Yagyu Xiaye will ask herself to abolish Ze Yuezhi.

"You are not human, you are a devil!" Thinking of the possible treatment, Ze Yuezhi trembled with fear, and at the same time scolded Yagyu Xia Ye.

"No matter what you scold me now, I won't be angry, because from now on, I won't treat you as a human being."

Ignoring Ze Yuezhi's insults to him, Liu Shengxiaye was about to leave the cell where Ze Yuezhi was imprisoned, but when he opened the door, Liusheng Xiaye paused, and then said without looking back: "You'd better Don't kill him, because if you kill him, I will kill you!"

After Liusheng Xiaye went out, he closed the door, but Ze Yuezhi in the cell was stunned, because Liusheng Xiaye's words did not seem to be addressed to him at all.

And under Ze Yuezhi's horrified eyes, a man actually came out of the dark place in the cell, staring at the door where Liu Shengxia Ye left for a long time without saying a word.

The man who suddenly appeared was Xixiang, one of the four heavenly kings of the Liusheng family who followed Liusheng Jiubingwei when he was in the high school affiliated to Lingyang University, and who didn't give Liusheng Xia Ye a good look.They didn't have the same car as Yagyu Jiubingwei's siblings, but they entered Ze Yuezhi's room at about the same time.

Originally, Xixiang was sure that only Yagyu Kubei found his trace, even his companions Tojo and Kitazawa did not.When he said before that Ze Yuezhi was going to be killed, Xixiang knew it was Yagyu Kubei who told him.

However, in the end, because of the interference of Yagyu Xiaye, Xixiang did not make a move.But Xixiang has been waiting, waiting for Dongcheng, Kitazawa and Yagyu Xiaye to leave, and then continue to complete the task assigned by Yagyu Kubei.

What he didn't expect was that when Liu Sheng Xia Ye was about to leave this troubled room, he would actually say such warning words.

Although Liu Shengxia Ye never looked at the dark place in the cell, but at this time Xixiang understood that Liu Sheng Xia Ye definitely knew that he was there.

Author's message:

Thanks to Teacher Biqigu for the support of the 2 monthly tickets, and thanks for the reward of 100 Happy Coins for Burning Evernight.

In addition, the book "White Album of Yuanyue College", the author is a big guy who has written stories about sex with nine girls at the same time.Introduction: There is no need for a love that cannot be conveyed.Because there is no one anymore, worth loving.Spirit of Halberd Eater + White Album fan.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is a dangerous man!" Xixiang put away his previous contempt for Yagyu Xiaye's existence, and it was possible that Liusheng Xiaye was hiding something when he was in front of Yagyu Jiubingwei.

Instead of following Yagyu Xiaye out of the cell, Xixiang re-entered the darkness, making Ze Yuezhi in the cell look stupid, and yelled at the dark place, but didn't get any response from Xixiang. It's like he's the only one in this cell.


Perhaps it was because Liu Shengxia came here for the first time, except for those who were imprisoned, there were no other people in this house.

Now both Dongcheng and Beizawa have gone out to complete the task he just assigned, Yagyu Xiaye plans to make lunch for himself, after all, the time for lunch has passed for a while now.

Although it is a house for detainees, there are still rooms for people to rest and live in. Otherwise, Yagyu Kubei would not let Yagyu Xiaye rest here for a night today.

After a simple inspection, Liu Shengxia found out the rest room, and of course the location of the kitchen was found.

As expected of the countryside, what is superior to those in the city is the pollution-free ingredients.

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