"Mr. Xiaosan, this is the exchange student who will be staying with us for a week."

"Dad, Xia Ye is an exchange student in our school, and he happens to be in the same class as me."

After Akizuki Kayoko and Akizuki Marina finished the introduction, Yagyu Natsuya put the things in his hands aside and said, "Hi, my name is Yagyu Natsuya, an exchange student from Sakakino Academy who came to Shengfeng Academy. Sorry to bother you."

After the introduction of the three of them, Qiuyue Xiaosan only remembered that during the school staff meeting, he heard that there were exchange students from other schools coming to Sacred Maple College.

It's just that he didn't expect that this exchange student would be in the same class as Akizuki Marina, and he would also live in this home.

And now it seems that Akizuki Hanayoko and Akizuki Marina's first impressions of Yagyu Natsuya are not bad, so Akizuki Takazo has no reason to refuse Yagyu Natsuya to continue living here.After all, he had just married Akizuki Kayoko not long ago. Although Akizuki Kayoko and Akizuki Marina had already accepted her, Akizuki Airi seemed to have a lot of hostility towards her.

If you can't get the approval of Qiuyue Aili, then Qiuyue Xiaosan and them can't be regarded as a real family.

"It turns out that he is an exchange student from Sakakino Academy. There is no problem living here. Let's put away your things, wash your hands and eat." Akizuki Takazo said to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Liu Sheng Xia Ye put the fish tank outside, then twisted his bag and walked towards his room.

It's just that at this time, Yagyu Xiaye has already labeled Akizuki Takasan as dangerous. It seems that Akizuki Airi's intuition is not wrong.

Author's message:

Thanks for the reward of 500 happy coins from the dead house gentleman under the moonlight night and 100 happy coins from Moyu Wuyan, and thanks for the reward of 2 monthly tickets of forever bright red のyouyue and 1 monthly ticket of Yanyan.

After finishing the chapter on Shengfeng Academy, I will probably write one or two indescribable things and put them in the group. Now there are already some indescribable things in the group.You can join the group if you want to see it.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month and ask for a reward.

Chapter two hundred and fifty ninth

Liu Shengxia returned to the room, put the clothes away, and came out again without staying too long.And at this time, it happened that Qiuyue Aili also opened the door of her room, and when she saw Yagyu Xia Ye next to her, Qiuyue Aili was also taken aback.

"Ai Li, I'll take your commission." When he was outside, Yagyu Xiaye never responded to Qiuyue Aili's request about the commission.However, after just having a brief contact with Akizuki Takazo, Yagyu Xiaye finally decided to accept Akizuki Airi's commission.

"What's in your hand?" Qiuyue Aili didn't show any surprise when Liu Sheng Xia Ye accepted her commission, but she was curious that the thing Liu Sheng Xia Ye was holding in her hand was not bought when she went out just now .

Yagyu Xia Ye saw that Ari Akizuki was still holding a fish fry in her hand, no wonder she observed what he was injured.

"The medicine is my medicine."

After hearing that it was medicine, Qiuyue Aili was not very interested, but she was still a little curious, because the medicine Yagyu Xiaye took was different from the medicine they usually take when they are sick.

However, there was no time for Akizuki Airi to ask, because Akizuki Kayoko had already seen Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Airi, and was asking them to go over for dinner together.


"Ai Li, what happened to your injured fry?" Akizuki Huayoko saw the fry bag aside after Akizuki Aili sat down.

"Auntie, the fish tank over there is a gift I prepared. As for the fish fry, the shop owner gave them to Ellie." Yagyu Xiaye did not sit down in a hurry, and after helping to explain the source of Qiuyue Ellie's fish fry, he said to Qiuyuehua Daizi Said: "Auntie, can I borrow your kitchen for a while?"

After Liu Shengxia Ye's explanation, Qiu Yuehua Daizi also believed it, but he still blamed Liu Sheng Xia Ye and said: "You child, you don't need to buy any gifts. Also, it's because the dishes I cook don't suit you Appetite, do you need to go to the kitchen to make it again?"

Both Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi looked at Yagyu Xiaye at this time, hoping to get his evaluation of Akizuki Huayoko's cooking skills from him.

"It's not what you think, Auntie. I just want to borrow the kitchen to make medicine for myself, because the doctor at home has ordered that I need to take a medicine after meals." After Liu Sheng Xiaye finished explaining, he said The things in his hands were revealed.

It's a medicine bag, and what's inside should be the herbs in ancient medicine.

"You may not be familiar with Xia Ye, let me help you." Qiuyue Marina put down her chopsticks, and led Yagyu Xia Ye to the kitchen.

"Then I'll take out the fish tank first and put the fish fry in." Qiuyue Aili also stopped eating, especially when she was at the same table with Qiuyue Xiaosan.

When the three sisters Yagyu Natsuya and Qiuyue disappeared in front of the dining table, Akizuki Hua Daiko said apologetically to Qiuyue Xiaosan: "Sorry, Xiaosan, Airi and Manina..."

"It's okay, I will try my best to wait for them to adapt to me." After Qiuyue Xiaosan finished speaking to Qiuyue Huayoko, he turned to look at the kitchen, with a hint of gloom in his eyes.


"Xia Ye, didn't Ellie really buy that fish tank?" It can be seen that Akizuki Marina is a person who often cooks. After entering the kitchen and asking Liu Sheng to give her the medicine bag, everything will be given to her finished.

"I bought it." It was Liu Shengxia Ye who bought it in the first place, so he didn't lie.

After putting the lid on, Akizuki Marina looked at Yagyu Xiaye and asked: "Then let me ask another way, is it Ellie's idea to buy this fish tank, or did you buy it because Ellie wanted to buy this fish tank? .”

Although Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi are not twins, Akizuki Marina has a very accurate grasp of the character of her younger sister Akizuki Airi.

"Because I didn't know what you and your aunt liked, so I had to buy a whole one. At that time, Ellie said that she always wanted to raise fish, so she bought a fish tank. It really didn't have much to do with Ellie. relation."

"No, although Ellie has always wanted to raise fish, the most important thing is that Ellie doesn't want you to buy gifts for Dad, right?"

Akizuki Marina really guessed everything, and seeing Yagyu Natsuya's expression, Akizuki Marina understood everything, and said helplessly: "Really, Ellie, what's wrong with Dad, it's been so long Still aiming at…”

"I believe in Ellie." Yagyu Natsuya interrupted Akizuki Marina's words.

After being interrupted by Yagyu Xia Ye, Akizuki Marina was very surprised and asked uncertainly: "Xia Ye, what did you just say?"

"I said that I believe in the reason why Ellie did this." After repeating what she said just now, Yagyu Xiaye asked Akizuki Marina, "Marina, I don't know what you think of your new father, but since Ellie is targeting you like this He, then there are reasons against him. And I believe that since you know Ellie so well, you must understand something."

After Yanagi Natsuya said this, Akizuki Marina fell silent.

"Slow fire is fine, let's go out and eat first." Yagyu Xiaye said to Qiuyue Marina.

It's just a pity that at this time, Akizuki Marina didn't respond to Yagyu Xiaye, but just followed Yagyu Xiaye out of the kitchen.


After coming out, I found that Qiuyue Aili also took out the fish tank, and also added water to the bathtub, and put all the fish fry sent by the store manager.

"Ai Li, it's time to eat." Seeing that Ai Li was still planning to sit in front of the fish tank, Yagyu Xiaye called to Qiuyue Ai Li.

Akizuki Airi looked up and found that Akizuki Marina and Yagyu Natsuya came out of the kitchen together, and Akizuki Kozo came over reluctantly when he was still at the dining table.

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