
When the three of Liu Sheng Xia Ye came to Shengfeng College, they happened to be checked by the student union at the school gate. Fortunately, they all entered the campus within the stipulated time.

After parting with Akizuki Airi, Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Marina walked towards the teaching building of the high school.

The people in class 2 were also very curious when they saw that Yagyu Xia Ye came to school with Akizuki Marina today, but they were more gloating, because this morning was Teacher Akizuki's chemistry class.

Akizuki Mana's deskmates were all beaten out of their seats by Mr. Akizuki, but now there are no more seats in the class, will Yagyu Xiaye be beaten to another class?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Jinnai, you actually came to school together today." Ignoring the differences like other students, Kashima Touka joined in.

Yesterday, Akizuki Marina's concern for Yagyu Natsuya already surprised Kashima Touka, but Kashima Touka was even more surprised when she came to school with Yagyu Natsuya, an exchange student, today.

Because Kashima Touka understands, Qiuyue Marina understands, she came to school with Yagyu Xiaye in such a high-profile manner, and Yagyu Xiaye was still her deskmate.Then the chemistry teacher in their class would definitely embarrass Yagyu Xiaye during chemistry class.

Although I don't know that Yagyu Xia Ye is just good at it, but compared with their chemistry teacher, they are definitely not rivals.

"Dong Xiang, don't worry about it." Akizuki Mana knew that her friend Kashima Touka was worried about mysterious things.But compared to this point, Akizuki Marina was not too worried, because Yagyu Xia Ye had contact with their chemistry teacher Akizuki Kozo last night.Akizuki Kosan probably wouldn't embarrass Yagyu Xia Ye like he embarrass Akizuki Marina's deskmate.

Seeing that Yagyu Xia Ye had no intention of talking to her at this time, Kashima Touka also felt that her worry was a bit unnecessary.

"I finally found an interesting person, it's a pity..." Although Akizuki Marina was not worried, Kashima Touka seemed to have foreseen the time when Yagyu Xiaye would be expelled from the 2-year class.

Kashima Touka returned to her position, and Akizuki Marina waited for Yagyu Xia Ye to enter his position, and she did so, because the morning class was about to start.

"Xia Ye, you don't have any textbooks, so let me use one first, and I'll accompany you to ask the head teacher to see if there are any extra textbooks after class is over." When Liu Sheng Xia Ye came to the class yesterday, he just slept However, Akizuki Marina did not see Yagyu Natsuya's textbook.This morning's class is about to start, and I still haven't found Yagyu Natsuya's textbook. Now Akizuki Marina has already believed what Yagyu Natsuya said, and he must have been a bad student in the previous school.

"No need, if there is any problem, just shake me to wake me up, I'll go to bed first." Yagyu Xiaye directly rejected Akizuki Marina's proposal, and then fell asleep leaning on the table like yesterday.

Akizuki Marina originally wanted to persuade Yagyu Natsuya, but found that Yagyu Natsuya seemed to have fallen asleep, and her brows were still frowning slightly, which made Akizuki Marina dismiss her intention to wake up Yagyu Natsuya immediately for class.

After opening the textbook for the first class, the class bell rang.


Similar to yesterday's situation, during the first three classes, Yagyu Xia Ye was still sleeping as usual, and the teachers in class didn't seem to notice that there was an extra exchange student in the class.

When the fourth class started, Akizuki Marina became a little nervous, after all, this class was Akizuki Takazo's chemistry class.

If Yagyu Xiaye was like an ordinary student, then even if he was made things difficult by Akizuki Takazo at that time, he would definitely not have acted too much.But now Liusheng Xiaye is sleeping, waiting for Qiuyue Xiaosan to see it, the impression of Liusheng Xiaye must be greatly reduced.

"I heard that we have a new student in our class today, so the teacher is here to welcome the new student." Qiuyue Xiaosan had just entered the classroom of Class 2, and his voice had already spread throughout the classroom.

And when Akizuki Takazo stood on the podium, everyone's eyes were focused on the position of Akizuki Marina, more precisely on the student Natsuya Yagyu who suddenly appeared next to her.

"It seems that the new students have a special way of teaching, so let's review what we have learned in the last class." To the surprise of the students in the class, Akizuki Takasan did not target Natsu Yagyu at the beginning. At night, Qiuyue Marina's heart relaxed a lot, so she didn't try to wake up Yagyu Xia Ye.

I didn't see the scene I wanted to see, and some students sighed.

Qiuyue Xiaosan was on the podium recalling the knowledge points he taught in this class in the last class, and he said after the lecture: "It is definitely useless for me to talk about it alone, so I will order a classmate to summarize here. .”

"So, Liuyu, can you get up and talk about the knowledge points just now, let us feel the difference between Sakakino Academy and our Shengfeng Academy." As a teacher of the school, Akizuki Takazo knows that an exchange student has entered his class. Yagyu Xiaye's identity.

Akizuki Takasan's embarrassment began, and all the students except Akizuki Marina began to look forward to it. They were all guessing how Yagyu Xiaye would respond to Akizuki Takasan's embarrassment.

"Yagyu-san, please answer, is this the way of learning at Sakakino Academy?"

After Qiuyue Xiaosan finished speaking, some students in the classroom laughed.At this time, Akizuki Marina also felt a little bit dissatisfied with Akizuki Takasan's stepfather, and this time she definitely approached Yagyu Xia Ye on purpose.Not only want to target Yagyu Xiaye personally, but also want to target Sakakino Academy behind Yagyu Xiaye.

Amityame Marina had no choice but to reach out her hand under the table and shake Yagyu Xiaye to let him understand what kind of state he is in now.

This behavior was very effective, Liu Shengxia Ye opened his eyes in a daze, and asked, "Did you take a lunch break?"

"Haha, this man is really funny."

"Are all the exchange students of Sakano Academy like this? It seems that I will go to the Internet to check the evaluation of Sakano Academy after I get home."


The classroom became a bit chaotic because of Yagyu Xia Ye's words, but Akizuki Takasan did not prevent this from happening, rather it was what he expected.

"Student Yagyu, can you get up and talk about the major impact of hormones on us?" Qiu Yue Xiaosan on the podium once again asked Yagyu Xiaye about this question.

"Hormones, what's that? You don't learn English well, what are you doing with these weird courses?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked back.

"New here, you haven't even touched the topic of hormones. It seems that the courses of Sakakino Academy are only stuck in the last century. In the research of hormones, Mr. Akizuki, no, Professor Akizuki is famous all over the country. You would ask such an idiotic question." Some of them were fans of Takashi Akizuki, and immediately began to complain about Yanagi Xia Ye.

Author's message:

Thank you for the reward of 1500 happy coins and HNYRT's 100 happy coins, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"New here?" Liu Shengxia Ye looked at the guy who taught him a lesson, and at the same time read these three words in his mouth.

You know, when he came to Shengfeng Academy in the morning, a lot of guys stopped him, and they also regarded Liu Shengxia Ye as a newcomer.As a result, the two main prisoners were punished by Liu Shengxia Ye, and those slaves did not dare to follow Liu Sheng Xia Ye and the others into the Holy Maple Academy.

"That's right. Many people want to listen to Professor Qiuyue's chemistry class at Sacred Maple College. If you don't want to listen to it or if you don't understand it, you can give up your seat." Another person immediately refuted Liu Sheng. summer night.Moreover, he also asked Liu Shengxiaye to give up his seat. There was no room left for the 2-year class. The meaning of giving up the seat was to ask Liu Shengxiaye to leave the 2-year class.

"I'll see who dares to let our boss leave this class today!" Before Liu Sheng Xiaye responded to the guy who refuted him again, there was an arrogant voice coming from the door of Class 2, and Yagyu Xiaye and Akizuki Marina felt a little familiar.


The door of the classroom of Class 2, Year [-] was opened from the outside, and what appeared in front of everyone was the school's famous delinquent organization.

When these people appeared together, it really caused a commotion in the classroom. Not only did Qiuyue Xiaosan not make a sound to prevent these unscrupulous teenagers from disturbing his class, but even the students who threatened Yagyu Xiaye to leave this class before I dare not look at their group of bad boys.Although I don't know who the boss of this group of bad boys is, the words of their group of bad boys just now were indeed aimed at him.

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