"Teacher Qiuyue, Airi and Marina are inside." Yagyu Xia Ye reminded.

Hearing it was Liu Shengxia's voice, Qiuyue Xiaosan turned around unwillingly, and said, "I thought this point has been washed, so I'll go back and wait." Ye talked and went back to his room.

Of course, it is impossible for Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi to be in the bathroom at the same time. Yagyu Natsuya's reminder can be regarded as a warning, after all, she has accepted the commission of Akizuki Airi.

Since I don't know which of Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi is in the bathroom now, Yagyu Natsuya can only knock on the door one by one. The first one to knock is of course Akizuki Airi. After all, according to Akizuki Airi's personality, Probably.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye was disappointed, there was no response from Akizuki Airi's room, so it was Akizuki Airi who was in the bathroom.

Therefore, Yagyu Xia Ye could only knock on Akizuki Marina's door.


"Who?" Jinna's voice inside was full of guard.

"Jina, it's me."

"Xia Ye, wait a moment." After hearing the voice of Yagyu Xia Ye, Akizuki Marina told Yagyu Xia Ye to wait a moment, and it seemed that she was going to open the door.

Without making Yagyu Xiaye wait any longer, Akizuki Marina opened the door of her room, she was still wearing the clothes she had left in the kitchen, and it seemed that she hadn't taken a shower yet.

"Xia Ye, are you looking for your mobile phone?" Before Yagyu Xia Ye could ask, Qiuyue Marina asked first.

This made Yagyu Xia Ye nervous. Could it be that Akizuki Marina has seen the contents of the memory card in the phone?

"Yes, I was wondering if someone would call me." Although a little nervous, Yagyu Xia Ye did not show it.

"When you were going to take a shower, there was indeed a call from a person named Dongcheng. We ignored it the previous few times. But he insisted on calling several times. The last time I wanted to pick up and tell him you When you were on the trail, your phone just ran out of battery, and it is charging in my room now." Akizuki Marina explained to Yagyu Xiaye.

Dongcheng made a lot of phone calls in a row, did some accident happen?

And it's a good thing that Liu Shengxia was reading the contents of the memory card next to Shengfeng College, and the battery of the mobile phone was almost exhausted, otherwise there might be problems.

Although almost everything in Yagyu Xiaye's room is complete, it was not used before Yagyu Xiaye's stay, so there was no extra plug in it to charge Yagyu Xiaye's mobile phone, so Akizuki Marina had to take it back to her room. coming.

"Jinnai, can you give me your phone, I'll call back and ask."

Akizuki Marina could also understand Yagyu Xia Ye, so she turned back and pulled out Liu Sheng Xia Ye's cell phone and handed it to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, saying, "Although it's only been charged for a short time, it should be enough time for a phone call."

"Thank you." Yagyu Xiaye took the phone, thanked Akizuki Marina and returned to his room.


After rebooting, the standby screen that appeared was a group photo of Gui Xin and Ito Yuki, and they were smiling happily.

At the same time, Liu Shengxia Ye also saw the missed call from Dongcheng, so he immediately called it.

The phone was quickly connected.

"Young man, I'm Dong Cheng." Dong Cheng's voice came from over there.

"I didn't answer the phone just now, and the phone just happened to be out of battery, what's the matter with you calling from Dongcheng?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

"Young master, it's like this." Dongcheng organized his words, and then said: "It's about Ze Yuezhi. The sow with piglets seems to be dying. At most, it will die tomorrow. It’s the same with the big dog, and it won’t last this Sunday. I called to ask if I need to find a pig and a dog again?”

Dongcheng has now agreed with Yagyu Xiaye's punishment of Ze Yuezhi, no matter what purpose Liusheng Xiaye is serving.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't expect that the punishment item was going to die. Could it be that Kitazawa's pill was too powerful.

"There's no need to look for it again. Let Ze Yuezhi disappear during the weekend, but it's okay to give him some favors before and after he dies."

"Grace?" Dong Cheng asked very puzzled, wondering what kind of favor Yagyu Xia Ye would give to Ze Yuezhi.

"After the sow dies tomorrow, take out its piglets, and then give them to Ze Yuezhi after grilling. Although it is said that tiger poison does not eat offspring, the relationship between Ze Yuezhi and them should only be regarded as stepfather and son." Well, there should be nothing regrettable about having a full meal before going on the road. After the death of that big dog, let’s be buried with Ze Yuezhi, and it’s okay to be a pair of mandarin ducks in the underworld.”

When Dongcheng finally understood what kind of favor Liu Sheng Xia Ye had given to Ze Yuezhi before and after his death, he immediately shuddered disgustingly and said: "Young master, I have already understood, and I will do a good job in this matter." Yes. Young master, how are you doing in that place?"

"Don't worry, I can handle it myself." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu Jiubingwei said that coming here to exchange for a week is a test given by the Yagyu family. Although they still don't know what that test is, Yagyu Xiaye has no intention of asking Dongcheng and the others for help.

Ze Yuezhi was going to die in the end. If Yagyu Xiaye hadn't stopped him, he would have been killed by Yagyu Jiubei as early as last week.

Liu Sheng Xiaye saved Ze Yuezhi last week, and the reason was that he was still full of resentment towards Ze Yuezhi ten years ago.

However, Yagyu Xiaye really didn't remember much about what happened ten years ago, so resentment was also the reason Yagyu Xiaye was looking for, but Yagyu Kubei chose to believe it, even though he knew what was going on.

Yagyu Xia Ye would not regret giving Ze Yuezhi the punishment of life and death.


"Xia Ye, it's me." Akizuki Marina's voice followed the knock on the door.

Yagyu Xia Ye opened the door and saw Akizuki Mana with clothes on her hands, she seemed to be going to take a bath.

"Xia Ye, if your phone needs to be charged, I'll ask Ellie to take it to my room to charge it."

"Thank you."

When Akizuki Marina walked towards Akizuki Airi's room, Yagyu Natsuya went back to the room to turn on the phone, and then formatted all the data in the memory card in the phone, and then pulled it out, and then stored his original memory Insert the card.

After Liu Sheng Xiaye finished all this, there was a knock on the door, but judging from the vibration of the knock, it was definitely not a normal way to knock on the door.

Liu Shengxia Ye just opened the door from the inside, and immediately felt that he was attacked.

Looking down, it turned out that it was Qiuyue Aili who was kicking on his foot, and the abnormal knock on the door before was actually Qiuyue Aili kicking the door.

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