He took his hand back, and then groped for Yagyu Xia Ye's hand from under the quilt.

Although Yagyu Xiaye's hands were covered under the quilt, they were as cold as her face. Qiuyue Aili could feel the cold air from Yagyu Xiaye's hands being transmitted to her body through her hands.

But Akizuki Airi did not let go, but just held Yagyu Xiaye's hand under the quilt, and said in a low voice, "Thank you!"


When Yagyu Xiaye woke up the next day, he found that Qiuyue Aili was no longer on the bed. I don't know if it was because of an illusion, but Liusheng Xiaye felt that someone was holding his hand.

But now Akizuki Airi is gone, and even if you ask Akizuki Airi, there is no answer.

Unlike yesterday, Liu Shengxia Ye felt his head was a little heavy today.

"Could it be a cold?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye mused to himself and touched his forehead, but he didn't feel an obvious rise in temperature, so it wasn't a cold.

After changing his clothes, Yagyu Xiaye came out and found that only Akizuki Kayoko was busy in the kitchen, and he hadn't gone to work yet, which meant it was still early.

"Xia Ye, you woke up so early? But you seem to be sick, is it okay?" After hearing the sound of closing the door, Akizuki Hua Daiko came out and found Yagyu Xia Ye passing by the living room.

"It's okay, I think I should go out for a jog." Liu Sheng Xia Ye planned to go for a jog for exercise, and finish the washing after he came back.

Yagyu Natsuya put on his shoes and left the living room, but Akizuki Kayoko turned back to the kitchen to continue preparing breakfast.

Because of unfamiliarity, Yagyu Xiaye would not run too far, and almost jogged around Qiuyue's house.

After exercising and sweating, Yagyu Xiaye felt that the discomfort after waking up had disappeared, and it was still beneficial to start exercising.

When Liusheng Xiaye was walking to Qiuyue's house, he unexpectedly found that Qiuyue Xiaosan had gone out early, and he went out in a private car that was picked up by others. The person inside Liusheng Xiaye still felt a little familiar.

Because the mobile phone is still charging in Akizuki Marina's room, Yagyu Xiaye can only write down the appearance of the guy who came to pick up Akizuki Kozo, and then return to Akizuki's house.

"Xia Ye, you are back, have you met Mr. Xiaosan?" Qiu Yuehua Daizi was coming out of the kitchen with breakfast.

"Has Teacher Qiuyue gone to school yet?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't tell the truth.

"He said that there was an open class for an experiment in the school today, so he wanted to prepare it early, and he didn't even eat breakfast. You go to wash up and eat, I have to call Ellie, and I haven't woken up yet " After Akizuki Hua Daiko finished speaking to Yagyu Xia Ye, she walked towards the door of Akizuki Aili's room.

And Yagyu Xia Ye met Akizuki Marina at the door of the bathroom, because Akizuki Marina just came out of it.

"Xia Ye, Mom said you went out for a run? Sure enough, it was because..."

"It's fine, just go out for a little exercise." Yagyu Xiaye told Qiuyue Marina that she was very healthy.

"That's good. I'll go to the room and take out your mobile phone for you. You can wash it first." Knowing that Liu Shengxia Ye went for a run, he must know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye hasn't washed it yet. So Akizuki Marina didn't intend to block the door.

"Thank you!"


After washing, Yagyu Xiaye came out of the bathroom and met Qiuyue Aili just in time.

"Are you ready?" Seeing how energetic Yagyu Xiaye was, Qiuyue Aili wondered if Yagyu Xiaye's cough was real.

"Of course not, it's just that I stopped coughing, but Ellie, why did you wake up so late?"

"I want you to take care of it, let me go in and wash up." Qiuyue Airi ignored Liu Shengxia Ye's question, and directly asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye to step aside.

After Akizuki Huayoko called Akizuki Airi, she also went out to work, so now only Akizuki Marina is at the dining table, because Akizuki Airi is still washing in the bathroom.

After Yagyu Xia Ye sat down, Akizuki Marina handed the phone to Yagyu Xia Ye and asked, "Xia Ye, I heard your cough in the middle of the night last night. Is the influence from yesterday still there?"

Akizuki Marina's words made Liusheng Xiaye stunned. It was true that he had a cough yesterday, but Akizuki Marina's precise timing also made Liusheng Xiaye very strange.

Could it be that Akizuki Marina not only heard his cough, but also heard Akizuki Kosan's footsteps in the corridor outside?

Because Yagyu Xiaye's cough and Qiuyue Xiaosan's footsteps were almost at the same time.

In other words, it can be said that Akizuki Marina actually knows about Akizuki Takasan, and also knows what Akizuki Airi is afraid of, but she never said it, and she also called Akizuki Takasan her father.

Whether it is to solve this problem in this way, or whether it is for the marriage of Akizuki Kayoko, Yagyu Xiaye is not clear for the time being.

"It's okay, I still have the medicine pack. If it's really not possible, I'll just go to the hospital tomorrow." Akizuki Marina didn't mention the footsteps, and Yagyu Xia Ye didn't take the initiative to mention it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing that Yagyu Xia Ye took the initiative to go to the hospital, Qiuyue Mana let go of her worries.

Soon, Akizuki Airi also finished washing, and came to the table and sat with Akizuki Marina.

"Airi, why did you get up so late today?" Akizuki Marina was a little early on the fact that Akizuki Ari got up late, so she asked after Akizuki Ari sat down.Although there is a rule of not talking when eating, but now they are all family members, and they don't care about it.

Facing Yagyu Natsuya's question, Akizuki Airi didn't need to answer, but when facing Akizuki Marina's sister, Akizuki Ari would not do that.

"Sister, it's okay, it's just that I went to bed late."

Akizuki Airi's answer made Yagyu Natsuya look at her as if, if they were sleeping, he and Akizuki Airi should have been at about the same time.But today he woke up very early, and Qiuyue Aili also left, she didn't need Yagyu Xiaye to cover her before leaving like yesterday.

Could it be that Qiuyue Aili fell asleep and returned to the cage after going back?

"What are you looking at, do you have any objections?" Ariel Qiuyue sensed Yagyu Xiaye's gaze and asked.

"Ai Li, you have a better attitude towards Xia Ye. If you say this, you will appear uneducated." Akizuki Marina said to Akizuki Aili.

"I don't care." Qiuyue Aili said indifferently.

Liu Shengxia also shrugged, anyway, this is already the third day, almost half of the time will pass.

After Akizuki Marina cleaned up the mess, she went to Shengfeng Academy with Yagyu Xiaye and Akizuki Airi.

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