At this point, the girl's eyes are no longer empty. When she recovered her eyes and saw Liu Shengxia Ye's hands on her shoulders, she let out a scream and pushed away Liu Shengxia Ye's hands. She shrank back and shrank her body.

Seeing the girl's reaction, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't touch her again, but said: "That scumbag has passed out now, so you'd better go change your clothes now."

Yagyu Xiaye's reminder made the girl look at Director Nagano who was lying on the ground. She didn't see any movement from Director Nagano. The girl didn't care, but stood up and ran to another direction.

"Mom..." the girl called out here.

Yagyu Xia Ye followed the girl's footsteps to a room in this house, which should be the master bedroom of this house in terms of scale, which is also the room of Director Nagano.

However, the current master bedroom does not feel tidy, it is messy everywhere, the books on the desk are scattered everywhere, one of the potted plants on the balcony is broken, and there is floating in the room. cotton.

"Mom!" The girl walked to the bed.

Yagyu Xia Ye found a woman lying there on the bed. The lower body was covered with a quilt, but the upper body was naked.

However, these are not the main points. What Yagyu Xiaye saw on the upper body and face of this woman was full of bloodstains. Not only was her chest swollen, but blood was slowly seeping out.

And the perpetrators should be Director Nagano who is lying outside and the bloody belt on the bedside.

"Sorry!" Liu Shengxia Ye turned around and closed the door.

Afterwards, a girl's hoarse cry came from inside, and Yagyu Xiaye walked away from the master bedroom.


After finding the materials in Nagano's house, Yagyu Xiaye tied up Director Nagano and threw them into the bathroom.

After finding a washbasin and filling it with cold water, all of it was flushed on Director Nagano's face.

Director Nagano shuddered involuntarily, and then opened his eyes amidst coughing.

The red eyes that faced Yagyu Xia Ye before had disappeared, and the pupil color had returned to normal, but he hadn't understood his current situation for a while.

"Who are you, why are you in my house, and..., ah-choo!" The sense of familiarity still let Director Nagano know that this was in the bathroom of his house, but he sneezed before he finished speaking.

Because Yagyu Xiaye poured cold water on it just now, and Director Nagano is only wrapped in a sheet now.

After several sneezes, Director Nagano wanted to stand up, but he couldn't control the balance of his body and fell directly to the ground.

"Who are you? What is your purpose?" Director Nagano knew at this time that he had met a ruthless person, and he could recall some of the previous things.

For example, the matter of abusing his wife, such as the matter of his daughter.

"It seems that you are awake, I just want to ask you now, is there anything in your hand that can destroy Qiuyue Xiaosan's reputation, if you have, you can reduce the pain a little, if not, I don't know what will happen to you Already?" Yagyu Xiaye asked, looking down at Director Nagano.

The reason why he came here was mainly to solve the matter of Akizuki Takazo, because Yagyu Xia Ye did not believe that Director Nagano would not be without something in his hands.

As for preventing director Nagano's atrocities against his daughter, it can only show that the timing of Yagyu Xiaye's visit is just right.

"Professor Qiuyue? You have a personal feud with Professor Qiuyue? I understand, you are the exchange student who injured my son Nagano Taizo yesterday, aren't you? How dare you break into my house and do this kind of thing? See if I don't take your Tell your school about the evil deeds, let you..."


Another pot of cold water was poured on Director Nagano.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

They all looked like prisoners now, Director Nagano still wanted to show his prestige in front of Yagyu Xiaye, so that Yagyu Xiaye didn't even have the idea of ​​continuing to talk to him.

When the cold water poured on Director Nagano's body, he started sneezing again and again, probably because of his poor physique.

"You bastard..., I will...definitely..." Even at this point, Director Nagano is still thinking of using his identity to suppress Yagyu Xia Ye.

Without responding to Director Nagano's words, Yagyu Xiaye turned on the faucet again.

"Don't...drew it, if you drench will die." Director Nagano began to stammer, it was all because of the cold.

Hearing Director Nagano's begging for mercy, Yagyu Xiaye also turned off the tap.

It's not that he intends to let Director Nagano go just like that, but he feels that someone is walking towards the bathroom.

Anyway, no one else will come in this house now, and Yagyu Xiaye has no fear or worry about the daughter of the Nagano family.

The door of the bathroom was pushed from the outside, and it was the girl who had been helped by Liu Shengxia Ye before and was crying loudly in the master bedroom.

At this time, the girl also slightly restrained the hair that covered her face before, so that people could see her appearance more clearly.But because there are too many tears on the face, the face is still dirty.

After seeing the stranger Yagyu Xiaye and Director Nagano lying on the ground, the girl silently turned on the faucet.

Hearing the sound of water coming out of the faucet, Director Nagano shuddered.

"Shizuka, call the police, and then untie me." Director Nagano, who regained a little strength, no longer stuttered.

After hearing Director Nagano's words, the body of the girl Yagyu Xia Ye rescued, that is, Nagano Shizuka who was receiving water, also gave a meal.

In the expectant eyes of Director Nagano on the ground, another basin of cold water was poured on him.

This time, it wasn't Liu Shengxia Ye, a stranger outside, but his own girl, the daughter he wanted to commit atrocities before.

After finishing the watering work, Nagano Shizuka started to receive water again, and Director Nagano, who was lying on the ground and trembling, no longer dared to ask his daughter to do anything.He thought that Shizuka Nagano must have heard or seen what Yagyu Xia Ye did to him outside, so she would deal with him at this time according to the method of Yagyu Xia Ye.

After director Nagano was not bothered, Shizuka Nagano quickly filled up half a basin of water, and then left the bathroom with the water.

"Well, how is your mother now?" Yagyu Xia Ye asked when Nagano Shizuka was about to go out.


Nagano Shizuka's voice was very hoarse, as if speaking was a very difficult thing.

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