"Don't worry, it's not your blood, it's the one in the master bedroom."

"Is it Fujiko's blood? You let me see what this thing does. It's best for you, an outsider, not to interfere in the conflict between our husband and wife and family."

"He is really a heartless man, but I will find a way to remind you of the love between your husband and wife, and then let you be in harmony." When Yagyu Xiaye was speaking, he mentioned the blood of Nagano Fujiko. Bucket, went to Director Nagano who was sitting on the toilet.

"What are you going to do, put that thing down." Director Nagano said to Yagyu Xiaye in fear.

"I have said that I want you to blend together once, and I will do it when I say it."

Yagyu Xiaye reached out and grabbed Director Nagano's wet hair, and then put Director Nagano's head and the rest on the wall behind.

Pressing the scalp from two special positions, Director Nagano's mouth opened wide.

At this time, Director Nagano also understood what kind of thing he was going to encounter, so his head wanted to get rid of Yagyu Xiaye's palm.But Yagyu Xiaye's palms were like pliers, firmly clamping Director Nagano's head.

One hand controlled Director Nagano's head, and then the other hand raised the blood in the bucket and tilted the mouth of the bucket to the open mouth of Director Nagano.

The blood rushed into Director Nagano's mouth immediately, and then continued to flow out from the corner of Director Nagano's mouth.

During this process, Yagyu Xia Ye would loosen the grip on his hands a little, so that Director Nagano would have a chance to swallow.Then he fixed Director Nagano's head on the back wall again, and continued to let their husband and wife blend together.

After all the blood was poured out, Yagyu Xiaye put the bucket aside, and let go of Director Nagano.


Director Nagano struggled and rolled down the toilet. After coughing, he continued to retch, trying to spit out the blood he drank.

Since most of the blood fell on the ground, the current director of Nagano seems to be lying in a pool of blood.

"I hope this can remind you of the relationship between your husband and wife, but I don't think you will have such an opportunity in the future." Yagyu Xia Ye squatted down and said to Director Nagano.

"You...are...cough...cough...the devil!" Director Nagano was coughing as he spoke.

This was the second time Liu Shengxia Ye heard someone say that he was a devil.

The first one is Ze Yuezhi. Today is Wednesday, and Ze Yuezhi should also enjoy the benefits during his lifetime.As for Director Nagano, Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to take action by himself, he just handed over this guy to the police who will come here later.

"Director Nagano, goodbye!" Yagyu Xiaye didn't care about Director Nagano's words. His main purpose of coming here has been achieved, and it's time to leave here, or get mixed up with the police who will come here later, Yagyu Xia It's not easy to get out at night.

Yagyu Xiaye closed the bathroom door, leaving director Nagano lying alone in the bloody water in the bathroom.


Not far away from Nagano's house, Xia Ye Yagyu heard the sound of ambulances and police cars.

Yagyu Xiaye took out his mobile phone to check the time, and found that it was already time for school to be over for a while, and it seemed that it was too late to go back to school and go home with sister Qiuyue.

So Yagyu Xiaye turned on the phone's navigation and entered the address of Qiuyue's house.

After planning the route home, Liu Shengxia Ye also looked at the places he would pass through on the map. When he scanned a name, Liu Sheng Xia Ye changed the itinerary.

"Chinese herbal medicine shop!"

It's not ancient medicinal materials, but Chinese medicinal materials. Liu Shengxiaye chose the address of this shop as the destination for this time.

The reason why he went there was entirely because Liu Shengxiaye wanted to try his luck.

Because the medical treatment of the Liusheng family's treatment of Liusheng Xiaye and the medicine packs prescribed later are all ancient medical techniques, and the origin of ancient medical techniques comes from the other side of China.

If the materials of the medicine pack could be analyzed there and a new medicine pack could be dispensed, Yagyu Xiaye would not have to go to the Western Hospital, because like the opinion of the Yagyu family's medical team, Western medical treatment would easily leave sequelae.

The doctors of the Liusheng family medical team only had the last pack of medicine for Liusheng Xiaye to recuperate his internal injuries. If he couldn't make it up, even if he had sequelae, Liusheng Xiaye planned to go to the hospital for a look.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye felt that he might gain something in that medicinal herb shop, it was just an intuition, but Liu Shengxia Ye was willing to believe it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The address of the herbal shop where Liu Shengxia Ye was located was not that far away, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye was still driving the navigation, so he walked there quickly.

There are not many places where the medicine shop is located. On the left and right sides of it are a convenience store and a fruit shop.

Convenience stores and fruit stores are now full of people coming in and out, but the medicine store is open, and there is no way to know from the outside whether the store is really still open.

The door curtain was a piece of cloth curtain, and after Liu Sheng Xiaye opened it with his hand, he entered the medicine shop, but he didn't hear anyone greet him.

In the lobby of the medicinal herb shop, apart from a few empty tables outside, there is only the counter and the vertical medicinal herb cabinet.

"Excuse me, is there anyone here?" Liu Shengxiaye saw that there was no one at the cash register, so he could only ask.

No one responded.

"Excuse me, is the doctor here?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked a second time.

"Wait a moment." This time, an elderly voice came from inside.

Now that someone was there, Liu Sheng Xia Ye stopped barking, but sat on a stool by the bar, waiting for the people from the medicine shop to come out.

Before Liusheng Xiaye had to wait long, he saw a man lift the curtain from the back hall and enter the hall. He was wearing a Tang suit that was popular in China for a certain period of time, and Liusheng Xiaye also saw that his hands were all It's gray, it must have been pounding medicinal materials in it just now, and now it came out without washing your hands.

And when Liu Sheng Xiaye was concerned, the person who came out to receive him was at least over sixty years old, because the wrinkles on his face and gray hair all told the age of this person.

However, when responding to Liu Shengxia Ye's voice before, Liu Sheng Xia Ye never thought about it as a person in his sixties.

"Mr., are you the doctor of this medicine shop?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

The old man's title made the old man stunned, because it was a title he hadn't heard for a long time.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to know the name of the old man. Yes, I am the owner of this pharmacy, Liu Sheng, are you here to dispense medicine or see a doctor?" Liu Sheng, the owner of the pharmacy, asked Liu Shengxia after introducing himself. The purpose of coming here at night.

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