Perhaps what Akizuki Takazo gave to Director Nagano was the reagent for failure, which is why there was such abusive behavior towards his wife Nagano Fujiko and wanting to commit atrocities against his daughter Nagano Shizuka.

Moreover, this does not mean that Akizuki Takazo did not prepare a successful reagent, even if there is no successful reagent, if Akizuki Takazo uses it at Akizuki's house, then what happened to Nagano Director's house today might happen.

It seems that this problem needs to be solved as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu, how much is this medicine package, I will give you the money now, and I will go back."

"Your boy suits my taste very much. In the future, if you have nothing to do, come to my shop to talk more. Today's medicinal materials will not be charged."

"No, there is no reason not to charge..."

When Liu Shengxia Ye was arguing with Liu Sheng, a familiar voice from Liu Sheng Xia Ye came from outside.

"I am back!"

Although there were two voices appearing together, Liu Shengxia Ye was only familiar with one of them.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Liu Sheng looked at the entrance of the medicine shop together.

"Xiao Jing, you are back."

"How could it be you?"

"You're here for that?"


After a period of silence, Yagyu Xia Ye noticed the girl who came in with Kashima Touka.

She is wearing the school uniform of Sacred Maple Academy, but it is different from the high school one, but the same as Akizuki Airi's, which means that this girl is a student of Sacred Maple Academy's junior high school.But what about Kashima Touka and this child?

"Dong Xiang, do you know Liu Sheng?" When the girl with twin ponytails walked up to Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Kashima Dong Xiang.

"Liusheng and I are in the same class. I met Xiaojing on the road after school today and escorted Xiaojing back." After answering Liu Sheng's question, Kashima Dongxiang said to Liusheng Xiaye: "Your leaving early made Zhen Nai I am very worried, why did you come to Xiaojing's house to see a doctor?" Because Kashima Dongxiang also saw the package on the bar counter.

"Yes, Mr. Liu has already treated me. Dong Xiang, you just said that you came back to protect Xiaojing, so what's going on?" Liu Shengxiaye asked a question he cared about.

It was at this time that Liu Sheng introduced Xiao Jing's identity to Liu Shengxia Ye. It turned out to be his granddaughter, named Liu Jing, who was currently attending junior high school at Shengfeng College.

After Liu Shengxia Ye asked the question, Liu Jing actually hid behind Liu Sheng.

Lu Dao Dong Xiang immediately said: "It was Xiao Jing who encountered bad harassment from the school on the way home. Fortunately, I did, and after scaring the other party away, I sent Xiao Jing back."

"Scare away the other party?"

"I said I was your good friend at the same table and he left, but if it weren't for the fact that more students gathered around, maybe it really couldn't be kinder."

"Xiao Jing, are you okay?" Liu Sheng immediately turned to look at Liu Jing and asked, his tone full of worry, after all, Liu Jing was his only relative.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Grandpa, I'm fine, because Dong Xiang protected me." Liu Jing shook her head, indicating that she hadn't suffered any harm.

Liu Sheng is also a person who understands. Since Liu Jing said it's all right, it's really all right. She turned to Kashima Dong Xiang and said, "Thank you, Dong Xiang, for this matter, but you did it to It's a bit dangerous, if that guy is tough..."

"Don't worry, even if that guy is not afraid of me, he will give Liu Sheng some face." Kashima Dongxiang did not take all the credit for escorting Liu Jing back safely, but said Liu Sheng The name of Xia Ye.

"You kid still have such abilities?"

"Because of Liu Sheng senior?" Liu Jing just now knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Kashima Touka were classmates, so there is nothing wrong with calling Liu Sheng Xia Ye a senior now.

Seeing the expressions of Liu Sheng and Liu Jing, Kashima Dongxiang knew that neither of them knew about Liu Shengxia Ye's situation in school. When she wanted to tell the truth, Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked first: "Dong Xiang, you said that the delinquent who pesters Xiaojing will care about my face. Is he a member of Xicun's gang?"

If it was really someone from Xicun's group, then Liu Shengxiaye might have to clean up the house tomorrow.

And after Liu Shengxia Ye's words fell, Liu Jing's expression changed suddenly, because she knew who Liu Sheng Xia Ye said Xi Cun was.

There are many Nishimura surnames in Sacred Maple College, but there is only one bad Nishimura, and that is Senior Colonel Nishimura, the vice president of the student union.

Although it is only the vice president, because the president was voted out by the students of the school, he does not have much power in the student union. Then Senior Colonel Nishimura is the veritable number one person in the student union.

"It's not the group of people in Xicun, but they should know Xicun and the others."

"What about the name?"

"Arima Ranzo, he seems to be a guy with a small name, but I don't care much about him. He seems to know me around Marina, so he let me and Xiaojing go after I revealed my identity."

It turned out that it was Arima Lunzang, Yagyu Xiaye heard Akizuki Airi and Senior Colonel Nishimura mention it, it seems that after pestering Akizuki Airi, Senior Colonel Nishimura taught him a lesson.

"Let me deal with this person named Arima Ranzo. If you don't mind, Xiao Jing, you can wait for me at the school gate tomorrow, and then enter the school with me." Yagyu Xiaye stood Liu Jing behind Liu Sheng said.

However, Liu Jing did not respond to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, but looked at Kashima Touka.

"Xiao Jing, this is good news for you, so you should promise classmate Liu Sheng now." Seeing that Liu Jing actually had the chance to have a relationship with Liu Shengxia Ye, Kashima Touka would not let it slipped away.

You know, now that Liu Shengxiaye's status among the bad guys has been spread in Shengfeng College, many senior students are unwilling to trouble Liusheng Xiaye, and many lower grades are junior high school students , because they want to find Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Liu Sheng Xia Ye to get in touch, because then their life at school will change a lot.

"I see that since the boy dares to say this, he must have something to rely on, but it's up to you, Xiao Jing, to make the decision."

Although Liu Sheng wanted Liu Jing to immediately agree to Liu Shengxia Ye's invitation, but his current thinking was very open, and it was time for Liu Jing to make his own decisions.

"I believe in Miss Dong Xiang, so I am willing to believe in Senior Liu Sheng." Liu Jing said to Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Tomorrow, I will wait for you at the school gate with Xiaojing, you shouldn't mind."

"On the road, Xiao Jing's safety is entrusted to you." Kashima Touka has already offended Arima Ranzo in order to protect Liu Jing today, so he also wants to borrow Yagyu Xiaye's prestige tomorrow.

"Wrap it on me."

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