"please wait for a moment."

After a while, Qiu Yuehua opened the door from the inside, looking at Liu Shengxia Ye standing outside the door and asked: "Xia Ye, what do you want?"

"It's related to Qiuyue Xiaosan, can I come in and talk about it?"

Hearing Yagyu Xiaye directly call Qiuyue Xiaosan's name, Qiu Yuehua Daiko was also a little surprised.You must know that Yagyu Xiaye still called Qiuyue Xiaosan Qiuyue's teacher yesterday night, and after Qiuyue Xiaosan came back last night, he said some slightly excessive things to her about Liusheng Xiaye.

Is Liusheng Xiaye's attitude today related to what Qiuyue Xiaosan said last night?But when Qiuyue Xiaosan talked to her last night, he was in this room, even if he was outside the door, he couldn't hear her.

Because he wanted to know the answer, he invited Yagyu Xiaye into the room.

Yagyu Xiaye entered the room of Akiyuki Kayoko, and when Yagyu Xiaye most attracted his attention, there was actually a small single bed next to the master bed.

"This is?"

Since Liu Shengxiaye had seen it all, Qiu Yuehua Daizi didn't intend to hide it anymore, and explained: "That's the bed of Xiaosan Jun. He has been sleeping in the small bed since we got married."

After listening to Akitsuki Hua Daiko's explanation, Yagyu Xiaye said: "He is really a good-looking guy, and he has done a good job in acting."

Liu Shengxiaye's evaluation of Qiuyue Xiaosan made Qiu Yuehua Daizi unhappy, and said to Liusheng Xiaye with dissatisfaction: "Xia Ye, although I don't know what's wrong with you and Xiaosan, but you can't comment casually like this Xiao San-jun. Although Xiao San-jun said last night that he wanted Xia Ye to leave our house quickly, I stopped them all. If Xia Ye continues to behave like this, I think I will change my mind."

After the conflict at school yesterday, he couldn't think of a way to do it because of the influence of bad boys, so he planned to find a way to drive himself away at Qiuyue's house?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I will not withdraw my evaluation of Qiuyue Xiaosan, because..."

Before Yagyu Xiaye finished speaking, Akizuki Hua Daiko stood up, pointed at the door and said, "Xia Ye, your attitude makes it difficult for me to continue talking with you, so can you please leave now?"

Yagyu Xia Ye was taken aback by the attitude of Daiko Qiuyuehua, he still underestimated Daiko Qiuyuehua's feelings for Xiaosan Qiuyue.

However, now Liu Shengxiaye definitely won't go out here, because Qiuyue Xiaosan's footsteps are getting faster and faster, if it is not resolved soon, maybe there will be something that Liusheng Xiaye cannot control in the future.

"If you still want me to leave after watching these videos, I have no objections at all." Liu Shengxia Ye took out his mobile phone and called up the video.

On the way back, Yagyu Xiaye swapped his memory card with the memory card in the Cannaka Sana video recorder, so now the video in the Cannaka Sana video recorder can be played.

Akizuki Kayoko originally didn't intend to watch the video Yagyu Natsuya gave, but from the corner of her eye, she saw Akizuki Airi in the picture.

So he immediately took Liusheng Xiaye's cell phone over and waited for the video to play.

Before Yanagi Natsuya heard Kuranaka Sana's voice in the video, Akizuki Kayoko threw the phone towards Yagyu Natsuya.

"Xia Ye, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Ellie was waiting for you to come back for dinner, but now you are actually shooting such a video. Now delete the video on your phone and leave our house immediately Right." Now Akizuki Kayoko has begun to hate Yagyu Natsuya, mainly because she thinks that Yagyu Natsuya's actions have hurt her daughter Akizuki Airi.

"You mean I shot this video?" Liu Shengxia Ye finally understood what the problem was.

"Is there anyone else who took the picture? Ellie is wearing the school uniform of Shengfeng College, and Marinna and Xiaosanjun both don't have mobile phones. You, the boarding person in this house, have a mobile phone to shoot videos. Besides, who else would it be?" Daiko Qiu Yuehua also expressed her reason for doubting Yagyu Xia Ye.

And for this reason, Liu Shengxia Ye has nothing to say now, but when he noticed the date on the video, Liu Sheng Xia Ye frowned.

"Actually, this video was taken by Qiu Yuexiao and others. I know you won't believe what I said now, so I still have evidence here."

After pausing the video, Yagyu Xiaye pointed to the time on it and said, "The date of this video was last week, but I didn't come here last week, so it was impossible to shoot. I know you don't believe it, but this There will be a lot of time evidence, as long as you are careful."

After placing the phone where both he and Akizuki Kayoko could see it, Yagyu Xia Ye continued to press buttons on the phone to display the dates of different videos.

Although there were more and more videos flipped by Yagyu Xiaye, Akizuki Kayoko's ugly face eased a lot.

Because in other videos, Akizuki Kayoko, the mother, knows something different about her daughter Akizuki Airi, and now Akizuki Kayoko also believes that this video was not shot by Yagyu Natsuya.

However, if you want her to believe that this video is that Akizuki Takasan asked someone to shoot Akizuki Airi, Akizuki Huayoko still doesn't believe it.

Finally, Yagyu Xia Ye swiped to the very first video.

"This video is the source of the beginning, you can watch it." Liu Sheng Xia Ye clicked the play button and handed the phone to Qiu Yuehua Daiko.

Akizuki Huayoko also wanted to know the truth, so she took the phone.



"It would be fine if Airi thought like you did." Qiuyue Xiaosan's voice was full of regret, and Qiuyue Airi did not agree with his regret.

"Teacher Qiuyue, can you date me?"


"If you do something for me, Shana, I can agree to my request to date you, but you can't tell anyone."


"This is the best way, even the ready-made reasons have been thought of. Sana, the task I give you is very simple, that is, you shoot me a video of Ellie, and when the number reaches a certain number, I will agree to date you .”

"Ellie's video?"

"Yes, it's Ellie's videos, especially private ones. For example, when you change your tracksuit at school, and when you go to the toilet together, and some times you think you are particularly attractive."


"Teacher Qiuyue, I will finish shooting the video you need, you must remember to date me."

"Of course, Sana who agreed to my request is a good boy."


After listening to this conversation, Akizuki Kayoko's face turned livid, because the male voice in it was definitely Akizuki Takazo's, and Akizuki Kayoko would never get it wrong.

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