It's just that Yagyu Xia Ye was a little surprised that Qiu Yuehua knew that it was a Chinese medicine hall.

"My sister said that the bath water has been put away, and she insisted on letting this guy take a bath first, so I came to him." Akizuki Airi was very upset about her sister Akizuki Marina letting Yagyu Natsuya take a bath first. He is dissatisfied with the land, so he was a little short-tempered when answering Qiu Yuehua Daizi.

"Ai Li, Xia Ye is a guest, so you should also pay attention to etiquette."

Akizuki Kayoko took the opportunity to educate Akizuki Airi, but Yagyu Xiaye had already seen Akizuki Airi's impatience, so she turned around and said to Akizuki Kayoko: "Aunt Huadaiko, then I I'm leaving."

Akizuki Airi and Yagyu Xiaye left the master bedroom together, and when they walked to their respective rooms, Qiuyue Aili said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Don't think that I will thank you for helping me, don't even think about it."

"I just want to take a shower and go to bed earlier, it has nothing to do with helping you."

"Dirty—" Qiuyue Airi closed the door of her room.

Akizuki Airi's words made Yagyu Xiaye shake his head speechlessly, and then opened his own room

Author's message:

I have reached the [-] words of this book. I am very grateful for my persistence, and I am also grateful to all the readers who subscribed, rewarded, and recommended, because of you, I can have the motivation to update every day.

The Holy Maple Academy chapter is estimated to speed up the process, so try to finish it within this month.

After that, it will be the final chapter of Sakakino Gakuen.

Once again, thank you readers, and look forward to the following plot together.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Yagyu Xiaye took a bath, it was Qiuyue Aili, and Yagyu Xiaye went back to the room, took out the medicine packs that were dispensed in the Chinese herbal medicine shop, and walked to the kitchen.

It's just that when Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, Qiuyue Marina was actually in the kitchen.

"Jinnai, why are you here?"

"I want to see how you decoct the medicine in Xia Ye, so that I can decoct the medicine for you in the future." Qiuyue Marina explained her reason for appearing in the kitchen.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that this medicine bag is not disposable, and the taste may be a little stronger than before, so I plan to make the medicine myself." Yagyu Xiaye said to Qiuyue Mana.

Although she knew that decoction was the same thing, Akizuki Marina still didn't leave.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye had no choice but to start decocting the medicine.

The progress was very good, so the difference that Liu Shengxia Ye said reflected well. The smell of the medicine bag that Liu Sheng Xia Ye brought back this time was indeed much stronger than before.

"Sister, what are you doing? Why are you even uglier than the ones a few days ago?" After taking a bath, Qiuyue Aili appeared at the kitchen door in a bathrobe.

It's not easy to get used to the smell of Liusheng Xiaye's medicine bag before, but today Liusheng Xiaye actually brought back a medicine bag with a stronger smell, so he pinched his nose at this time and asked Liusheng Xiaye in the kitchen And Qiuyue Marina.

"Ai Li, what are you doing at the kitchen door, so that there is such a strong smell of medicine?" Akizuki Huayoko also came out of her room.

And Akizuki Airi, who was named by Akizuki Kayoko, immediately denied that she had anything to do with this incident.

"It's my sister, no, it's the guy who is boarding here who is decocting medicine, but it doesn't look like decoction, it's more like stewing durian." Qiuyue Aili dumped all the pot to Yagyu Xia Ye was completely That's right, after all, Yagyu Xiaye made today's decoction by himself, and it has nothing to do with Akizuki Marina.

Akizuki Huayoko came to the door of the kitchen, and also saw Akizuki Marina and Yagyu Xiaye in the kitchen.

"Xia Ye, is there really no problem with this kind of medicine?" Although it was said to be traditional Chinese medicine with Liu Sheng Xia Ye before, Qiuyue Huadaizi also did not expect that the medicine package that Liu Sheng Xia Ye brought back this time would have such a strong taste .

"I'm very sorry, I didn't expect this to happen. There is nothing wrong with the medicine." Liu Sheng Xia Ye was still full of confidence in Liu Sheng.

And after receiving Yagyu Xiaye's affirmation, Akizuki Hua Daiko also planned to leave, and wanted to call Akizuki Aili.

"Ellie, if you don't want to smell it, go back to your room and open the window."

However, Akizuki Aili didn't listen to Akizuki Huayoko's words this time, but insisted on standing where she was, and said, "I want to see if this medicine is effective."

In this case, only Qiu Yuehua Daizi went back to the room first.


In the middle of frying, after the medicine mist dissipated, the smell was different from before, so Ari Akizuki dared to walk into the kitchen, with Akizuki Marina and Yagyu Xiaye.

Not long after that, Liu Shengxia Ye completed the decoction.

"Xia Ye, go take a bath now, I'll finish the cold thing for you when I come back." Akizuki Marina said to Yagyu Xia Ye, the frying method is the same as before, so the cooling method must be the same as before.

But this time, Liu Shengxia Ye said: "The doctor told me that it's best to drink it when it's hot, so it's better for you to wash it first, I have to pick up the medicine bag again."

"Don't you throw away that stinky thing?" Qiuyue Airi asked.

"The medicine bag prepared this time is different from the previous one. One medicine bag needs to be fried three times like this." When Yagyu Xiaye answered Qiuyue Aili, he poured out the fried medicine soup, and then used chopsticks to The bundled medicine packs were clipped.Then, with the chopsticks, I set up a suggested bracket on the medicine decoction utensil, and put the medicine bag that was still out of the medicine juice on it, and waited for its water to drain.

"Sister, it's really disgusting inside, let's go." Ariel Akizuki pulled Akizuki Marina out of the kitchen.

Akizuki Marina didn't insist on staying, because there was nothing she had to do here.

And after the Qiuyue sisters left, Liu Sheng Xiaye waited in the kitchen for the concoction to cool down to a certain extent, and then drank the concoction.

After that, he put away the medicine bag that was almost drained and put it in a safe place. After washing the used dishes and chopsticks, Yagyu Xiaye also left the kitchen.


After Yagyu Xia Ye opened the door, she found Akizuki Airi sitting at the table doing her homework.

After stepping back and closing the door, Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked around at the door, and after confirming that he had entered the wrong room, he opened the door again.

This time, Qiuyue Aili did not sit by the table, but stood at the door.

"Are you dissatisfied with me appearing here?" Akizuki Airi's expression was like that of Yagyu Xiaye's dissatisfaction, and she would definitely be the first to be dissatisfied.

"That guy won't come back today, so you don't have to..."

"So you are thinking too much. I am doing my homework here mainly because I encountered difficult problems. My sister went to take a bath again, so I had to wait for you to guide me." Qiuyue Aili gave her The reason for appearing in Yanagi Natsuya's room.

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