Although it was not as shocking as yesterday, the group of two men and four women standing at the gate of Liusheng Xiaye still attracted the attention of the students entering and leaving, but after seeing Liusheng Xiaye and Senior Colonel Nishimura, they didn't stop to watch the excitement.


"Let's introduce it." Liu Shengxia Ye finally suggested.

After the introduction, everyone also understood each other's identities.

Liu Jing and Akizuki Airi are classmates. Although the relationship is not as good as the guy who was stuck together with Cana Naka at that moment, at least they are still good friends.

"You said you were held back by bad guys yesterday, and it was Kashima-senpai who helped you?" Qiuyue Aili and Liu Jing said loudly after taking a few words secretly from the side.

After Qiuyue Aili finished speaking, she immediately set her sights on Senior Colonel Nishimura.

Although she is a junior high school student, she still has a certain understanding of the delinquents in the high school world, and Senior Colonel Nishimura is a guy who taught the delinquent Arima who was pestering her a few days ago so that he dare not complain. A bigger bad.

"This matter has nothing to do with Xicun." Before Senior Colonel Xicun wanted to defend himself, Liu Shengxiaye took the initiative to explain to Senior Colonel Xicun.

"Nishimura, you should have an impression of Arima Ranzo. He was the one who intercepted Xiaojing yesterday. You should pass a message to him."

Senior Colonel Nishimura was very grateful for Liu Shengxia Ye's initiative to explain. After listening to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words, Senior Colonel Nishimura knew what he should do.

Now it seems that this junior high school girl named Liu Jing has a good relationship with Liu Shengxiaye, otherwise he would not have been allowed to go alone, so I should pay more attention to this junior high school girl in the future.

"I'll go right away." After nodding to Yagyu Xia Ye, Senior Colonel Nishimura disappeared at the school gate.

"Okay, let's not block the school gate anymore. If the students behind us are late, we are doing it wrong." It is the peak season, and the five of Liu Shengxiaye have almost blocked half of the road, and Because of Liusheng Xiaye, these students who entered the school did not dare to get too close to Liusheng Xiaye, so the traffic in the school became a bit congested, especially when the school was about to close.

After being reminded by Yagyu Xia Ye, Akizuki Marina and the others came to their senses, and immediately walked into the campus together and gave way to the passage.

Although Liu Jing is with Qiuyue Aili now, she still stands beside Kashima Touka.

"Sister Dong Xiang, senior Liu Sheng just now..."

Just now when Liu Sheng Xiaye asked Senior Colonel Nishimura to go to Arima Lunzang, Liu Jing was quite worried. You must know that Arima Lunzang is a bad thing.

"Xiao Jing, you don't need to know too much about these things. You just need to know that Arima Ranzo will not dare to pester you anymore."

Chapter 300: The Qiuyue Xiaosan who came to the door (Chapter [-] for collection)

Kashima Dongxiang knew that Liu Jing was a child who only knew how to study in Shengfeng College. Apart from limited friends such as Qiuyue Aili, she didn't have any redundant friends.

Then, there must be not much understanding of the darkness or bad boys in Shengfeng Academy.

Liu Jing still didn't understand, but was pulled away by Qiuyue Aili.

"Xiao Jing, just leave everything to that person, let's go back to the classroom first, we're going to be late."

The reason Qiuyue Aili gave Liu Jing no excuse to refute, because she is a good student, so unless it is necessary to be late, Liu Jing will not do it.

"Thank you, Senior Liusheng!" However, when Qiuyue Aili left, Liu Jing still bowed and thanked Liusheng Xiaye.


After Qiuyue Aili and Liu Jing left, the three of Qiuyue Marina were ready to go to the teaching building of the high school, but on the way, Qiuyue Marina asked: "Xia Ye, would it be very difficult for you to ask Nishimura to go?" Is it too much?"

If that delinquent called Arima Ranzo was dealt with badly by Senior Colonel Nishimura, then Yagyu Xiaye would definitely be implicated as well.

Although it wasn't Liusheng Xiaye who did it, the whole school now almost knew that Liusheng Xiaye and the gang of bad boys headed by Senior Colonel Xicun were in the same group, and they might be the leader.

"Marina, you are just too kind. People like Arima Ranzo should be taught a lesson. This time I am on your side, Yagyu-san." Kashima Touka rarely refuted Akizuki Marina's words.

And Yagyu Xia Ye also agreed with Kashima Touka's words, after all, they are all high school students, so they should always be responsible for their actions, right?

And this is Arima Ranzo's second crime against the people around Yagyu Xia Ye.

The first time was when Senior Colonel Nishimura sabotaged her when she pestered Qiuyue Aili. Yagyu Xia Ye didn't have any objections, after all Senior Colonel Nishimura had already taught him a little lesson.

But once again getting entangled in Liu Jing's head, Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little angry.

Although Yagyu Xia Ye had no relationship with Liu Jing's medicinal herb shop when Arima Ranzo was entangled with Liu Jing, but it will be fine if there is a relationship in the future.

It was already promised to Liu Sheng yesterday, Liu Jing's life at school is different and Liu Sheng doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

"I just promised what a friend needs to do, and there is no need to do anything too out of line, so you should rest assured, Manna." Yagyu Xiaye said to Qiuyue Manna.

"It can't be done. Although you are not a couple now, this is still too cruel to the dog. I have to choose not to eat this dog food." After teasing Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyu Marina, Kashima Touka took the lead towards the classroom go.

"Dong Xiang, what nonsense are you talking about?" Qiuyue Jinna's face turned red all of a sudden, and she didn't dare to look at Yagyu Xia Ye beside her, and went after Kashima Touka who was teasing her.

"I didn't say anything. If you want to know, you have to ask yourself." Kashima Touka said when she opened the door.



In the morning class, Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't sleep at all, because the effect of the medicine package that was dispensed from the herb shop yesterday was really good, and there was no need for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to supplement sleep at school.

And the sober Yagyu Xia Ye is also very cooperative with the teachers of various subjects in class, making Akizuki Airi beside her keep nodding. She thinks that Yagyu Xia Ye is finally going to study seriously and has begun to change.

During the lunch break, Senior Colonel Nishimura did not come to Yagyu Xiaye for dinner or to report on the Arima Rebellion that day, so there was no need to report such trivial matters.

Akizuki Marina and Kashima Touka are going to eat in the cafeteria, and Akizuki Marina is planning to call Xia Ye.

"Xia Ye, let's go to the cafeteria together, maybe we can meet Ellie and the child I met at the school gate in the morning."

Yagyu Natsuya did not respond to Akizuki Marina's invitation, but sat in her seat as if waiting for something to come.

"Xia Ye, you..."

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