"I see. By the way, young master, do you need us to pick you up when your exchange student time is up?"

"No, I'll go back by myself, and I'll hang up if there's nothing wrong."


Knowing that there was nothing to do, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also hung up the phone.

The matter of Ze Yuezhi has been resolved, so Xiyuansi Jizi and others have no scruples in the country, and they can come back.

But now Yagyu Xiaye didn't inform them right away, because Yagyu Kubei had said that he would meet them, and Yagyu Xiaye would not have any contact with Xiyuanji Pupa and the others before that.

Then, there is only the matter of Qiuyue Xiaosan here.

Liu Sheng Xiaye followed the navigation and walked back to Qiuyue's house.


"I'm back." Liu Shengxia Ye saw that the entrance door was not closed, and immediately walked into the house.

Seeing Akizuki Kayoko sitting on the sofa and Yagyu Xia Ye was also a little surprised, because now is not the time to come back.

"Xia Ye, why are you back at this hour?"

"I'm just worried about coming back to see how the divorce is going?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

When the matter of divorce was brought up, Qiuyue Huadaizi's face was full of disbelief.She thought it would be difficult to divorce Qiuyue Xiaosan, because Qiuyue Xiaosan could choose not to sign. After calling Qiuyue Xiaosan, she was ready to be rejected by Qiuyue Xiaosan.

However, when Qiuyue Hua Daizi couldn't believe it, Qiuyue Xiaosan soon arrived at the destination, and signed a divorce agreement under the witness of a lawyer.

"The divorce has been settled. I really didn't expect it to be so smooth, and I said that I will move out of the house today."

"Is that guy at home now?" Thinking that the door was open, Liu Shengxia asked.

"It's not him. I've already packed his things and gave me an address to send them out. I'm waiting for the moving company to arrive."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It turned out that it was just a moving company, Yagyu Xiaye thought that Qiuyue Xiaosan would dare to come back.

"Then I'll go back to my room first, and when the people from the moving company arrive, you can call me to help." Yagyu Xia Ye said to Qiu Yuehua Daiko.

"Okay, should I tell Marina and Airi about the divorce first?"

"It's up to you to decide."

After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he walked back to his room.


The people from the moving company arrived before Sister Qiuyue Aili came back, and Yagyu Xiaye came out to help these guys move away the things belonging to Qiuyue Xiaosan.

After finishing all this, Akizuki Kayoko was visibly relieved.

"That's good, I hope he can keep his promise." After signing the divorce agreement, Qiuyue Xiaosan said that he would not only move away from home, but also leave from Shengfeng College. Simply put, he would leave Qiuyue's mother and daughter The city they live in doesn't disturb their lives anymore.

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't say anything, because he knew Qiuyue Xiaosan's lie, it was just a deal with him.

The most important thing is to rely on tomorrow.

"Xia Ye, take a rest first, I'll make dinner. I was shocked by your cooking skills this morning, and I'm going to show my real strength tonight."

"I'm looking forward to it." Yagyu Xia Ye did not refuse Qiu Yuehua Daiko's request to let him rest.

Without choosing to go back to the room, Liu Sheng Xia Ye rested in the living room watching TV.


"I am back."

It was the voices of Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi. After the two sisters entered the room, they found Yagyu Xia Ye who was watching TV in the living room.

"Xia Ye, why are you at home? You didn't go to class this afternoon?" After seeing Liu Yu Xia Ye's performance in the morning, Akizuki Marina thought that Liu Yu Xia Ye had corrected her evil ways and was going to study hard, but in After being called out by Qiuyue Xiaosan during the lunch break, Yagyu Xiaye suddenly disappeared in the school again.

"Xia Ye, did Dad treat you well?" Afterwards, Akizuki Marina cared about Yagyu Xia Ye.

"It's okay, I just talked to Teacher Qiuyue." Liu Shengxiaye has not yet learned the name of Qiuyue Xiaosan from Akiyue Huadaizi before she married her, so he still uses Qiuyue's surname to call Qiuyue Xiaosan.

Moreover, Akizuki Hanayoko has not planned to tell the Akizuki sisters about her divorce with Akizuki Takasan, so there is no need for Yagyu Natsuya to correct the fact that Akizuki Marina still calls Akizuki Takasan her father.

And Qiuyue Aili did not find Qiuyue Xiaosan's shoes at the entrance today, so she was still in a good mood, so she said to Yagyu Xia Ye: "You have done a good job."

The reason for such praise is entirely because after Yagyu Xiaye came here, Qiuyue Xiaosan came home late, and today's words, he has not been home for two days. This is exactly what Qiuyue Aili hopes to see.If possible, Akizuki Airi hopes that she will never see Akizuki Takasan after returning home.

But when thinking of her mother's trust in Qiuyue Xiaosan, Qiuyue Aili also sighed.

At this time, the door of the kitchen was opened, and Akizuki Huayoko heard the conversation between the sisters Akizuki and Yagyu Natsuya inside, and said: "Jinna, Ellie, you go and put down your schoolbags first, then wash your hands and wait for dinner. "

Akizuki Marina obediently walked towards her room, but Akizuki Airi threw her schoolbag beside Yagyu Xiaye, walked directly to the kitchen, and said, "Mom, you came back early today, let me take a look What delicious food did you cook?"

After entering the kitchen, Qiuyue Aili asked curiously: "Mom, it's not a holiday today, why do you cook so many delicious food?"

Akizuki Huayoko didn't want to tell Akizuki Airi and Akizuki Marina that she had divorced Akizuki Takazo. The reason why she cooked so many dishes was entirely for celebration.

Celebrate her and Akizuki Takasan's dissolution of marriage, and also celebrate Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi for not being murdered by Akizuki Takasan.

However, Akizuki Huayoko found another reason.

"Xia Ye made a delicious breakfast this morning, so I can only cook a delicious dinner to prove that I am the chef in this family."

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