"Sister, is he going to be unfavorable to Sana?"

"Don't worry, just watch here." Akizuki Marina said to Akizuki Airi.

And Qiuyue Aili really didn't plan to continue walking, so she stopped there, looking at Yagyu Xia Ye and Cana Naka who had already stood still.


"Senior Liuyu..."

"You should know what you promised me." Yagyu Natsuya interrupted Cana Naka's words, and then said: "Director Nagano and Akizuki Takazo will not appear in this school in the future, but this does not represent you. No one knows what happened, at least I know."

Sana Kuranaka knew a little bit about Director Nagano's matter, but now Yagyu Xiaye's tone seems to be related to him.

"Senior, I'm planning to transfer schools, but can you wait until I apologize to Ellie properly?" Kanaka Sana said her request to Yagyu Natsuya.

"How do you want to apologize and tell all the things you did? That will not end well for either of you. I will give you some time, but it is best not to exceed mine Bottom line, when the time comes, Nishimura and the others will help you transfer schools."

When Yagyu Natsuya mentioned those delinquent boys in Senior Colonel Nishimura, Sana Kuranaka was a little scared.

"I understand. Senior Yagyu please give me a little time."

"Two weeks should be enough for you."

"I see!"

After Cana Sana agreed to transfer schools within two weeks, Yagyu Xia Ye did not put pressure on her anymore.

If Sana Kuranaka couldn't bear the pressure Yagyu Natsuya put on her and told Akizuki Airi everything, it would be more harm than good for Yagyu Natsuya.

All, to solve all this safely now is what Yagyu Xia Ye wants.

"Go back, Ellie is still worried about you, don't let me down." Yagyu Xia Ye said to Cana Naka.


Natsuya Yagyu and Sana Kuranaka returned to the group together. After Akizuki Airi broke free from Marina Akizuki, she held Sana Kuranaka's hand and asked, "Sana, are you okay? Did that guy bully you?" ?”

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's okay, thank you Ellie."

Seeing that Akizuki Airi cared so much about her, Sana Kuranaka really began to regret the deal she made with Yoshida Kozo.

However, now, Cana Sana can only bear the consequences of her transaction by herself.

Fortunately, Yagyu Natsuya did not treat her like he treated Director Nagano and Yoshida Takazo because she was a good friend of Akizuki Airi.

"It's fine if you don't have one, now you are by my side." Akizuki Airi was afraid that Yanagi Natsuya would continue to call Cana Naka away later, so she let Kuranaka Sana follow her.

Sana Kuranaka didn't refute, and just stood next to Ari Akizuki.Yagyu Natsuya also didn't express any opinion on Akizuki Airi's actions. I hope that Cana Naka will learn to change a little after leaving, otherwise this kind of person will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

This was the first time Liu Shengxia Ye walked back with so many people, but they didn't go all the way, so they had to part ways in the end.

Kashima Touka and Liu Jing are together, so the two of them left after saying goodbye to Liu Shengxia Ye, but Liu Shengxia Ye did not respond to their words of meeting next week, because Liu Shengxia Ye will not be in St. Maple Academy.

As for Cana Naka, Akizuki Ari walked with her for a long time, and finally separated in Cana Naka's reluctance.

"What on earth did you say to Sana? You were so silent all the way." Of course, Ari Akizuki discovered that Sana Kuranaka was abnormal.

If the two of them had been together alone in the past, Sana Kuranaka would be the most excited person, and would hold up the video recorder and record non-stop at Akizuki Airi.

But today's Kanaka Sana not only doesn't have the video recorder she usually carries, but also rarely talks to Akizuki Airi.

Akizuki Airi thinks that the person who caused this situation is Yagyu Natsuya, because when Yagyu Natsuya was at St. Kaede Academy, she called Kuranaka Sana to talk alone.

Although I don't know what the two talked about, since then, Cana Naka's silence has made Akizuki Airi feel that something is wrong.

"What can I tell her, I'm going to leave this school next week, what else can I do to her?" Of course, Yagyu Xiaye would not tell Qiuyue that he asked Sana in Kannaka to transfer to another school. Airi's, because Akizuki Airi who doesn't know the truth of the matter will definitely make a fuss.

Both Akizuki Airi and Akizuki Marina didn't pay attention to what Yagyu Natsuya said about what she did just now, but when they heard a sentence in it, the two sisters froze.

In the end, it was Akizuki Marina who asked, "Xia Ye, will your one-week exchange student time at Sacred Maple Academy end today?"

If it really ends today, doesn't that mean that Yagyu Xiaye will leave their house tonight or after tonight?

For such a thing, neither Akizuki Mana nor Akizuki Airi had any preparations.

"No, of course I have to stay here for a full week. I will go back on Sunday, so I will trouble you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Liu Sheng Xia Ye told them when he would leave.

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye's words, Qiuyue Aili didn't have anything to say, and walked ahead alone on the way home.

"It's definitely not going to be troublesome, but we've been taken care of by you." Qiuyue Marina stayed and walked behind with Yagyu Xiaye.


Yagyu Natsuya entered the house with Akizuki Marina, and Akizuki Airi walked in front of them.

After entering, I didn't see Qiuyue Aili next to the fish tank in the living room, so I guess she went back to the room.

On the other hand, Akizuki Huayoko in the kitchen came out after hearing the movement, and saw that Akizuki Marina and Yagyu Xia Ye came back together, and said: "It's good that you are back, I thought Xia Ye would be like you again today." You will come back very late like the day before yesterday."

"Mom, where's Ellie?"

"Ai Li came back in front of you, but it seems that she is not in a good mood. Did you quarrel?" Just now when Akizuki Ai Li came in alone, Akizuki Kayoko didn't ask, so she asked Akizuki at this time Truth Nai.

"No, isn't Airi's class all having such a bad expression on Friday? Because Dad is coming back on Friday." Akizuki Marina explained why she thought Akizuki Airi was in a bad mood.

And this explanation made Akizuki Kayoko look at Yagyu Xiaye, and Yagyu Xiaye seemed to be right, Yoshida Xiaosan's purpose was more or less noticed by Sister Qiuyue.

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