
Yoshida Xiaosan did not go home again, so Akizuki Airi was in a good mood. During the meal, she said to Akizuki Huayoko: "Mom, my sister and I want to go out to play tomorrow, do you want to come together?"

"Because I have already asked for leave, I have to make up for it tomorrow, so I don't have time tomorrow. Why don't you call Xia Ye when you go out to play, Xia Ye has been at school these days, it's rare that you take him out on weekends. "Akizuki Hua Daiko rejected Akizuki Aili's proposal, and instead asked Qiuyue sisters to take Yagyu Xia Ye out for a stroll.

And when Akizuki Kayoko said that Yagyu Natsuya was in school these days, Akizuki Marina also felt a little guilty for Yagyu Natsuya.

Because Liu Sheng Xia Ye spent less time in school than he spent wandering outside.

However, Akizuki Marina did not choose to expose Yagyu Xia Ye, because doing so would not be beneficial to anyone.

"We are just worried that someone's exchange student time is up, and we will go back early tomorrow morning." Akizuki Airi responded to Akizuki Marina's proposal.

After hearing Akizuki Airi's words, Akizuki Kayoko also looked at Yagyu Natsuya, because this was the first time she heard about Yagyu Natsuya's plan to go back.

At this time, Liu Shengxia Ye could only explain again: "I will stay here for a full week, so I will not leave tomorrow. I would be very happy to be able to go out together, but if not , I just feel a little sorry."

"Then summer night, you can go out with us tomorrow." Akizuki Marina made a decision, and Akizuki Airi did not object this time.

Although on the way home, I heard Yagyu Natsuya say that she would stay in this house for a full week, but at that time Akizuki Airi was still a little skeptical.

That's why I said that on purpose just now, in order to let Yagyu Xia Ye say in front of Qiu Yuehua Daiko again that he would stay for a full week.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In front of an elder like Qiu Yuehua Daiko, Yagyu Xia Ye should not lie.

So Akizuki Marina invited Yagyu Xia Ye to go out with their sisters tomorrow, and Akizuki Airi did not object, because this was something that their sisters had discussed in the room before.

After solving this problem, the four of them started to eat and stopped chatting.


After dinner, Yagyu Natsuya was assigned to tutor Akizuki Eri, while Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Kayoko went to the kitchen together.

Akizuki Huayoko came in to clean the dishes, and Akizuki Marina came in to decoct Yagyu Xiaye.

This is the last use of the first kit.

While Akizuki Marina was adjusting the size of the fire, Akizuki Huayoko suddenly asked: "Marina, are you in love with Xia Ye?"

"What?" Akizuki Hwayoko's sudden question made Akizuki Marina's hand tremble, and she directly turned up the fire, and then immediately began to frantically adjust it to a suitable position.Finally, the fingers left the adjustment switch and asked, "Mom, what were you talking about?"

Letting the water from the faucet wash over the plate covered with foam, Akizuki Huayoko said with a smile: "You are my daughter, so why don't I know what you are thinking?"

"Mom, nothing. Xia Ye just came to live with us for a week. How could I fall in love with him like you said?"

"Yeah, if it's just boarding, I believe you will definitely not like that child Xia Ye, not to mention you, that child Ellie will definitely not like Xia Ye either."

"Mom, when did Ellie say she liked Summer Nights too?"

"Do you still need to ask me about Ellie? I think you, as a sister, should already know it already, don't you?"

Akizuki Mana's words silenced Akizuki Marina.

"Mom, can't we like Xia Ye?" Akizuki Marina suddenly asked after a while.

After listening to Akizuki Marina's question, Akizuki Huayoko did not answer Akizuki Marina's words immediately, but sighed first, then turned off the faucet, and began to clean the dishes inside.

While cleaning, he said: "I didn't say that you can't like that child Xia Ye, but I really don't want you to work hard for a choice with no future, let alone your sister Ellie."

However, when Qiuyue Huadaizi was surprised, after listening to her words, Qiuyue Marina did not receive any blow.

"Mom, although hard work may have no results, but if you don't work hard, there will definitely be no results. I know what I should do."

Akizuki Marina's firmness made Akizuki Huayoko not know what to say now, maybe she will understand after she has experienced it.

When Qiuyue Huadaizi wished, Yagyu Xiaye could hurt the sisters more lightly.


"Are you really not leaving tomorrow?" Akizuki Ellie chose to do her homework in Yagyu Xiaye's room, but now she didn't have the style to do her homework at all, but asked Yagyu Xiaye again.

"If you want me to leave, I can."

"But you have already said in front of mother that you will stay for a full week."

"So I'm not leaving tomorrow."

"Oh." Akizuki Airi turned her back to Yagyu Xia Ye who was sitting on the bed and began to do her homework.


"I heard that you are a singer at Sacred Maple Academy?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked suddenly.

Qiuyue Aili, who was writing the question, paused, and then asked: "Apart from talking to me in school, have you really never heard my voice?"

Akizuki Airi's question made Yagyu Xia Ye a little baffled.

"Did you have a personal concert at school, before I knew it?"

"Have you heard of 'Little Noon Theater'?" Qiuyue Aili felt that she was going to go berserk.

"What is that? The radio station on the phone or something?" Liu Shengxia Ye was even more confused.


Qiuyue Airi slapped the pen directly on the table, which made Yagyu Xia Ye feel a little strange.

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