"Kasuga Yeqiong, she's just someone I just met, Ellie, why do you have such a bad attitude towards her?" Yagyu Xiaye didn't answer Ellie about the puppet of Kasuga Yeqiong, because he didn't even know about it. .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What Yagyu Natsuya was concerned about was that Akizuki Airi's attitude towards Kasuga Nokome seemed a bit too much.

According to what Kasugano Dome said before, the sisters seldom go back to Okuran's countryside, so they should have no intersection with Akizuki Airi.

Facing Yagyu Xiaye's question, Akizuki Airi still insisted on the name she just called Kasuga Nokome.

"That's a vixen. I saw you leaning on your shoulder, and you didn't dodge."

It turned out that after Kasuga Nokome woke up, Akizuki Airi saw leaning on his shoulder again, no wonder she had such an attitude.

"Ai Li, it's because she has a problem with her body, so she just borrowed my shoulder for a while, so you should take back what you said about the vixen." Liu Sheng Xia Ye felt that she still needed to explain.

However, facing Yagyu Xiaye's explanation, Qiuyue Aili had no intention of listening to it.

"If you want me to take it back, it's not impossible, then you can also lend me your shoulder."


Seeing that Yagyu Xiaye didn't understand, Qiuyue Aili got off her seat directly, then walked to Yagyu Xiaye's seat, and motioned for Liusheng Xiaye to sit in.

Yagyu Xiaye moved her body a little closer to the window to make room for Qiuyue Aili.

After Akizuki Airi took the seat of Yagyu Natsuya, she immediately held Yagyu Natsuya's left arm with both hands, and then imitated Kasuga Nokome before, leaning her head on Yagyu Natsuya's shoulder.

But because there is still a slight difference in height between Akizuki Airi and Kasugano Dome, things that Kasugano Dome can easily do, Akizuki Airi cannot.

"I left this scent on purpose, do you want you to find her?"

Unable to lean on Yagyu Xiaye's shoulder, Qiuyue Aili could only lean on Yagyu Xiaye's arm, and smelled the fragrance left by Kasuga Yeqiong leaning there before.

"Don't smell it!" Qiuyue Aili said eagerly when she saw Yagyu Xia Ye wanted to turn her head.

Well, my body can no longer make decisions on its own, so Yagyu Xiaye no longer wants to turn her head to smell the fragrance left by Haruhi Yeqiong.

Not long after Qiuyue Aili leaned on Yagyu Xiaye's arm, she fell asleep again.

On the other hand, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't feel sleepy at all, but looked forward to the destination he was about to arrive at.


"Xia Ye, when did Ellie come to your side?" Yagyu Xia Ye, who was staring at the constantly receding scenery outside the window, heard Akizuki Marina's voice, and turned her gaze to Akizuki Marina.

Akizuki Marina had already woken up at this time, and after asking Yagyu Xiaye's question, she also rubbed her eyes with her hands.

In her memory, Qiuyue Aili should have sat with her and almost slept together.

However, when she saw Akizuki Airi sleeping soundly on Yagyu Natsuya's arm, Akizuki Marina was a little envious.

"After waking up once, I sat here, Manina, are you awake?" Yagyu Natsuya didn't mention the matter of Haruhi Yeqiu to Akizuki Marina, and Yagyu Natsuya also believed that Akizuki Airi would not mention it to Akizuki Marina .

After rubbing her eyes, Akizuki Marina was fully awake now, and said, "It's all over, Xia Ye, where are we now?"

Because she just woke up, Akizuki Mana could only ask where Yagyu Natsuya and the others are now, because Akizuki Mana could tell that Yagyu Natsuya had not fallen asleep and was with her and Akizuki Airi.

"The next station is our destination, so you woke up just in time." After Akizuki Airi fell asleep, the train stopped at another station, so the next station was the goal of Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki sisters landed.

"Really, then I'll wake up Ellie now, so as not to be troublesome in time."

After Akizuki Marina finished speaking, she wanted to stand up and wake up Akizuki Airi, but was stopped by Yagyu Natsuya.

"For Ellie, let her sleep for a while, and it won't be too late to wake her up when she arrives at the station."

Yagyu Natsuya has spoken for Akizuki Airi like this, and Akizuki Marina has no choice. "It's really troublesome for you, Xia Ye."

Faced with Akizuki Marina's apology, Yagyu Natsuya waved his hands and said, "I've always been the one bothering you, so it's nothing now."


The destination of Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters was finally announced by the train before they arrived at the station.

Without waiting for Akizuki Marina's movement, Yagyu Natsuya stretched out his right hand and shook Akizuki Airi who was leaning on his left arm.

"Ai Li, wake up, our destination has arrived."

Akizuki Airi replied lazily: "Wait for me to sleep a little longer." However, after the continuous shaking of Yagyu Xia Ye, Akizuki Ari also opened her eyes in a daze.

First of all, I felt that part of my vision was covered, which was Yagyu Natsuya's right hand, but what made Akizuki Airi wake up immediately was Akizuki Mari's face looking at her.

"Sister, you're awake, are we here yet?" Akizuki Airi said as she looked at her sister Akizuki Marina, her head quickly leaving Yagyu Xia Ye's arms.

"Eri, you..."

"Sister, I didn't come here on purpose, I'm just afraid that if I sit with you, you won't sleep well." Akizuki Airi interrupted Akizuki Marina's words and began to explain first.


"What do you want to say, sister?"

"Don't be so self-willed in the future, Xia Ye has never rested, and is here to accompany us."

What Akizuki Marina wants to say is completely inconsistent with what Akizuki Airi explained.

However, when Akizuki Marina said that Yagyu Natsuya had been here with their sisters all this time, Akizuki Airi snorted unconvinced, obviously remembering what happened to Kasugano Dome before.

However, as Yagyu Natsuya guessed, Akizuki Airi had no intention of telling Akizuki Marina about Kasuga Nokome.

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