"I asked Be careful to take a bath first. Although Uzuki came to study at home, she is still a guest." Gui Yanye first explained why she appeared in the kitchen at this time, and then smelled the smell of herbs in the kitchen, and asked Said: "Xia Ye, are you injured? Why do you drink medicine?"

While talking, Gui Yanye had already approached Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye if he was injured at a close distance.

Facing the anxious Gui Yanye, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't feel any discomfort, and said, "It's just a simple injury. After taking these medicines, you should be fine. You don't have to worry too much, Yanye."

"How did you get hurt Xia Ye?"

"After going home, I didn't control myself, so I ended up like this." Liu Sheng Xia Ye dumped all the blame for his injury on Liu Sheng's house.

However, it is true that Liusheng Xiaye was injured at Liusheng's house, but the aggravation and delay in treatment were after she went to Shengfeng College as an exchange student.Of course, Liu Sheng Xiaye would not mention the matter of Shengfeng Academy and Qiuyue's family.

When he heard that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was injured at home, Gui Yanye fell silent, and asked after a long time: "Xia Ye, is it because of us that you..."

"Yan Ye, don't think too much about it. My injury has nothing to do with you, it's just my own whim. Also, I have never regretted my choice. This place makes me feel more at home than there." Seeing that Gui Yanye wanted to take this matter on her own shoulders again, Liu Shengxia Ye first clarified his own responsibility.

However, this was exactly what Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to say.

Yagyu's family, there is no one else who can make Yagyu Xiaye feel like home, except Yagyu Kubei.Although it was because Liu Shengxia Ye hadn't met other relatives of Liu Sheng's family, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye himself didn't want to see other people.

The relationship between the Four Heavenly Kings and Yagyu Xiaye is more of a subordinate, and Xixiang, who is completely an admirer of Yagyu Jiubei, still does not accept Liusheng Xiaye's strength.

However, Gui Yanye is different here.

Although this is the first place Yagyu Xiaye came to Sakakino City, so there are some options for extra points, the rest are Yagyu Xiaye's real favorites for this place.

In addition to here, Yagyu Xiaye has also stayed at the Radish Bar in Xiyuan Temple Pupa, and Qiuyue's House.

However, if one were to talk about the first place to stay after returning from a long journey, Liu Shengxia Ye would definitely choose the Gui family.

Gui Yanye was very satisfied with Liu Shengxia Ye's words, but something unpleasant happened to Gui Yanye immediately.

Because of the strong firepower, the kitchen is now full of the smell of Chinese herbal medicine.But Gui Yanye was completely unaccustomed to the taste and began to cough.

Gui Yanye can't be allowed to stay in the kitchen anymore, because if he coughs like this, it will only make Gui Yanye's throat worse.

"Yan Ye, you go out first, I will come out after the medicine is finished." Liu Shengxia Ye was pulled out of the kitchen by Gui Yanye, closed the door, Liu Shengxia Ye returned to the kitchen alone.


When Yagyu Xiaye finished drinking the medicine and tidying up the kitchen, he walked out of the kitchen, and when he opened the door, he saw Gui Xin, Ito Yuki, and Jingi Uzuki standing at the door of the kitchen holding their noses.

"Be careful, Xiaozhi and Uzuki, what are you doing?"

"Brother, we want to go in and see if you have passed out."

"But the smell coming from the kitchen is really disgusting."

"So we can only wait outside, Big Brother Xia Ye, for you to come out. Fortunately, you came out."

Each of the three little lolitas answered Liu Shengxiaye's question with a single sentence.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Sheng Xia Ye had been taking this medicine for several days, and had drunk it with a stronger taste than the medicine from Liu Sheng before, so he was almost immune to the taste of Chinese medicine.

However, Gui Xin, Ito Zhi and Jing Yi Uzuki are different. This may be the first time they have smelled Chinese herbal medicine.

So, they wanted to go into the kitchen to see if Liu Shengxiaye was okay, but because the smell was too bad, they could only wait outside the kitchen for Liusheng Xiaye to come out by himself.

"Okay, I'm fine now. If you don't like the smell here, don't stand here anymore." Liu Sheng Xia Ye told the three little lolis that he was fine, and let the three little lolis leave the kitchen After all, the smell of medicine in the kitchen has not completely dissipated.

After the three little girls heard this, they immediately dragged Liu Sheng Xia Ye away from the kitchen, even though Liu Sheng Xia Ye, who had just drank the medicine bag, still had a certain smell of Chinese herbal medicine on her body.

However, being able to be with Liu Shengxia Ye was something they could bear.

Now, Gui Yanye should have gone to take a bath, so this family is once again dominated by the three little girls, or rather Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

From Yagyu Xia Ye's return to the present, Jing Yi Uzuki's performance is still acceptable.

However, now she didn't go back to the room alone, but chose to stay with Yuki Ito and Gui Xin.

"Big brother, I'm going to sleep with you tonight."

"Me too, me too."

When Gui Yanye was not there, Guixin and Itozhi immediately made their request to Liu Shengxiaye, because if Gui Yanye was there, they would definitely refuse before Liusheng Xiaye answered.

This is why the two little lolitas are not going to bed now, but are waiting for Yagyu Xia Ye.

Jing Yi Uzuki did not express her opinion, it seems that she did not intend to join in.

Because Jingyi Uzuki still doesn't know Liusheng Xiaye's attitude towards her, because the time she spends with Liusheng Xiaye at Guiyan Ye's house and the present is only about a day.

She also understood that Yagyu Xia Ye had great opinions on what she had taught Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, but after being alienated by Gui Xin and Ito Zhi once, Jingi Uzuki stopped that kind of teaching.

Now after coming to Guiyan Ye's house to study, he has completely restrained himself.

It's a pity that Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't see her performance in this house because she had been away for more than a week.

Even if Gui Yanye would tell Liusheng Xiaye about her performance, Liusheng Xiaye might think that it was the result of Uzuki Jingyi misleading Gui Yanye, so it is best to correct her own attitude now.

At this time, it is best not to mix with Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Sure enough, Jing Yi Uzuki's non-involvement made Yagyu Xiaye show a satisfied expression. It seems that this precocious guy really took his warning to her to heart.

Yagyu Xiaye also didn't think Guixin and Ito Zhi's request tonight would have anything to do with Jingi Uzuki, because even without Jingi Uzuki's teaching, the two little girls would still make such a request with their nature.

If it was in the past, Yagyu Xiaye might have rejected the request of the two little lolitas, but today he agreed.

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