At this time, the school's preparatory bell rang.

"Okay, let's close the school gate now."



When Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye came to the fourth class of the first year, the students in the fourth class of the first year were a little excited, but they hadn't said what they wanted to say to Liu Sheng Xia Ye. It rang.

"Welcome back!"

When passing by the seats of Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, I heard what the two said to him.

"Thank you, I'm back."

After responding to the two, Liu Shengxia Ye also walked to his place, and Gui Yanye followed behind him.

In class, Yagyu Xia Ye also performed differently than before.

If it was a week ago, Yagyu Xiaye would have slept most of the time at school, and the school teachers would have nothing to do with Liusheng Xiaye, who made Liusheng Xiaye rank among the top in every test existence.

However, today's Liusheng Xiaye is different. Not only did he not sleep, but he also actively interacted with the teacher in class, which made the teacher in the first class a little dizzy. After all, Liusheng Xiaye's performance today is really a bit Demon.

After class, almost all the students in the class gathered around the seats of Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye.

"Yagyu-san, what did you do last week?"

"Is it sick?"

"The interaction in class just now, you did it on purpose, the teacher's expression seems to think so."

I don't know who said this sentence, most of the people laughed.

Obviously, they also felt the change of Liu Shengxia Ye in the classroom.

Seeing that there were more people wanting to talk, Liu Sheng Xia Ye deserved to interrupt and said, "Would you please be quiet and listen to me?"

After listening to Yanagi Natsuya's request, the students who were about to chatter immediately quieted down. Even Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami, who were about to walk over, stopped in their tracks, wanting to hear what Yagyu Natsuya wanted to say. say what.

"First of all, thank you for your concern. Last week, due to some personal reasons, I didn't come to class, but this will not happen in the future." Yagyu Xiaye first explained the reason why he didn't come here last week, and then said : "I have been taken care of by you since I transferred to the fourth class of the first year, but I am not good enough in dealing with interpersonal relationships. I am really sorry."

"However, I will slowly start to change after this, so please support my change. If there is anything wrong, you must point it out, because we are classmates who will spend three years together."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Shengxia Ye's words almost silenced the students in the class, even Gui Yanye did the same.

After the sports meeting, these people did have the idea of ​​establishing a good relationship with Yagyu Xiaye, but when they thought of Liusheng Xiaye's attitude in school before, they only planned to express their attitude.

It's just that Liu Shengxia Ye actually wanted to make friends with them unexpectedly.

"Xia Ye, you..."

Even though Liu Sheng Xia Ye is still living in her house, Gui Yanye is still worried that Liu Sheng Xia Ye will disappear like last week.

Instead of disappearing for a week, never coming back.

However, after Liu Shengxia Ye said this, Gui Yanye felt relieved for the time being, which showed that Liu Sheng Xia Ye really planned to stay in this school for three years.

If nothing unexpected happens, Liu Sheng Xia Ye will still live in her home.

Liu Shengxia Ye signaled Gui Yanye not to worry, and then continued: "May I have such a chance?"

Of course, the object of questioning was not Gui Yanye, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami, but the rest of the students, because Yagyu Xia Ye had no relationship with them before.

"Of course!"

"From the day Liusheng, you transferred to Class Four of the first year, you are a member of our class."

"Then, Yagyu-san, will you agree to associate with me?"

Among the chaotic voices, there was a voice begging for friendship.

All the people were silent for a while, but they immediately began to look for the person who said that just now, but immediately started to make noise again, so that people didn't even know who said that sentence.

Then, he could only respond to what she said just now, but it was not Liu Shengxia Ye who responded personally.

"Pull it down, student Liu Sheng is the ten-time champion, I think only student Gui Yanye can match Liu Sheng."

"What nonsense, that's the reason why Kato and Ganlusi didn't participate in the competition. If the two of them participated, our class would definitely have more awards."

"Come on, I think Yagyu-san likes the students in the next class."


Everyone's discussion immediately moved in another direction. This situation made Gui Yanye, Kato Otome, and Ganluji Qihai all heave a sigh of relief.

If we continue to discuss them, we have no choice but to get out of the classroom first.

Fortunately, such a topic gradually stopped after the preparatory bell rang.


At Haneda International Airport, Katsura Manami, Saizonji Pupa, and Kiyoura Mai were stopped by someone as soon as they came out.

"Who are you? You are at the airport now. If you want to mess around, I will call the security personnel over." The man who stopped the three of them was a soft and cold man. Seeing the security guard who was about to come over, he clicked his mouth in disdain.

"Our young master, please come and meet with us, I hope you can save face." The feminine man said to the three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple.

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