It's not a professional title in the company, but a bureaucratic title, which means that this middle-aged uncle is an official.

Genyoshi Yukinoshita, a county councilor in Sakakino Prefecture.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was the second time that a congressman got so drunk in this kind of place, Yagyu Xiaye didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the people who come here to drink are not people who care about political affairs, so they didn't notice that this middle-aged uncle is actually a county councilor.

"It seems that we can only call a car to take him home."

Fortunately, there is a personal business card with Yukinoshita Genyoshi's address written on it.

After paying the bill, Yagyu Xia Ye helped Yukinoshita Xuanyi up, and helped him leave the tavern.

Although the alley outside was still very dark, there was no danger of law and order. Yagyu Xiaye helped Mr. Yukinoshita walk out of the alley, and then took a taxi on the road.

Soon, a taxi stopped in front of Yagyu Natsuya, and after putting Senator Yukinoshita into the back seat, Yagyu Natsuya took off his school uniform and put it on Yukinoshita Senator's lap, and told the taxi The driver of the car explained: "If he wants to vomit, you should remind him."

Originally, when I saw Senator Yukinoshita, I knew he was a drunk. Although the taxi driver would not refuse, he definitely had some opinions in his heart.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye's behavior now made him feel very comfortable, this was a guest who thought about them.

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Just send the person home safely." Yagyu Xiaye took out Yukinoshita Senator's personal business card, and showed the address column to the taxi driver.

Obviously, this taxi driver is also an old driver. After taking a look, he said to Liu Shengxia Ye: "No problem."

Yagyu Xiaye paid the fare, and of course left a tip for the taxi driver, and then wanted to put Senator Yukinoshita's personal business card in his pocket again, because the professional title card Yagyu Xiaye had left after leaving the house. Put it back again.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye did not succeed this time, because Councilor Yukinoshita blocked it with his hand.

Councilor Yukinoshita was definitely not sober, but he probably wasn't very drunk either, so he could understand what Yagyu Xia Ye was doing.

After trying again and still being rejected, Liu Shengxia Ye also gave up and told the driver that he could leave.

The taxi took Senator Yukinoshita to leave the street.

It is of course impossible for the current Liu Shengxia Ye to go home by tram. Anyway, the extra money today has already been spent, so he himself chooses to go home by taxi.


The taxi carrying Mr. Yukinoshita arrived at the destination within a short time. After all, Mr. Yukinoshita's address was not far from the place where he drank just now.

After the driver stopped again, when he wanted to wake up the passenger who made him worry about vomiting all the way, he found that he had already woken up.

"Sir, it's already here." Without a response from Councilor Yukinoshita, he saw him staring at the clothes on his knees, and said, "This is left for you by the customer who took the taxi for you, to prevent you from vomiting." In my car. No offense, but it would be unpleasant if it happened. Also, the fare has been paid, sir, do you want me to help you get out of the car?"

Although Councilor Yukinoshita who was in the car had already woken up, it was still a question of whether he had the strength to get out of the car. After all, the person who just got into the car was almost drunk.

"No, I'm fine, thank you."

After refusing the taxi driver's offer of help, Senator Yukinoshita opened the door and got out of the car.

This is his home in Sakakino City. It is said that home is just a place where he lives alone, and it doesn't feel like home at all.

I don't know if that young man has returned home like he is now.

When he opened the courtyard door, Yukinoshita Xuanyi was stunned, because there were three people who hadn't seen each other for a long time at the gate.

"Xuanyi, you're back. Where have you been this night? And have you been drinking?" A noble woman with two girls stood in front of Yukinoshita Xuanyi's room. After Xia Xuanyi came in, he walked up to him first and asked.

Yukinoshita Xuanyi's heart was shaken, he hadn't seen such care for a long time.

Since the last quarrel, we haven't seen each other, and we've always quarreled on the phone.

Not to mention, this time I brought my two daughters here.

Seeing that Yukinoshita Xuanyi was stunned and did not speak, the woman put her hand on his forehead and asked, "Xuanyi, are you okay, this time I will bring..."

It's a pity that before she finished speaking, Yukinoshita Xuanyi hugged her directly in his arms.

"Sorry for worrying you!" Yukinoshita Xuanyi said.

Her husband's sudden hug caught her by surprise, and her husband's apology made her whole body soften in Yukinoshita Genyoshi's embrace.

This was the first apology from Yukinoshita Xuanyi in a long time. Originally, she thought that bringing her daughter here might improve their relationship, but she didn't expect it to have such a big effect.

Although the two girls behind them were not as excited as their mother, they still showed joy on their faces.

After Yukinoshita Xuanyi let go of his wife, he walked up to his two daughters, did not hug his daughters like hugging his wife, but apologized and said: "Sorry! Yang Nao, Yukino, let you down .”

After Yukinoshita Genyoshi's apology, his two daughters, Yukino and Yangno, took the initiative to hug him.

It's a pity that before he had time to enjoy this family happiness, he felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

Letting go of the two daughters' hugs, Yukinoshita Xuanyi handed Yagyu Natsuya's school uniform to the older girl, and said, "Yuno, help me get it."

After that, Yukinoshita Xuanyi ran to the trash can in the yard and vomited.

The stench made the three people next to them pinch their noses.


After a while, Yukinoshita Xuanyi finally vomited, and when he walked back to the door and was about to open the door, Yukinoshita Yoshino handed over the previous clothes, wanting Yukinoshita Xuanyi to wipe it off mouth.

"This school uniform is not used like this." After speaking, he went to get a spare key.

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