However, Gui Yanye no longer buried his head in Liusheng Xiaye's arms, but raised his head and looked into Liusheng Xiaye's eyes.

Perhaps it was because of shyness and worry, Gui Yanye's cheeks were flushed, but the eyes that looked at Liu Shengxia Ye were full of apprehension.

Finally, Gui Yanye stood on tiptoe and slowly approached Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Perhaps, what was given to her shouldn't be that kind of verbal promise." Looking at Gui Yanye who gradually closed his eyes, Liu Shengxia Ye also thought in his heart.

At the same time, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also lowered his head voluntarily, and their lips touched together.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gui Yanye's body froze all of a sudden, and his eyes opened at this time, but he closed them again immediately, and pressed his hands on Liu Shengxia Ye's waist stiffly.

The thin and soft lips are very attractive, and because Gui Yanye has already taken a bath, the body can't help revealing the fragrance.

However, because the inexperienced Gui Yanye did not dare to open his small mouth, and the two rows of white quilts were tightly closed, Liu Shengxia Ye could only bite Gui Yanye's lower lip lightly.

It was the first time I had contact with a boy's lips, and it was also the first time someone bit my lip.


Gui Yanye trembled in shock, opened her small mouth to make a sound, but was immediately succeeded by Liu Shengxia Ye, and her tongue quickly got into her fragrant mouth and wreaked havoc, exploring her cavity and teeth .


Gui Yanye panted weakly, looking a little depressed.

It's a pity that Liu Shengxia Ye didn't give Gui Yanye a chance to escape, she held Gui Yanye's tender little tongue in Gui Yanye's mouth, and kept playing hide-and-seek with it.

It was not until Liu Sheng Xia Ye felt that Gui Yanye was having difficulty breathing that he let go of Gui Yanye's small mouth.

The saliva with silk threads connected to the mouths of Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye, and seeing this, Gui Yanye immediately buried his head in Liusheng Xiaye's arms.

"Yan Ye, do you believe my promise now?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked while hugging Gui Yan Ye actively.

"Hmm!" Gui Yanye, who was in Liusheng Xiaye's arms, only responded with one word, obviously he hadn't recovered from the hot kiss just now.

He actually kissed Xia Ye, obviously yesterday it was just a hug, but today he actually kissed, and thinking of it, he took the initiative to go up.

However, Xia Ye's kiss was really comfortable, and it made her feel like she was melting away.

So now she can only be paralyzed in Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arms, thinking that the blush from the kiss just now covered Gui Yanye's face at this time, it was very hot.

And it was the same for Yagyu Xiaye.

If it was before today, facing Gui Yanye's enthusiasm, maybe he would continue to choose to escape.

However, after he told Yukinoshita Senator about his affairs in the tavern, and got a word from him that was not much different from the plan he wanted to stick to, Yagyu Natsuya became firm.

Then, Gui Yanye is the person he should cherish during these three years of freedom.

That's why there was that kiss just now.

It's just that he didn't expect Gui Yanye to be so proactive today, and couldn't help but ask, "Yan Ye, why do you think I'm leaving you?"

This was the first sentence Gui Yanye said after hugging him, and that was what Gui Yanye was worried about.

"Because Xia Ye smelled of alcohol and the school uniform was missing, I thought you..." Gui Yanye explained the reason for her worry, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Fruit wine is non-alcoholic, but after all, I have been in the tavern for a long time, so it is normal to smell of alcohol on my body.As for the clothing matter, Yagyu Xiaye did not tell Gui Yanye about Yukinoshita's councilors, because Gui Yanye would be even more worried if he got involved with those people.

"I just……"

When Liu Shengxia Ye wanted to explain, Gui Yanye took the initiative to leave his embrace, looked up at Liu Sheng Xia Ye and shook his head, because he didn't want to hear Liu Sheng Xia Ye's explanation.

"Xia Ye, I've already put some water for you, go take a bath after you drink the medicine."

After Gui Yanye interrupted Liu Sheng Xia Ye's explanation, he stood on tiptoe again and stretched his head towards Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

However, Gui Yanye didn't hold Liu Shengxia Ye in his arms this time, so he didn't give Liu Sheng Xia Ye a chance to keep her.

After touching Liu Shengxia Ye's lips, Gui Yanye stepped back and left the kitchen.

Because she was afraid that if there was another passionate kiss like last time, her whole body would melt into Liu Shengxia Ye's arms.

After Gui Yanye left, Liu Shengxia Ye reached out his right hand and touched the lips that Gui Yanye had just kissed. He didn't feel much, but it was Gui Yanye's initiative, so Liu Shengxia Ye was very satisfied. .

"I will cherish it!"

At this time, the decocted medicine is almost ready.

After waiting for a while, Liu Sheng Xia Ye drank the medicine bag, put the medicine bag back, and then went to take a bath.


Feeling stuffy, Liu Sheng Xia Ye opened his eyes, and found Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls sitting on him through the quilt.

"Big brother, you're awake."

"It's a pity, I still want to sleep in the cage with my big brother again."

Looking at the position of the sunlight outside the window, Liu Shengxia Ye knew that the time for him to wake up was a little earlier at this time.The reason why the two little lolis, Guixin and Ito Zhi, appeared here must be because they went to bed early yesterday, so after waking up today, they came to Liusheng Xiaye's room to see if Liusheng Xiaye was there last night. go home.

"Brother, can you sleep a little longer?"

"Yeah, I didn't sleep together yesterday." The two little lolis begged Liu Shengxia Ye, wanting to make up for the time they didn't spend together last night, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye refused.

"Okay, let me get up first, I have to get up to make breakfast and your bento for today." Now that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi have woken up, Yagyu Xia Ye has no intention of staying on the bed with the two A little lolita is playing.

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