It has been a long time since Liusheng Xiaye lived in, neither Gui Xin nor Ito Zhi who lived in behind Liusheng Xiaye, have never seen Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye have such an intimate action.

Stopped by his younger sister Gui Xin's words, Gui Yanye let go of his hand and said, "I'm going to wash up first."

"My sister is so strange."

"Well, it's a little different from before."

Regarding the matter of Gui Yanye, the two little lolis did not delve into it, but immediately went to Liu Shengxia Ye and asked, "Big brother, why do you cook different dishes?"

"It's not the same. Of course the dishes are different. Are you careful that you plan to eat the same dishes on a table?"

"It's not about the breakfast, it's about the lunch." Gui Xin reminded.

"Yes, big brother, you made the same bento for me, Xiaoxin and Uzuki, but the other three bentos are the same, and big brother, you should only make two bentos, don't you think big brother Can I have two lunches at noon?" Ito Yuki said the difference between the bentos.

It seems that during the time when Yagyu Xia Ye was not in the kitchen, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi not only ate breakfast secretly, but also opened some bento to look at it.

In the past, Gui Xin and Ito Yuki didn't care much about their bento, but after the extra bento of Ii Uzuki, they just wanted to make sure what would happen to their bento and Ito Uzuki's bento different.

Yesterday's bento was the same when the three of them ate together, but today I can't tell because Ii Uzuki himself is not here.

However, the end result is that the lunch boxes of the three little lolitas are the same, but they are different from the other three lunch boxes.

Author's message:

Thanks to Moyu Wuyan, Chixia Baiying, and Zimei who each gave 100 happy coins when they were 1 years old, and thanked Mu Wuming and ReQuiem for their rewards of [-] monthly ticket, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You haven't grown up yet, when you grow up, you can change your bento." Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolitas, only need to explain a little bit about the things that Liu Shengxia Ye cares about.

Sure enough, after Liu Sheng Xia Ye explained, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, no longer put their minds on the bento, but talked with Liu Sheng Xia Ye about when they would grow up.

After Gui Yanye finished washing, breakfast was set on the table by Liu Shengxia Ye and the two little girls.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhi, you guys stole it again." Gui Yanye lacked courage when facing Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but it was different for the two little lolis.

When I met the two little girls before, I also saw the state of the two, and wanted to use this topic to ease the atmosphere between her and Yagyu Xia Ye.

However, now that Liusheng Xiaye is by your side, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi are not afraid of Gui Yanye at all, but go to pull Gui Yanye to sit beside Liusheng Xiaye, and then the two little girls sit opposite.

Sitting side by side with Liusheng Xiaye like this, Gui Yanye was still a little uncomfortable, because she was afraid that Gui Xin and Ito Zhi would see that her relationship with Liusheng Xiaye had begun to change.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why don't you eat?" Seeing Gui Yanye's blank look, Gui Xin couldn't help asking.

After all, not only did Gui Yanye not get up in front of her and Ito Zhi in the morning, but he was still so out of shape.

"It's okay, be careful, you eat quickly, and I'll send you to school when you're done." While speaking, he secretly glanced at Liu Shengxia Ye, and found that there didn't seem to be any changes from before, and he treated her as he should. to her.

"Could it be that Xia Ye really doesn't feel anything?"

Of course, Gui Yanye couldn't ask such words, especially when Gui Xin and Ito Zhi were both present.

Since Liu Shengxia Ye can behave like this, then Gui Yanye also thinks that she can, so he slowly relaxes.


After breakfast, Gui Yanye and Liu Sheng Xia Ye sent Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little girls to their school.

At the school gate, I met Ii Uzuki's mother and daughter.

After Jing Yi Uzuki saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye and his party again, he trotted over to say hello to Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yanye, and then got mixed up with Gui Xin and the two little lolitas.

After knowing that Yagyu Xiaye really made a lunch box for her, Jingi Uzuki bowed to Yagyu Xiaye and said, "Thank you, Brother Xiaye."

"You just need to help take care of Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi in the school, and of course you have to be positive." Liu Sheng Xia Ye reminded.

"Well, I remember."

"Okay, you go to the school quickly, the bell will ring later."

"Big brother, goodbye, you must pick us up today."

"Yes, you must come to pick us up."

"Xia Ye, goodbye, big brother."

Yesterday Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not come to school with Gui Yanye to pick up Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, which made the two little lolis feel a little bit big, so I reminded them again when we parted today.

And Jingi Uzuki also said goodbye after that, and then walked towards the school gate together with Gui Xin and Ito Yuki, without even saying goodbye to her mother.

"Yan Ye, Liusheng-kun, thank you for taking care of Uzuki." Because of the previous reminders, Jingyi Uzuki's mother knew that Yagyu Xiaye didn't want her to use her honorific title every time.

"Because Uzuki performed very well at home on weekends." When communicating with outsiders, Gui Yanye's state is obviously different from when facing Yagyu Xiaye.

"Let's go first, and we have to go to school." Now that Gui Yanye has explained the reason clearly, Liu Shengxiaye has no intention of continuing to explain. After saying sorry to Jingyi Uzuki's mother, he and Gui Yanye They turned around and left the school of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.


On the tram to Sakakino Academy, Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye did not meet the gay couple Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong as they did yesterday.

This is also good, at least the air you breathe should feel cleaner.

I didn't meet those two people at the school gate, but there were two other people who seemed to be waiting for the arrival of Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye at the school gate.

"Xia Ye, classmate Yan Ye, you really came to school together."

"Student Liusheng, classmate Gui."

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