"I also want to study well in school, so I won't do unnecessary things." Regarding Miki Sawa's guarantee, of course, Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong will take the initiative In the case of offending him, if the two of them really don't know how to restrain themselves, Liu Shengxiaye doesn't mind letting them taste the taste of ruin.

Although Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto didn't have any names at this time.

"Teacher Zeyong, I need to go back to self-study." After responding to Zeyong Miki, Liu Shengxia also proposed to leave.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's been a long time since this self-study class, and it's almost time to end the get out of class now.

Faced with Yagyu Xiaye's farewell, Zeyong Miki nodded in agreement, because she stopped Yagyu Xiaye and had already got the answer she wanted.What she is going to solve now is the matter of Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito. If these two people are disobedient and really commit suicide, Miki Zeyong knows that it is useless for her to beg Yanagi Natsuya again.

I really hope those two guys can change.


When Yagyu Xiaye just returned to Class [-] of the first year, the self-study class was over. When Xiaye Yagyu walked into the classroom and just arrived at the seats of Kato Otome and Nanami Ganluji, she was given a call by the students of Class [-] of the first year. Surrounded.

Basically, they were asking Yumiko Sakai why she asked Yagyu Natsuya to go out. Facing the concern of these students, Yagyu Natsuya was very grateful.

After repeatedly saying that there was nothing wrong, these students believed what Liu Shengxia said.

"Xia Ye, are you going to Guang's house on Saturday?" Kato Otome asked.

Obviously, the news about Kato Otome came from Saiyuanji World or Kiyoura Setsuna. Of course, the Saiyuanji World may want to be bigger.

"Yes, I heard that Kuroda's father was injured. I have to go and have a look. After all, I learned how to make western cakes there." Qihai and the other two were also there, so neither of them felt that there was any problem with Yagyu Xiaye's reason for going to the bakery.

"Setsuna and the world are going, so Qihai and I will also go that day." After Kato Otome confirmed the news, she also revealed her plan with her friend Ganluji Nanami.

"Shouldn't you be training?" Yagyu Xiaye agreed with the friendship between Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami's friendship with Kuroda Hikaru.

However, now Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami should train with the basketball team as Yagyu Natsuya said. They stayed after school yesterday for extra practice, not to mention Saturday.

"Don't worry, we just need to maintain our form. And before the start of the county competition, we won't play any more invitational tournaments, whether we are active or passive." Ganluji Qihai answered Yagyu Xiaye's question.

"If there is no problem with this, let's go together on Saturday." Since the backbones of the two basketball clubs think there is no problem, of course Yagyu Xiaye will not have any objections.

"Is your deskmate going?"

After the sports meeting, maybe when they met Gui Yanye alone, Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai would call Gui Yanye's name.However, when facing Liu Shengxia Ye alone, they still referred to Gui Yanye as Liu Sheng Xia Ye's deskmate.

Although Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai's attitude towards Gui Yanye made Yagyu Xia Ye feel a little helpless, they didn't mean to change.

Because now Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai no longer actively target Gui Yanye, and Yagyu Xiaye's goal has also been achieved.

"Yan Ye won't go."

Yagyu Xia Ye understood that after knowing that Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna would go to the bakery, she would not go to the bakery with him, let alone Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami. went together.

Gui Yanye's refusal to go is also a relief to Ganluji Qihai and Kato Otome, because if Gui Yanye goes, they don't know how to face Gui Yanye.

If they had a better attitude, even if they stopped taking the initiative to target Gui Yanye, they would still be unable to do so. This can be seen from the fact that Gui Yanye was called Liu Shengxiaye's deskmate just now.But if the attitude is bad, it may affect the impression of the two of them in Liu Shengxia Ye's eyes. Now that Gui Yanye is not going, it is a good thing for them.

"See you on Saturday then."


After speaking, Liu Shengxia Ye walked back to his seat.

And Gui Yanye didn't ask what Yagyu Xiaye, Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai said just now. If Yagyu Xiaye was willing to tell her, he would definitely tell her.


Gui Yanye knew what Liu Shengxia Ye and Ganlu Temple Qihai had said at night.

"Xia Ye, are you going to Kuroda's bakery?"

"Yes, Kuroda-san's father seems to be injured, I have to go and see anyway."

"Well, then I will watch them at home on Saturday and be careful. It may not be good to take the three of them to the bakery." Gui Yanye did not ask to go to the bakery with Liu Sheng Xia Ye Hikaru Kuroda's father.

If only Liu Shengxia Ye planned to go alone, even if there was an extra Jing Yi Uzuki, Gui Yanye would also plan to go.

But after Yagyu Xiaye knew that Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, two of Kuroda Hikaru's friends, were also going together, Gui Yanye had no idea of ​​going.

The current status of Kato Otome and Kato Otome is basically the same. Although Gui Yanye now has a certain status in the fourth class of the first year, she has not actively provoked Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami. past girls.

Whether it is useful or not is one thing, the most serious thing is to let her own impression collapse in the eyes of Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi need your help."

On the first weekend after he just came back, he will go out. Xiaye Yagyu needs to do some ideological work for Gui Xin and Ito Zhi. Not to mention the two of them.As for Jingi Uzuki, it's simple, because she and Ito Yuki have different attitudes towards Yanagi Natsuya, so there is no need to take the initiative to explain.

"Well, I will help." Facing Liu Shengxia Ye's request, Gui Yanye did not refuse, and then said: "I'll go and see how Xinxin and Xiaozhi's homework is doing, and I will give it to you later. You put the water in."

Now Gui Xin and Ito Zhi are doing homework in the living room, while Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye are cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

Gui Yanye did not dare to stay alone with Liu Shengxia Ye for a long time, because she was afraid that she would lose control of herself and continue what happened last night with Liu Shengxia Ye.

Liu Shengxia Ye also noticed Gui Yanye's concerns, so he didn't stop Gui Yanye from leaving.

Because he felt that the relationship with Gui Yanye was getting better slowly.

Gui Yanye left the kitchen, and after Liu Sheng Xia Ye cleaned up, he began to drink the decoction again.

Author's message:

Thank you for the hanging silk, the moonlight in the dark night, it's me, waiting for a deal, and the monthly ticket support of Little Nemesis, thank you.

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