Because like going to Kuroda's bakery to help yesterday, Yagyu Xiaye hasn't mixed drinks for a long time. If he is not prepared, he may make a mistake when he suddenly goes up in the afternoon.

"Thank you." Erjo Wakaba said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

The thanks here are not only for Liu Shengxia Ye's help to Radish today, but also Liu Sheng Xia Ye's disregard for her two daughters.

Last week, Nijo Ichiyo and Nijo Erye often came to Radish to hang out. After being rejected by Yagyu Xiaye, it seemed that they were about to resurface.

Fortunately, last week, Yagyu Xiaye never came to Radish once, and the enthusiasm of Yiye and Erye also disappeared a lot. At least the two sisters did not come to Radish again this week.

Erjo Wakaba didn't know that Yagyu Xia Ye didn't come to Radish last week because he went back to Yagyu's house and went to Sacred Maple College as an exchange student. To Yagyu Xiaye, and Liusheng Xiaye still remembered the promise to her, so he never came to Radish.

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't understand the second meaning in Erjo Wakaba's words, so she walked towards Radish's bar without paying any attention.

"Senior Yuanfan."

Yagyu Xiaye respected Yuanfan Tanizaki and Kuroda Hikaru's father.

Because everything Liu Sheng Xia Ye learned was introduced by them.

When seeing Yagyu Xiaye come in before, Yuanfan Tanizaki thought that Yagyu Xiaye would leave the three little lolis here like before, and then he left alone.

Now seeing Liu Shengxia Ye approaching, he knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye planned to stay and help.

"Yagyu-kun, you probably know from the store manager Erjo that I'm going to ask for leave in the afternoon, so I'll leave the afternoon to you." Yagyu Xia Ye came out with Erjo Wakaba just now, so Yuanfan Tanizaki guessed that Yagyu Xia Ye already knew that he was going to ask for leave, and Yuanfan Tanizaki was very trustworthy about Yagyu Xia Ye's strength.

If Yagyu Natsuya came to work here after graduation, Genban Tanizaki would face the fate of being laid off.

However, Yuanfan Tanizaki also knew that it was impossible for Yagyu Xiaye to come to work here, so his job would be guaranteed as long as there were no major accidents.

Yagyu Xia Ye nodded, expressing that he knew about his leave, and then said: "Yes, the store manager Erjo told me. But I need to come over now to get acquainted. Senior Yuanfan, you won't mind."

"Of course I am willing to have you to help share some of the burden. Let's wash your hands first." Regarding Yagyu Xiaye's suggestion that he wants to work now, Genfan Tanizaki is very welcome. There will definitely be a little more, and Yagyu Xiaye's image is much better than his, so it can attract some customers who have just entered or come here for the first time.

"Okay." Liu Shengxia Ye pushed open the small door, walked into the bar where the bar was bartending and washed his hands.


With the bartending skills of Yuanfan Tanizaki and Yagyu Xiaye, more people came to the bar to order drinks, and both of them handled it very well.

At noon, there was a certain period of rest, and the waiters needed to eat lunch, but Yuanfan Tanizaki did not stay to eat, and directly started the afternoon vacation.

After Ertiao Ruoye saw that Liu Shengxia Ye was helping in the front, all of them came back to help Liu Sheng Xia Ye to take care of Guixin's three little girls.

However, when Erjo Wakaba was surprised, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolis, were very active in Radish, but they controlled them very well.Of course, there is also the reason for Jingyi Uzuki's existence. This little girl is so mature that she is more reassuring than her two daughters.

Erjo Wakaba used to eat lunch with Radish's waiter, but today, with the arrival of Guixin's three little girls and Liu Yuxia Ye, Erjo Wakaba decided to cook a lunch himself.

However, Gui Xin's three little lolitas are waiting for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to cook for them after get off work.

"Shop Manager Erjo, I'm sorry, but be careful that their taste might be a bit strange." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye came in, he also heard Gui Xin's three little girls rejecting Erjo Wakaba's lunch, mainly Gui Xin and Ito Zhi. people.At the same time, Yagyu Xia Ye also felt that the two habits of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi needed to be slightly modified.

"It's okay, actually, I've always wanted to see Liu Sheng-kun's cooking." Being rejected by Gui Xin and others, Erjo Wakaba must have been a little bit shocked. You must know that when she was at home, her two daughters were Said she cooks the best food.

Moreover, when she practiced her culinary skills in Qingpu Setsuna and Xiyuan Temple World, she occasionally went to watch and give pointers.

Knowing that the main purpose of Qingpu Setsuna is to be able to make a bento that can be eaten by Yagyu Xiaye, and to provide help when Yagyu Xiaye needs help.

That means that Yagyu Xiaye's cooking level is higher than that of Kiyoura Setsuna and Saiyuanji World.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

But Erjo Wakaba still thinks that this is the praise of Yagyu Xia Ye by Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna, but now the expectations of Guixin's three little lolitas have made Erjo Wakaba change his opinion, so he won't be able to deceive Xiao Ye Lolita.

There was not much time for lunch, so Yagyu Xia Ye started to go to Radish's kitchen after promising to cook for the three little girls.

Fortunately, the kitchen has the materials used by Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna to make bento, and Yagyu Xiaye can make lunch very quickly and easily.

"Now I finally believe what the world and Setsuna said, no wonder they all try to improve their cooking skills." Erjo Wakaba didn't eat with the waiters outside, and used to eat with the three little loli.

And she didn't say anything against her will, because her own cooking level is not low, otherwise she wouldn't give them advice when they were trying to cook in Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna.

However, Yagyu's summer night lunch made Nijo Wakaba feel that there was nothing to be picky about.

If it weren't for the fact that Yagyu Natsuya was already entangled with Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna, maybe Nijo Wakaba would really support her two daughters in launching a love offensive against Yagyu Natsuya.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't eat much for lunch at all, and after he left, he gave it to the three little lolis and Erjo Wakaba.

Coming to the front, it was still time to rest, Yagyu Xiaye entered the front desk and began to count the number of wines in the counter behind to see which ones needed to be replenished.

Genfan Tanizaki asked for leave in the afternoon, so the bartending in the afternoon was entirely up to Yagyu Xia Ye, so he had to be fully prepared.

Fortunately, Yuanfan Tanizaki should have checked it, and he can complete the work of bartending in the afternoon without restocking Yagyu Xiaye.

After Liu Sheng Xiaye finished checking, it was almost time to open for business in the afternoon.Ertiao Ruoye was still the same as in the morning, taking the three little lolis behind to watch Gui Xin, so that Liu Shengxia would not have to be distracted.

Without Genfan Tanizaki, the bartender, the atmosphere in Radish has not deteriorated, because the person who replaced Genfan Tanizaki was Yagyu Natsuya, who had worked part-time in this store, and they also knew the strength of Yagyu Natsuya. very clear.

Yagyu Xiaye was at the bar, waiting for customers to order wine, and handing wine from the counter to the waiter outside.

It’s a bit strange to say that few people came to order drinks at the bar this afternoon. I don’t know if it’s because the original bartender Yuanfan Tanizaki disappeared.

However, the waiter working in the store didn't have any complaints about Yagyu Xiaye, because even when Genfan Tanizaki, the royal bartender, was there, such a situation would occasionally happen.

Radish's door was pushed open again.

It was a woman who came in, and Liu Shengxiaye was surprised that this guy was wearing a white coat, but he didn't look like a nurse working in a hospital.

A waiter wanted to go over and ask her who was there, but she waved her hand to signal to leave, then went straight to the stool in front of the bar and sat down.

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